英语摇滚歌曲:Stanfour - Its not over(在线收听

摇滚:Stanfour - Its not over

相关介绍 :Stanfour德国新晋摇滚乐团,成员为Eike, Christian and the brothers Alex and Constantine,四个来自德国小岛屿的大男生怀着共同梦想走到一起,为摇滚事业而歌唱。
2008年年初他们发行了首张专辑 “Wild Life”,该张专辑共收录了13首歌曲。新鲜饱满的声线,庞大的旋律,和充满激情的歌词,使得他们的歌曲风行欧洲广播业,很少有新人乐队能像stanfour的单曲"In your arms"那样狂扫德国电台。他们的名字可能不被知道,但其朗朗上口又强劲有力的歌曲永远不能被忽略!而“For All Lovers”在欧洲广播业的风行,使乐队获得“2007年夏季最佳新人” (青少年杂志,德国)和BR3新人本月(德国广播电台) 。

歌词 :

Song :It's Not Over
Artist :Stanfour

When you were all there
I was loving being nowhere
My inside, outside
Kept on looking for a new high
But now that storm has gone
I know it's never coming back
You know me
Cuz it feels like
You've gotta be in my life
And it feels like
Nobody knows the truth
Only me and you
It's not over
Back then, I would
Try to get with everyone that I could
You've chained me, I'm caught
Gave me everything that you've got
The situation changed
I'm just a player in your game
You know this
Cuz it feels like
You've gotta be in my life
And it feels like
Nobody knows the truth
Only me and you
It's not over
I don't want us to break down
Cuz all the people are so load
I'm just hoping we're strong enough to make it
Cuz it feels like
You've gotta be in my life
And it feels like
Nobody knows the truth
Only me and you
It's not over
Nobody knows the truth
Only me and you
It's not over
