Obama Re-Election Campaign Hits Fundraising High(在线收听

 Obama Re-Election Campaign Hits Fundraising High

U.S. President Barack Obama's campaign and the Democratic Party have raised $181 million in September for his re-election effort - their highest monthly total yet of the 2012 presidential race.

The president's campaign said Saturday that the money represents donations from more than 1.8 million people.
The fundraising haul surpassed the more than $114 million Obama's campaign and Democrats raised in August and was only slightly lower than the $193 million he brought in four Septembers ago during his 2008 presidential bid.
The announcement follows more good news for the Obama campaign after Friday's jobs report showed the unemployment rate falling below 8 percent for the first time since January 2009, the month the president took office.
With exactly one month left before the November 6 election, Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney are in their final push for support.
Analysts believe the former Massachusetts governor may have narrowed the president's lead in the race after last Wednesday's debate - the first of three between the two candidates. Overnight polling after the debate showed a majority of respondents felt  Romney had won.
On Sunday, President Obama heads to California for a fundraising trip. Romney, meanwhile, was in Florida Saturday, practicing for his next debate with the president on October 16. The two candidates hold their final debate on October 22, while their running mates, Vice President Joe Biden and Republican nominee Paul Ryan, face off this Thursday.