英语摇滚歌曲:Amberian Dawn - He Sleeps In A Grove(在线收听

金属:Amberian Dawn - He Sleeps In A Grove

相关介绍 : 带出古典与金属的强烈衝击,包覆著交响、力道和旋律,一组成立不久却名气不小的乐团,在北欧眾多金属队伍中可谓异军突起的Amberian Dawn,在多为男性主导的摇滚圈中,不仅轻易征服铁汉们站上国际舞台,让全球更多乐迷体验女主音为引导的无穷魅力。
       "悦耳的、戏剧性的、强而有劲的金属风格,搭配有著古典根基的女声",这是来自芬兰的Amberian Dawn形容自己乐曲的主架构,於2006年建造的Amberian Dawn,现任由主唱Heidi Parviainen、吉他/键盘手Tuomas Sepp?l?、贝斯手Tommi Kuri、双吉他手Emil Pohjalainen和Kasperi Heikkinen、鼓手Joonas Pyk?l?-Aho等多达六名成员组织而成,2008年发行首张完整录音室专辑「River Of Tuoni」,衝上当地排行榜之中,更赢得乐迷广大迴响和好评。

歌词 :

Song :He Sleeps In A Grove
Artist :Amberian Dawn

Cold breeze blows in a misty grove
Making dying leaves
fall on the Forgotten one.
Sleeping in a frost-covered ground
waiting for someone to find his lonely grave.

And so did winter come over the grove
with beautiful, pure white snow.
Covering all the tracks of struggle and fight
Of an ending life.

In a grove sleeping
Silently sighing
Lonely, forgotten this wandering soul.

Coldness is creeping
Only one sleeping
In the grove covered with cold winter snow.

Northern winter in darkness and cold
makes the icy tears spring in his lonely soul.
Sitting next to his own frozen corpse
he wishes he could rest and haunt no more.

After the winter came a blooming spring
White wood anemones within.
Where his body rested, flowers turned red
as if marking his bloodstained bed.

In a grove sleeping
Silently sighing
Lonely, forgotten this wandering soul.

Coldness is creeping
Only one sleeping
In the grove covered with cold winter snow.

In a grove sleeping
Silently sighing
Lonely, forgotten this wandering soul.

Coldness is creeping
Only one sleeping
In the grove covered with cold winter snow
