访谈录 2012-01-31&02-02 西蒙·贝克尔专访(在线收听

 I had a spine operation. That was, that was a, from probably I was told actually from...at the age right...I broken my back at some point between 16 and 20.

And how do you think what you didi that injuried yourself?
He asked me that he said "Was there any specific incident that you can recall may have caused this tromtumse spine? "And I just laughed, because it's just 5, 6 or 7 even more...I mean, I saw there were lots of incidents. There is few that I even remeber that tingling feeling.
Yeah, from surfing, football...I'm healed!
But if you, you have to put your money on one episode, do you think? Yuo know what it maght have been broke your back?
There was a incident when I was hanging on with 2 other friends to the roof exercise at a friend's car. And he cornered a hole. Wrech came off.