

出生于挪威奥斯陆的Kate Havnevik,在伦敦接受音乐熏陶,她14岁时就确立了宽广气息唱法的个人风格,音乐配器以吉他、钢琴和口风琴为主。她2007年在北美发行的个人专辑”黑色玫瑰)”被不少乐评人看好,是极有潜力的新歌手,无论是其外型还是演唱风格都给人深厚的印象。由于Kate在欧洲受欢迎度很高,而且在今年的个人现场演唱会上表现突出.相信她在美国市场能够成功打拼出自己的一片天地。

I know it's late but i wanted to call
No everything is fine
There's nothing wrong
Just needed to talk
I hoped you would answer this time
'Cos I'm so low
Everyone's speeding
but I'm still going slow
And I'm so low
Everyone glows
I see love affairs
But no-one will do
But you
If we could speak
we could have a good row.
which off course I’d win
What I mean is I’m missing you now.
This freedom is wasted on me
