VOA标准英语2012--US Immigrants Want Obama to Address Economy, Immigration(在线收听


US Immigrants Want Obama to Address Economy, Immigration

It might seem like another work day in Los Angeles, with people waiting for the bus and drivers stuck in traffic. But the future seems a little brighter, said Justin DeToro, an immigrant and student from the Philippines.

“Tuitions are going up, so I’m really worried about what my future is. But Obama being president gives me higher hope,” he said.

DeToro, like many immigrants in Los Angeles, is undocumented. They cannot receive federal financial aid for school and cannot work here legally. Many support the president and hope he will reform U.S. immigration policy during his second term in office.

Sarah Martinez said she has high expectations for the president.

“That he accomplishes the Dream Act [immigration reform legislation] so all the students that are immigrants can actually have their own papers now. The economy first of all. I think, that he needs to fix the economy,” said Martinez.

Korean American Judy Kang agrees.

“I know that it’s going to be hard, but hopefully [the president can do this]. I know that it’s going to be hard,” said Kang.

Chinese American Peter Wang voted for Obama's challenger, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

Wang said he was thinking of a change after four years - to have a new president lead the United States. But Wang said he is not too disappointed his candidate lost. He said he can see a benefit to Obama being president because he is the first African American president. Wang said the world can see the United States truly is a democratic country, blacks as well as whites can be president, as long as they have the support of the people. 
