

Most psychotherapists would agree that depression is anger and sadness that has been repressed. And it can lead to a state where the afflicted feel there is nothing they can do to change their situation. A hopelessness emerges.

  Another key characteristic is anxiety. But scientists have recently focused on a specific type of worry that is significantly linked to depression. This is anxiety about feeling anxiety. Here a person thinks that something catastrophic is going to happen if they allow themselves to feel anxious.
  The scientists had 94 above-average worriers take a variety of anxiety questionnaires and two tests for levels of depression. But they controlled for worry and generalized anxiety in order to isolate specific anxiety about feeling anxious. The research is published in the December issue of the Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
  The two dimensions of so-called anxiety sensitivity that are most strongly linked to depression are fear of loss of cognitive control and fear of revealing anxious symptoms in public. The other dimensions, fear of respiratory and cardiovascular symptoms showed no link to depression.
  The authors note that current depression therapies focus on depressive symptoms and not anxiety sensitivity. They suggest therapists might want to consider helping people change their perception of anxious emotion, to not see it in such a negative light.
  Of course, this reminds us of Franklin D. Roosevelt's sage words at his first inaugural address: "…let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."
  科学家们让94名焦虑患者(焦虑程度在平均水平以上)参加各种焦虑问卷调查,同时还让他们参加两种焦虑水平测试。不过为了找出感到焦虑而焦虑的特定类型,科学家们的研究控制在一定的担忧类型和一般化的焦虑。该项研究发表在12月份的《焦虑综合症杂志》(Journal of Anxiety Disorders)上。
  当然,这让我们想起富兰克林·D·罗斯福在他第一次总统就职演说中的警言::" ……我表明我坚定的信念:我们惟一不得不害怕的就是害怕本身-种莫明其妙的、丧失理智的、毫无根据的恐惧,它会把转退为进所需的种种努力化为泡影。"
  Repressed: 压制的;抑制的
  Afflict: 折磨;使痛苦
  Hopelessness: 绝望
  Emerge: 出现;浮出
  Characteristic: 特点
  Anxiety: 焦虑
  Specific: 特定的;具体的;独特的
  Significantly: 显着地
  Catastrophic: 灾难性的
  Questionnaire: 问卷调查表
  Isolate: (使)隔离,孤立,脱离
  Cognitive: 认知的
  Reveal: 显示;透露;揭示
  Symptom: 症状
  Respiratory: 呼吸的
  Cardiovascular: 心血管的
  Perception: 感知
  Negative: 负面的
  Sage: 睿智的,贤明的
  Inaugural: 就职的
  Assert: 明确肯定;断言
  Paralyze: 使瘫痪;使不能正常工作
  Convert: 转变
  Retreat: 失败;退却