英语摇滚歌曲:Amorphis - Skyforger(在线收听

金属:Amorphis - Skyforger

相关介绍 :来自芬兰的 Amorphis 於 1990 年成立,乐队早期所玩的乐风是 Doom 味极重的 Death Metal,带有 Old School Death Metal 及民谣旋律的成份,他们的 Tales From The Thousand Lakes 被推举为一张极成功的 Melodic Doom/Death 大碟。乐队由 Elegy 开始,成员有变动,乐风亦有所改变,续渐地弃用了死腔,风格走向 Gothic Metal 路线, 不过,Amorphis 的音乐质素没有变坏,只与他们的乐队名 Amorphis (Amorphous) 一样,不断的改变,乐队的歌曲亦反映了他们深受六七十年代的乐队映响,歌曲旋律除具民谣感外,亦带有迷幻或 Progressive 的成份,仍然保留了一流的编曲及歌词.

歌词 :

Song :Skyforger
Artist :Amorphis

Inside this nonexistence
I know very clearly
The directions, all the points
Of every potential quarter
I forge my wisdom
Into an arc surrounding all
I forge my heartbeat
To a dome all heavens wide

I know the sun and the moon
The names of stars
Their movement and purpose
I mark the place of polaris
On these impossible heights

I forge my heartbeat
To a dome all heavens wide
I forge my heartbeat
To a dome all heavens wide
I forge the horizons
I craft them for flowing blood
I forge the places
Precise for sivler, precise for gold

In solitude, I measure out
The range of barren lands
I drain unto the nothingness
The intersecting curves
I look at all directions
I look at one clear point
I see them all come together
I see into the heart
I see into the heart

This here is my place, it is my work
I was made the maker of the sky

I forge the horizons
I craft them for flowing blood
I forge the places
Precise for sivler, precise for gold
I am the maker of the sky
I am the forger of the arc
I am the maker of the sky
I am the forger of the arc
The maker of the sky
The maker of the sky
