
  19. to keep (one's) nose clean:to keep away from trouble(远离是非,少惹麻烦)

  The newly released inmates are trying to keep their noses clean.
  A law-abiding person needs to keep his (her) nose clean.
  20. to drive (someone) up the wall:to annoy or upset
  The boy is driving his mother up the wall because of his ill behavior.
  If you ask too many questions, you may drive your boss up the wall.
  21. to write (someone or something)off:to throw away or to
  discard(抛弃或者丢弃); to deduct a business
  After a hot argument, she wrote off her boyfriend.
  He will write off the charitable contributions from his income taxes.
  22. to take up with (someone):to date someone or to fall in love with
  After he met her at the bar, he took up with her.
  As she is such a pretty woman, many men would like to take up with her.
  24. to pave the way to (or for):to make the path or to lay a groundwork of
  something (为…… 铺平道路或为……做好准备)
  A good education will pave the way to finding a decent job.
  Early space exploration has paved the way for the current space station.
  25. to paint the town red:to enjoy oneself; to have a good time(尽情享受)
  He is going out tonight to paint the town red. (他今天晚上要玩个痛快。)
  Miss Chen really painted the town red last week with her friends.