英语摇滚歌曲:Amorphis - Sky Is Mine(在线收听

金属:Amorphis - Sky Is Mine

相关介绍 :来自芬兰的 Amorphis 於 1990 年成立,乐队早期所玩的乐风是 Doom 味极重的 Death Metal,带有 Old School Death Metal 及民谣旋律的成份,他们的 Tales From The Thousand Lakes 被推举为一张极成功的 Melodic Doom/Death 大碟。乐队由 Elegy 开始,成员有变动,乐风亦有所改变,续渐地弃用了死腔,风格走向 Gothic Metal 路线, 不过,Amorphis 的音乐质素没有变坏,只与他们的乐队名 Amorphis (Amorphous) 一样,不断的改变,乐队的歌曲亦反映了他们深受六七十年代的乐队映响,歌曲旋律除具民谣感外,亦带有迷幻或 Progressive 的成份,仍然保留了一流的编曲及歌词.

歌词 :

Song :Sky Is Mine
Artist :Amorphis

From my world the sun faded
And the moon from my sky was gone with stars
I came home to a bleak room of sorrow
Forsaken house, place of grief, in solitude

I listened to my heart beating
The faint rush of my blood
I listened to my heart beating
The echoes from space
Something moving in the emptiness
Something drew me near
Someone told me of my future deeds
Whispered them in my ear

The sky stirred
The lights of space flared
Beneath my feet
The living earth started to breathe

I listened to my heart beating
The faint rush of my blood
I listened to my heart beating
The echoes from space
Something moving in the emptiness
Something drew me near
Someone told me of my future deeds
Whispered them in my ear

I listened to my heart beating
The faint rush of my blood
I listened to my heart beating
The echoes from space
Something moving in the emptiness
Something drew me near
Someone told me of my future deeds
Whispered them in my ear
This sky is mine, This sword is mine
This fate is mine, This miracle, mine
This sky is mine, This sword is mine
This fate is mine, This miracle, mine
From steel I made the master's sword
Cleaves stone, cliff, a mountain
From darkness I stepped
Onto the path of stars
