澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2012-07-11(在线收听

 And Euro Zone finance ministers have agreed to lend Spain more than 30 billion dollars to help its troubled banks, they've also agreed to extend the deadline for Spain to cut its budget deficit by one year, minsters need to get approval for the bailout from their own parliaments, they hoped to make the payments by the end of the month.

The former CEO of Barclays bank Bob Diamond has given up a bonus worth up to 30 million dollars after resigning over a rate fixing scandal, Barclays has been found nearly half a billion dollars for attempting to manipulate the rate which banks lend to each other.
The bank's chairman Marcus Agius has told British MPs Mr.Diamond give up his bonus voluntary, he is still expected to receive his salary and benefit worth more than three million dollars.
Let's check the figures on the markets, and the Dow lost 87 points overnight, the Nasdaq and the S&P 500 were also down, where is across Atlantic in London, the FTSE manage to a gain 37.
Checking commodity prices, West Texas Crude close to 84 dollars a barrel, Tapis, close to 102, and gold is trading at 567 dollars an ounce, and the Aussie dollar is buying almost 102 US cents, 83 euro, 66 or 65.5 pence.