英语听力:星际动物园 04 More monsters(在线收听

  4 More monsters

  There was a long black nose in front of my face. It was smelling me.

  At first I couldn't understand what was happening.Then I remembered.The monster with teeth!

  I tried to hit the nose but my arm didn't move.Something was wrong with me.My body felt empty and I was hot inside,like a fire.My body ached and my skin was wet all over.

  The big grey monster sat in front of me and it looked at me.

  Then I saw the small monster too.It was lying on the ground.It was hurt.It was very small,just a little bigger than my hand.It had a beautiful soft tail and it made a sad sound:'Eee-eee!'

  I felt two different things at the same time.I wanted to destroy it…but I also felt sorry for it.It was feeling pain,like me.

  I didn't know what to do so I started to cry.

  The big monster lay down next to me with its fur against my skin.I hated the feeling of its fur but my body couldn't move.

  The fur made my skin dry and I began to feel better.I suddenly felt very tired and I was soon asleep.

  I woke up feeling better.I wasn't hot inside and I could move again.

  The big monster sat down with me.I hit it with my hand but I still wasn't strong.I didn't hurt it.

  Then the monster opened its mouth and called:'Hoo-woo!'

  Some time passed.Then more monsters came.More and more.Most of the monsters walked on four legs.A very big one licked me with its tongue.It was a hard tongue,not like my soft tongue.But I felt better afterwards.That monster made a noise like this:'Hee-haw!'

  There was a very small monster that could fly.It had wings and a long hard mouth.It made a noise like this:'Cheepcheep!'

  It cleaned my finger where Eee-Eee had bitten me.CheepCheep's hard little mouth was good at that.

  I must tell the truth.I wanted to take a laser gun and kill all those monsters. They weren't hurting me.They were helping me.They were nice.

  But something in my mind hated them.I didn't want to have to think about them.

  But I didn't have a laser gun so I couldn't destroy them.

  One monster brought me water.Another monster gave me some fruit to eat.A few monsters lay against my body and made me warm.They helped me in many ways but there was something sick in my mind.I still hated them. I will try to explain.For twenty thousand years the Galaxy had belonged to humans.Everything in the Galaxy belonged to us.

  When a new baby comes into a family,the first child hates the baby.The first child wants to be the most important, and to keep everything for itself.It is afraid the baby will take things away from it.

  It was like that with me.I wanted to fight these monsters.I didn't want them living with me,in my Galaxy.

  One day two humans came through the trees.I stood up.I was stronger now.'Oh,thank Earth-and-animals!'I said and ran towards them.

  The humans looked at me with big round eyes. One human was a man with long hair.He said,'Gug-gug-gug!'

  Then he went down on the ground on his hands and knees,like a baby.He ran round me,smelling me.

  The woman said,'Yee-yee-yee!'she jumped up on a branch of a tree.

  They were humans but they were just like the monsters.They couldn't talk to me.

  I started to feel miserable.The monsters tried to give me food but I didn't care about eating.

  The monster that said'Hee-haw!'carried me on its back and we went to a little river.Hee-Haw dropped me into the water.I didn't care if I was clean or dirty,but Hee-Haw kicked water over me and washed me.

  The big grey monster that said'Hoo-woo!'was worried about me.I didn't eat very much and I didn't wash myself.I just sat.

  One day Hoo-Woo came with Hee-Haw.Hee-Haw carried me through the trees and the three of us travelled a long way.Finally we came to a high plastic wall.

  Hoo-Woo pushed open a door in the wall and we went through.On the other side the air was hot and wet and the trees were bigger.There were monsters but they were different.

  Hee-Haw carried me a long way through this forest.In the end we arrived at another plastic wall where there was another door.

  Hoo-Woo opened the door and we entered a long tunnel.At the end of the tunnel was another door.At first Hoo-Woo waited outside this door,looking worried.I looked at the door.What was on the other side?Why was Hoo-Woo so worried?In the end he opened the door.

  I saw a small round room just for a second.Then a terrible bright light came out.After that I couldn't see inside any more;it was too bright.I was very frightened.I felt this fear deep inside me.

  Hee-Haw's head touched the ground.Hoo-Woo's head touched the ground too.I understood.This was their God!I understood because I felt the same fear as they did.

  Hoo-Woo pushed me towards the light.

  4 还有怪物





































