CNN 2012-05-11(在线收听

 Take for an example, bio-diesel fuel can be made from vegetable oil and animal fats, and its chemical make up includes carbin chains, joush worth knows that he didn't learn the chemistry class and  hasn't taken chemistry yet. Brook horper,  a field in the KARE explains this high school sophermore is using his scientific know how . before you impressed by the biology of sixty year old joushy woods,take out the termiology , joushy is quite  intellegent ambitious , description Joushy: I will say brilliance, come on this is science we need proof . what i am doing now is collect the waste oil since really hot waste oil science room

using housing oil that's joush's friend he is just warming up school bus 600 to 700 garlons of oil, using house hold chemicals,joushy can burn that used oil to diesel fuel  a litter smaller carbon chain than regular diesel does.this is just started up, behind his house, we both review company to sell his fuel there is where i grew up now radiculous hunders of accers oil tankers you need one yesterday take high school chemistry