万花筒 2011-10-11&10-13 纪念辛亥革命100周年(在线收听

 China's leaders past and present enter the country's parliament to soaring patriotic music. They are celebrating the 100th anniversary of Xinhai Revolution, which ended two millennia of imperial rule. President Hu Jintao called the revolt - led by Sun Yatsen - a turning point in Chinese history. 

"It was a thoroughly modern, national and democratic revolution. The revolution of 1911 greatly freed the minds of the Chinese people, opened the flood gates for progress in China and explored a path for the development and progress of the Chinese nation."
He also used the event to repeat calls for reunification with self-ruled Taiwan, which also celebrates the Xinhai revolution. 
"Mr. Sun Yatsen once said, 'Unification is the hope of all Chinese people. With unification, the country's entire population will benefit; without unification, everybody will suffer.Realising unification by peaceful means best serves the fundamental interests of all Chinese people, including our Taiwan compatriots." 
The revolution began on October 10, 1911 and eventually led to the collapse of the ruling Qing Dynasty.
Andrew Raven, Reuters