万花筒 2011-07-13&07-14 美德州妇女产下史上最重男婴(在线收听

 Ten little fingers, ten little toes. But little JaMichael is anything but little. 

"They call him 'Moose' up there."
Michael Brown says he's okay with his son's new nick name. 
"Well, doctor told us he's going to be about 12, but when he pulled him out, it was a different story." 
JaMichael came into the world with a head full of hair, he weighed at 16 pounds, 24 inches long with a 17-inch chest. The biggest baby born at Good Shepherd Hospital in Longview. 
"I'm just excited that he's here." 
Mom Janet tells us this is her fourth child. Her largest weighted in at 8 pounds, that was until this morning when JaMichael arrived after a scheduled cesarean section. 
"'So this is it, no more now."
"Wow, this is really going to be big. All we can see was big cheeks."
The nurses are cautiously excited about the newest addition to the maternity ward. They are trying to get little JaMichael's blood sugar levels up. He's also not breathing on his own,right now. His parents say they are grateful for everyone's prayers and support. 
"Just hoping he'll be healthy."
Dad says he sees football in his son's future.
Leo Livingston, KO TV, Seven News.