澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2012-03-20(在线收听

 A gunman has shot dead a teacher and three young children at a Jewish school in the French city of Toulouse.The attack happened as the students were arriving at the school,the gunman fled on a scooter.French prosecutors are linking the shootings with two deadly attacks on soldiers in the same region just last week.

A fierce firefight has erupted in Syria's capital,Damascus,killing three rebels and a Syrian soldier.Witnesses say machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades could be heard in the upper market districts of the capital.Meanwhile a team of experts sent by special envoy,Kofi Annan,has arrived in Syria to discuss a possible ceasefire.
East Timor’s President,Jose Ramos Horta,says he will step down in May after failing to win reelection.He finished third behind Fretelin Party candidate,Francisco Guterres,and the former army chief Taur Matan Ruak.The two men will now contest to run-off poll next month.
The federal government's mining legislation has passed the Senate and will become law.The tax will raise more than ten billion dollars over three years.The Opposition is vowing to repeal the mining tax,if it wins government.The new tax take effect from middle of the year.
And the portrait of an aboriginal actor who’s overcome a heroin addiction has won this year's National Photography Prize.Melbourne photographer,Rob McNicol,was awarded the 25,000-dollar-prize for his striking image of Jack Charles. 