澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2012-06-04(在线收听

 The top story today, during the authority said they found no survivors after the plane carried 150 passengers crashed into residential area of the country largest city Lagos. Wittnesses said the plane had been coming a low and making a loud noise when hit the ground just upside the primary city airport. Now during the president Cleide three days National Moaning and ordered the negociation.

A lawyer involved in the aboriginal Mabo cases calling for the significant change to the native title of  legislation. Bride King Coinkuce was one of 80 Mabo' lawyers 20 years ago and as back called for the law's been changed. The fedural government is expected to the change to the native title this week.
Weekend rain is cut ** through west Queensland sprain 100 moderatest. The lands for highways cut between ** and Blacle. With the road has been washed away, police range moderatest to remain patient.
And Queen Elizbeth has a huge river pageant to long the river** to mark diamond jubilee. 10,000 people parked the ** London to watch the flotilla tugs, plagi crusises, dragon boats and **. Organizor say the pageant is the largest thing on the terms for 350 years.