冀教版小学英语(三起)--第四册 UNIT 2-Lesson 12 Rain and Sun 雨和太阳(在线收听

UNIT 2 Days and Months 日和月
Lesson 12 Rain and Sun 雨和太阳
1.What is it?这是什么? This is the sun.这是太阳.
The sun is hot.太阳很热. This is cloud and rain.这是一片云和雨.
The cloud is above.云在上面. The rain is below.雨在下面.
This is wind.这是风. The wind is blowing the tree's leaves.
This is snow.这是雪. Snow is cold and white.雪很冷而且是白色的.
2.Let's sing a song! ...
