爵士歌曲:So many people to love(在线收听

爵士:Carly Simon - So many people to love

相关介绍 :   这是这位值得尊敬的老女人,格莱美,奥斯卡,金球奖奖项获得者,她的歌给人感觉犹如一座古堡的地下酒窖中,所蕴藏的陈年美酿,品之,醇厚,温暖,令人沉醉。又带点怀旧的经典爵士味,令人可暂时小憩,闭目聆听。

歌词 :

Song :So many people to love
Artist :Carly Simon

They're praying on bended knees
In their beds and on the dirty streets
Lights are out on all the Christmas trees
Feels like everyone's about to freeze
Makes me worry
Everywhere I look someone's counting on me

So many people to love
And so little time
Gotta hurry
Big girls and little boys
Broken hearts and dreams destroyed now
They need me to make it better
What's an angel gonna do when she needs some lovin' too?
I'm just askin'

They're using their money up
On shiny things no one will ever use
And the ones without can't buy a pair of shoes
Nothing gentle in the Daily News
Makes me worry
Everywhere I look someone's counting on me

So many people to love
And so little time
Gotta hurry
Big girls and little boys
Broken hearts and dreams destroyed now
They need me to make it better
What's an angel gonna do when she needs some lovin' too?
I'm just askin'

Can't find neighbors who are mending fences
From the mansions, to the Hamptons, to the Central Park benches
City folk wearing all their armor
Another St. Nick rings a bell on the corner

So many people to love
And so little time
Gotta hurry
There are big girls and little boys
Broken hearts and dreams destroyed now
They need me to make it better

What's an angel gotta do when she needs some lovin' too?
I'm just askin'. askin'
I'm just askin'
