万花筒 2011-08-19&08-21 恐怖分子向美国脱口秀主持人发死亡威胁(在线收听

 We will begin with that death threat against David Letterman made on an al-Qaeda website. Jonathan Dienst from WNBC, the NBC station here in New York, is here with the details. Jonathan, good to see you.

Good morning. 
I know David Letterman was informed of this threat came on Tuesday. What exactly was the threat? What prompted it? 
Well, there was this al-Qaeda website overseas that Jihadist post threats and rants and one of the threats was posted to "cut the tongue of this lowly Jew and shut it forever". And this was because Letterman had been making jokes about Bin Laden and some of his heir apparents who have been killed by the US military. Letterman is not Jewish, nonetheless, the FBI and the NYPD take threats like this very seriously, felt it was important when they learned this being on the website, to alert the comedian and take some extra security precautions. But get no specific plot. 
Yeah, and I was going to follow up with that. I mean, obviously they want to in an abundance of caution look into it, but they are not saying that this is a credible plot, or that this individual had taken any steps to execute this threat. 
That's exactly right. No specific plot. But the concern is, look, there is chatter out there and will a loan actor act based on rhetoric that is posted on a known al-Qaeda website. That's the concern. But nothing to indicate the person posted this is a real terrorist, is a real al-Qaeda leader, it could be a lone nut.They don't know yet. So they are investigating, trying to find out. 
Because you mention this is a real al-Qaeda website? One official called that the premier forum for al-Qaeda. 
It has been uesd in the past to make specific and real threats. It also claimed responsibility that al-Qaeda was behind the Norway attacks. So there has been real stuff on there, there has been fake stuff on there. So...
And you can never be too careful. Jonathan Dienst, thank you so much.