
   00:47.74]WOMAN (IN DISTORTED VOICE) ; Come on! Stay with me! 振作点!保持清醒!

  [00:52.50]Where do you Iive? 你住在哪里?
  [00:58.10]Hey. 嘿
  [01:01.46]Hey! 嘿
  [01:02.26]Stay with me. 保持清醒
  [01:05.42]Where do you Iive? 你住在哪里?
  [01:11.38]Where do you Iive? 你住在哪里?
  [01:15.18]1 1 Washington Square. 华盛顿广场街11号
  [01:19.14]They don't know where I Iive. 他们不知道我住在哪里
  [01:24.70]Don't-- Don't Iet them track us. 别让他们追踪我们
  [01:28.30]You gotta stay out tiII dawn. 日出前不能出门
  [02:32.90]No! 不!
  [02:37.18]MAN (ON TV) ; Donkey? 驴子?
  [02:39.78]What are you doing? 你在干嘛?
  [02:41.86]I would think of all people you would recognize a wall when you see one. 你应该最清楚围墙用来干嘛吧
  [02:43.86]Well, yeah. But the wall's supposed to go around my swamp, not through it. 是啊,不过围墙是用来 围住沼泽,不是穿过沼泽
  [02:48.62]DONKEY; It is. Around your half, see? That's your half, this is my half. 没差啦 那一半是你的,这一半是我的
  [02:52.18]SHREK; Oh, your half? Hm. DONKEY; Yes, my half. 你的那一半? 对啊,我的那一半
  [02:55.10]I helped rescue the princess. I did half the work. I get half the booty. 我帮你救出公主 没有功劳也有苦劳
  [03:01.34]Now hand me that big old rock, the one that looks like your head. 把像你脑袋瓜子的石头搬过来
  [03:03.50]SHREK; Back off! DONKEY; No, you back off. 滚开! 不,你才滚开!
  [03:06.62](PLATES CLANGING) - 机车的驴子,给我放开! - 你才放开!
  [03:06.70]SHREK; This is my swamp! DONKEY; Our swamp. - 这是我的沼泽 - 我们的沼泽
  [03:11.30]-Smelly ogre. SHREK; Fine! - 超臭的妖怪 - 好吧!
  [03:13.34]DONKEY; Come back, I'm not through with you! 回来,我还没说完
  [03:14.94]SHREK; Well, I'm through with you. 我才懒得理你
  [03:18.62]DONKEY; You know, with you it's always ''me, me, me. '' 你知道吗?你只会替自己说话
  [03:19.70]Well, guess what, now it's my turn. So you just shut up and pay attention! 猜怎么着? 这次轮到你闭嘴,乖乖听我说
  [03:25.62]You are mean to me! You insult me and you don't appreciate anything that I do. 你对我真坏! 不肯定我,还对我人身攻击
  [03:30.98]You're always pushing me around or pushing me away. 你老是欺负我,或是叫我闪边
  [03:32.26]Oh, yeah? Well, if I treated you so bad, how come you came back? 如果是这样 那你干嘛回来?
  [03:38.42]DONKEY; Because that's what friends do! They forgive each other! 因为我们是朋友,要互相体谅
  [03:40.58]SHREK; Oh, yeah. 没错,驴子
  [03:42.02]You're right, Donkey. I forgive you... 我体谅你
  [03:46.06]...for stabbing me in the back! 背后捅我一刀
  [03:50.42]DONKEY; You're so wrapped up in layers, you're afraid of your own feelings. 你心机好重 害怕表达自己的感情
  [03:53.10]SHREK; Go away. DONKEY; See? - 滚开 - 看吧,你又来了
  [03:55.42]Doing it again, just like you did to Fiona... 对费欧娜公主也这么坏
  [03:58.62]...and all she did was like you, maybe love you. 她有样学样 搞不好她爱你
  [03:59.10]SHREK; Love me? She said I was ugly, a hideous creature. 爱我? 她说我是丑陋可怕的怪物咧
  [04:05.66]I heard the two of you talking. 我听到你们在说悄悄话
  [04:06.86]DONKEY; She wasn't talking about you, she was talking about somebody else. 她不是在说你,是在说别人
  [04:20.38]I'm afraid the eggs are powdered. 抱歉,这只是蛋粉
  [04:21.94]ObviousIy you know that. 你当然知道
  [04:24.54]They're yours. 这是你的
  [04:27.02]But I did find bacon, which is about the most fantastic thing in history. 不过我找到培根 史上最棒的食物
  [04:32.70]And some antibiotics in the bathroom. 我在浴室也找到抗生素
  [04:36.58]I put by your pIate, because your Ieg is okay... 我放在盘子旁边,你的腿没事
  [04:37.74]...but it won't be for very Iong if you don't start a course soon. 但是不吃抗生素就会恶化
  [04:44.74]ROBERT; Who are you? 你是谁?
  [04:48.82]ANNA; I'm Anna and that's Ethan. 我是安娜,他是伊森
  [04:57.42]Don't Iet it get coId. 趁热吃吧