CNN 2012-01-30(在线收听

 Derrek Brookes doesn't have a great throwing aram,he was a line-backer on that Temperbake title team won the the campionship in colleage 2 when he played forward state.While he was tackling quaterbacks on the field, Brookes also tackling enducation of it.I had a chance to talk with him not too long ago about the charter school he helped found and the temp of Florida area and his life's mission to education students.

There are lots of different ways that athelets and celebrity choose to give back,what made you want to co-found the charter school.
The targetfor me that drove me more than anything was the opportunity to affect more than 35 to 50 kids that was qualified to their charity.We can expand our audience and I'll have oppurtunity to be in one buliding,four-years buliding our relationship with our students.And really have an oppurtunity to produce the next best citizen I can.
What harder to do ,to co-found the charter or to win the super bowl?
I would say each has its challenges and I would definitely say start in the charter school is     I would say harder,when you start in a charter from scretch you have to overcome a lot of hurdle , you know what to do it,just a simple education.Part of it,we have to get it approved,we went in with an ecodemic ,a gender that we want it to put kids in colleage. 
When it comes to education that you encourge among students,I mean you played in every single game with Temper base started 221 times out of 224 games.Does it help you encourge perfect  XXX?
It does allow me my professional career showed them a model the of consistency. And you have show out everyday,you showed out everyday you'll be rewarded.
There are a number of students in our target Audience who talked to us about how they are hoping to play professional sports with XX  ,basketball ,baseball or football.Such a tiny flastion,such a tiny XX has the God given talent needed to play professionally,what would you tell those students ? How do you encourge them to have a backup plan.
I tell those students that they had a better chance of becoming a doctor and winning a lottery.
That's the reality.
That's the reality of what it is.And I don't really look at education as a backup plan.That's another thing that I tell kids, Hey sports ,needs to be your backup plan.Education is prior No.1.
I just want to know in your worlds what's the most important thing about education?
Most important thing about education is used person have to take advantage of it.And education to me is the one road that you can go down ,enlight  XX you that you want.Because what they said ,in bussiness career,in sports career and whatever you do,education is gonna be on that road of success .
That's great stuff,you can check out more my conversation with Derreck Brooks in the spotlight section in our homepage.
Before we go, we're heading to an Ohia farm,although based on how relaxed these cows look,it might be more like a SPA.You may think these L   ladies just being lazy but it's hard to blame them for laying around all day.They are laying on this, to  XX water bed.The farm owner says the movable matris helps the cow produce higher quality milk by make their sleep over standard  a little high.Because once they slept on the water bed,there is no way they are going to be happy crashing on the counch.You may think the idea of Matris helps milk producation is utterly ridiculous but it turns that farm into cozy bed and breakfast.  Milken story for all week, time for us.
Hope you have a great weekend for CNN student new.