


熟能生巧 (Practice makes perfect)! 在实践中学习才是最管用的,只学不练想提高英语的表达能力收效甚微,而在写作实践中获得的提高是扎下根的技能之树,四季长青。


一、 平时可以练习用多种表达法习作,开心地做一些文字游戏。快乐地学英语。你的进步将是惊人的。高考时可使评卷老师另眼看待。

1、篇章是由句子组成的,好的开端是成功的一半(A good beginning is half done.)要用你所熟悉的、有把握的句型造句,先别追求复杂,新奇的句式!决不要使自己好高骛远!罗马不是一天建立的。上帝创造世界还得用七天呢?


1)、In my trouble you give me a hand, in my sadness, you give me your heart, and you always accompany me.. You are my dearest friends forever.

2)、Only words woven with love can be presented to such a kind Mother like you.

3)、After every birthday, we are one-step farther away from the childhood, one –step nearer to tomorrow!

4)、We use all our lives to realize the finest desire in the minds, even if it is a way that has no end, for the distant place of interest is not far away at all.

5)、Who could imagine such a charming scene after wind and rain? Friendship is the best feeling in mankind.

6)、--- All right, I’ll help you with your homework. Now, if you have five apples and took one away, how many apples would you have?

--- I don’t know. In my class we do arithmetic with oranges.

7)、――—Tom, have you given the goldfish fresh water today?

   ———No mum, they haven’t finished the water I gave them yesterday.

8)、”Please, dear Lady, will you give me two dollars so I can get to see my mother and father?

“Where are your parents, little boy?”

“They are at the movies.”

9)、What do people do in a clock factory?

They make faces all day.

10)、We’ve once fallen in love under the bright moonlight , but I’m no longer wander outside your window, and also I’m no longer walk into the indistinct greenhouse.
