英语摇滚歌曲:Joanna - Let It Slide(在线收听

摇滚:Joanna - Let It Slide

相关介绍 :全名Joanna Pacitti,1984年10月6日生于Philadelphia,Pennsylvania。Joanna很小的时候就在父亲的理发店为顾客唱歌,用挣得的小费去杂货店买些糖果。充满天赋的Joanna很快参加了当地电视台举办的选秀活动。在百老汇的巡回演出期间,她得到了许多登台演出的机会,在国家周年纪念巡回演出里她参与了106场演出,但不幸的是Joanna患上了支气管炎,遗憾不能继续演出,在没有Joanna的情况下,演出依然得到了观众的关注和支持。

歌词 :

Song :Let It Slide
Artist :Joanna

Its a touch without feelings
Its a kiss without love
Its the faith that were loosing
And the truth that we hide

Its a tear without cryin
Its a word with no sound
A smile full of sorrow
And a love we left behind


Keep me from fallin, from fallin
You got to set me free
Free from cryin, from cryin
And now its clear to see
See that Im leavin Im leavin
Cause its time to let me be


Let it slide, let it slide
I know it hurts when I say good-bye
But the time has come
Let me spread my wings
Time to let me fly

Verse 2

Its a room full of silence
Its a day without light
Where anger keeps rising
And theres nothing left to say

Its your face at the window
Its the world passing by
And the love that we shared
And the love we followed
Turned to pain along the way

