万花筒 2011-09-09&09-10 肥胖问题贻害无穷(在线收听

When you talk about government policy needing to intervene and make these changes that are necessary to change the trends. Yes, they have to. They are not going to have a choice because what we are going to have is a nation. We are going to have a nation that's dying sooner than it should at least 15 years younger than it should. We are going to have people, the escalating numbers of diabetes and hypotension and sleep apnea. All these sorts of diseases are going to come on in our youth much earlier than projected as a matter of fact. The studies have already shown that it's happening. So if we are getting worse with obesity rates, we are getting sicker as a nation. And if we are getting sicker as a nation, we are not going to be good for ourselves or anyone else.
