万花筒 2011-11-12&11-14 流感知多少?(在线收听

 After getting your flu shot, did you know it takes about two weeks to develop an immunity? It’s true. You can test your knowledge on more flu facts by taking this quiz. Here it goes.

True or false: The flu isn’t serious. 
That’s false.
You can have complications secondary from the flu which could manifest as a bacterial infection…  pneumonias, bronchitises, stuff like that. 
Flu viruses are contagious.
That’s true. 
You come a contact with somebody who has the flu.You have about three or four days of incubation before you have it.  So you more than likely will sneeze or wipe something or touch something and spread it, and that's how it kind of goes like a wildfire.
If you do get the flu, ride it through.
Once you have the flu, you will pretty much you have the flu. And it’s pretty much your body is going to ride itself out until overcomes the flu virus. So treat it symptomatically, if you have a cough, of course, use kind of cough medicines.
You can protect yourself against the flu. 
Ask about FluMist as alternative to the shots, and for information, including which type of vaccine is suitable for you, go to flu.gov for today’s health minute.
I’m Susan Hendricks.