SSS 2012-01-23(在线收听

 Lots of studies suggested limited quantities of alcohol, like one drink a day can benefit your cardiovascular helth. But for the tiny worm C. elegans, dilute b is a valuable f of ease. It actually doubles their lifespan, according to a study in the journal Public library of sicence one. The researchers discovered the alcohol effect by accident. In an earlier study they thought it was a dose of colosal that extended the worm’s lives, but after review, they realized that the true agent was the weak acohol solution that colosal was  dissolved in. Starving worm larvae that ususally live ten days could survive 20 to 30 in the presence of alcohol. And a watery drink like that is equivalent to one beer pouring into 100 gallons of water. The authors aren’t sure what’s behind the alcohol outcome. It could be a life-saving energy source for the worms, or it might foot the switch that up the worms’ stress resistence. We humans do share some chemical signaling pathways with worms, the insulin response for example. But the researchers say assuming a similar longevity effect for us is a dangerous road to go down, especially after drinking.
