英语摇滚歌曲:The Rasmus - Funeral Song(在线收听

摇滚:The Rasmus - Funeral Song

相关介绍 :来自芬兰赫尔辛基,四个16岁的少年在1994年冬天组成The Rasmus。1996年发行第一张专辑《Peep》迅速席卷芬兰乐坛,打下金唱片成绩,在一年之内举行上百场的演唱会,所到之处无不风靡,而接下来的专辑《Playboys》又是一张金唱片,进而获得芬兰葛莱美奖-EMMA音乐奖的“最佳新人奖”。1999年第三张专辑《Hillofatester》中的单曲Liquid被乐迷和媒体票选为年度最佳单曲。2001年,他们的一首单曲F-f-f-falling被收录在合辑《Hell Of Collection》中,不仅刷下白金销量,还荣登排行榜冠军,成为该年度芬兰最受欢迎的热门单曲之一。同年专辑《Into》成为双白金唱片,并囊括EMMA音乐奖“最佳团体”、“最佳单曲”、“最佳摇滚/流行乐团”、“年度最佳专辑”四项大奖。如今,The Rasmus已征服整个欧洲,并和Red Hot Chili Peppers、Rancid、HIM、Roxette等国际级团体一起巡回演出。

歌词 :

Song :Funeral Song
Artist :The Rasmus

I dumped you again
I don't understand
It's happened before
Can't take it no more

These foolish games
Always end up in confusion
I'll take you back
Just to leave you once again

I died in my dreams
What's that supposed to mean?
Got lost in the fire
I died in my dreams
Reaching out for your hand
My fatal desire

I've failed you again
'Cause I let you stay
I used to pretend
That I felt ok

Just one big lie
Such a perfect illusion
I made you mine
Just to hurt you once again

I died in my dreams
What's that supposed to mean?
Got lost in the fire
I died in my dreams
Reaching out for your hand
My fatal desire
