Zou defends Olympic gold medal in men's boxing(在线收听

 LONDON, Aug. 11 (Xinhua) -- Defending Olympic champion Zou Shiming of China outscored Kaeo Pongprayoon from Thailand 13-10 to defend his Olympic gold at London Olympics here on Saturday.

Zou, who edged the Irish fighter Paddy Barnes in Friday's semifinal, managed to lead in each of the three rounds. The 31-year-old veteran took the advantage in the first round 2-1, in which both fighters seemed reluctant to attack first.
The second round was much hotter than the first one, as Zou defended his side better than his opponent, ending the second quarter 4-3.
Pongprayoon made effort in the third round to pull the score back, but Zou was more efficient to conclude the round with 7-6, pocketing his third medal and second gold at his three Olympic Games.
"Every match was difficult, both for me and my opponents," said Zou.
"Second gold medal is great for me. I'm enjoying it."
Zou was known as the number one fighter in China, especially after he claimed the bronze medal at the 2004 Olympics. He pocketed three titles from 2005 to 2011 at the World Championships, which put a lot of pressure on his shoulder.
It was possibly the final Olympic show for the father of a one-year-old son. He was to spend more time with his wife and son after going back home.
"I've promised them I would bring back home another Olympics gold, and today I fulfilled my goal," said Zou.
Zou wasn't on his top form before the final. He failed to harvest overwhelming victory in every of his three previous matches, and his breathtaking semifinal raised the worries of the Chinese boxing fans.
"There was too much pressure. Luckily I won the match after all. All I want to do now is to have a very very good rest, " said Zou .