3 Must-Do Strategies for Building Momentum in Life(在线收听

3 Must-Do Strategies for Building Momentum in Life

 “The rhythm of daily action aligned with your goals creates the momentum that separates dreamers from super-achievers.”

I love momentum.
Seriously, momentum is a beautiful thing. Momentum enables you the ability to start thinking clearly, see that your goals are reachable and it gives you a sense of purpose, power and direction.
By building momentum, you are creating a world in which you are more productive, more effective and more efficient. Momentum helps you get over the initial ‘hurdle’ of not being able to start something. Momentum helps build positive thinking and energy to help you progress towards your goals. Momentum gives you belief that you can achieve what it is that you want to achieve.
Did I say that I love momentum? And you should too!
Over the years through working on a number of projects and dealing with a wide range of people, I have learned that there are simply 3 key strategies for building momentum in life. Let’s explore.
1. Just do it
Nike has one of the best slogans ever: “Just do it”. This is THE best method for building momentum in life. Whatever it is that you want to do, whether it is starting that project that you have been putting off, perhaps it’s going to the gym to help you lose that 10 pounds, perhaps it’s writing the first paragraph of your next novel. Whatever it is, the best way to build momentum is to simply take action and just do it!
By taking action, you start to focus your time and energy on the things that matter most. It may feel uneasy at first, but the more time and energy you put into doing it the more comfortable you will start to become with it. Over time, the momentum builds and it feeds upon itself. The more you can ‘just do it’, the more and more momentum you will build, the more comfortable you will be with doing that activity or task and the more productive and effective you will be – always closer to reaching your end goal.
2. Schedule it
Perhaps you can’t do it right now. In fact, of course you can’t do it right now… you’re reading this! But what you can do is schedule some time to do that thing that you have been putting off. Even better, make it a routine.
If you have been putting off going to the gym, schedule it in now. And stick to it. If you have trouble sticking to your schedule and not having the discipline to take action, think of your longer-term goals. Why exactly do you want to go to the gym? How would your life look and feel when you lose the 10 pounds that you want to lose? If this is not enough, don’t be afraid to reward yourself. Reward yourself after each action that you take.
To build momentum, it’s also no good just making an activity a ‘once-off’.
Yes, seriously, do it every day. One of the best ways for building momentum is to schedule 30 minutes every day where you will be dedicated to what it is that you want to achieve. Before you know it, after one week you would have been productive for 3.5 hours! It all adds up. Making it a routine will help embed it as a habit and help it become part of your life.
3. Learn about it
So, maybe you don’t want to do exactly what it is that you should be doing. No worries. What you can do to start building momentum is to learn about what it is that you should be doing.
For example, if you are struggling to get to the gym, pick up a health and fitness magazine and read up on the different exercises that you can undertake at the gym. Learn about the different programs that you can complete or the different classes that you can take part in.
Perhaps you’re struggling to write the first paragraph of your next novel. Take some time out to learn about the topic that you want to be writing about. Pick up the phone and talk to someone about it. Browse a website that describes how to write a novel. Whatever it is, you can learn something about the task which will help you build momentum.
Learning about the activity that you want to pursue creates neural pathways in your brain that helps you build the confidence and knowledge to be able to do what it is that you want to do.
Momentum IS beautiful.
If you want to achieve more in life, be more successful, be more productive, effective and efficient, then you need to consider the 3 key strategies for building momentum.
What strategies have you found useful for building momentum in your life?