访谈录 2012-01-11&01-13 水果妞和拉塞尔·布兰德离婚始末(在线收听

 - We have some not so happy news that the divorce of Katty Parry and Russel Brand.What happened there?

-Yeah.There was trouble for quite some time.They were very different people.Of course ,you know, Russel has dealt with sex addicition and drug addictation and he is very serious about this recovery.Katty Parry,very young ,exzuberant. She still likes to party .And that was some of the clashes began for them.You know ,she had this wild persona which she loved but on the inside she was still that kind of good christian girl from California. So they had a lot of battles when it comes to what kind of personalities,what really like at home.  
-And yet, *fit* with her sort of  very conservative christian family?
- Wow ,no.Not exactly.He really liked Katty Parry 's wild side and he doesn't like all the time so he got bored very quickly.Now so far we don't think there is any third parties involved but he is tired of their lifestyle .She was away a lot.He really wants someone near with him day to day.That's what her career calls for ,she is on the road.
-Yeah so sad,they were married just a little over a year,right?
-They were married for 14 months and they got engaged after knowing each other for just three months. So it was a very quick quick relationship.
-I was sad about that.I like them as a couple .I thought they were cute together. So I am sad about that .But another sad demise to a fun Hollywood couple  Demi Moor ,Ashiton ,more and more is coming out about how he was cheating on her. 
- Right .This story is just *.Over the holiday ,he went to Italy with Fran Gafaria.She is a writer ,director who he met about a year ago.And they were very intimate during their vacation.They had a lot of fun together. When Demi got a wind of this,it just hurt.It just plunged the night in ,further and twisted .She is very hurt by their breakup.She was devastated by Ashiton's cheating .And with this particular woman,it sounds as though it is not a fling .It looks like they are actually having a relationship.And that's very hurtful to her.
-And were there any indications that they've got together before ot?
- They had met a year earlier. Last winter, actually ,when Ashiton  auditioned for one of her movies,so it was not quite sure exactly when they started becoming more than friends .But it looks like it's more than a flirting relationship.
-How's Demi taking all of this?
-Well ,she is very sad. It was depressing and it was embarrassing for her.And she just wishes the whole thing would just go away that she wasn't doing it.
-Absolutely.And let's finally talk about Bradley Cooper and his new A-list girlfriend Zoe Saldana.He just seemed to go for one to the other.
-I know .New Year.New A-list girlfriend for Bradley.Zoe Saldana.They met when they were filming from * Walz.She wasn't engaged at the time .So they didn't quite get together but there was definitely flirtation and attraction.And things just kind of --
-I guess the earlier engagement fell apart?
-Yeah ,she broke up with Riance and then they spent New Year together .They were making out ,holding hands,very lovely dubbies.So this is definitely a real attraction thing not a sad thing.This is out in the world.
-All right,another hot Hollywood couple fall apart.Thank you so much.