金属:歌曲:Go Away(在线收听

金属:歌曲:Go Away

相关介绍 :   来自荷兰的Delain是由前Within Temptation的键盘手Martijn Westerholt所组建的乐队(他的兄弟Robert Westerholt就是WT的光头吉他手,Sharon den Adel的丈夫),成立于2002年,首张专辑[Lucidity]便好评如潮,而且还有Sharon助阵。这是他们的第二张专辑,依然秉承了精良的制作和大牌的加盟,Nightwish的Bass手Marco Hietala在这张专辑的两首曲目里献声。宏大悠远的氛围,流畅大气的编曲,气势磅礴的交响,柔美婉转的哥特旋律,结实的Riff,厚重的鼓点,以及嗓音优美圆润的女主唱Charlotte Wessels,无一不令人感到兴奋。一流水准,不容错过

歌词 :

Song :Go Away
Artist :Delain

Understand, you'll never be
What they expect;
It's out of reach
You're not the kind
To reach that high
It's nothing like you had in mind

Another act, another show you play, realize,
It will not make your problems go away
You cannot act your way out of your daily demise
Get real today to hell, just go away

Understand, the road ahead
Is full of gaps
Gets harder yet
You're not the kind
To lead us blind
It's nothing like you had in mind

Another act, another show you play,realize,
It will not make your problems go away
You cannot act your way out of your daily demise
Get real today to hell just go away

Another act, another show you play,realize,
It will not make your problems go away
You cannot act your way out of your daily demise
Get real today to hell, just go away
