
   [00:06.20]You may think this kind of adventure

  [00:10.73]Never may come to you
  [00:15.67]Darling, 16 going on 17
  [00:21.91]Wait a year
  [00:26.82]- I’ll wait a year - Or two
  [00:32.46]Just wait a year
  [00:40.73]Or two
  [01:09.79]What is it?
  [01:13.93]They’ve offered me a commission.
  [01:16.03]I’ve been requested to accept immediately...
  [01:18.84]...and report to their naval base at Bremerhaven tomorrow.
  [01:23.44]I knew this would happen. I didn’t think it would be so soon.
  [01:27.64]To refuse them would be fatal for all of us.
  [01:32.38]And joining them would be unthinkable.
  [01:42.33]Get the children all together.
  [01:44.39]Don’t say anything to worry them. Just get them ready.
  [01:48.56]We’ve got to get out of Austria...
  [01:52.64]...and this house...
  [02:42.02]This strains my back and breaks my heart...
  [02:44.69]...when I think of the children missing the festival.
  [02:47.76]By your announcement we’ll be over the border.
  [02:50.73]Do you appreciate the sacrifice I’m making?
  [02:53.36]You have no choice.
  [02:54.90]I know. That’s why I’m making it.
  [02:58.40]Why doesn’t Father turn the motor on?
  [03:00.77]Because he doesn’t want anyone to hear us.
  [03:07.78]What will Frau Schmidt and Franz say?
  [03:10.55]They’ll be able to answer honestly they didn’t know anything.
  [03:14.28]- Will we be coming back here? - Someday, Liesl. I do hope someday.
  [03:18.75]Are Father and Uncle Max going to push the car all the way to Switzerland?
  [03:50.45]Something wrong with your car, captain?
  [03:53.19]Yes, we couldn’t get it started.
  [04:02.47]Fix Captain von Trapp’s car so that it will start.
  [04:29.13]Excellent, Karl.
  [04:34.33]I’ve not asked you where you and your family are going.
  [04:38.00]Nor have you asked me why I’m here.
  [04:40.34]Apparently we both suffer from a deplorable lack of curiosity.
  [04:44.97]You never answered the telegram...
  [04:47.68]...from the Admiral of the Navy of the Third Reich.
  [04:51.21]I was under the impression, Herr Zeller...
  [04:53.88]...that the contents of telegrams in Austria are private!
  [04:58.15]At least, the Austria I know.
  [05:02.83]I have my orders...
  [05:04.69]...to take you to Bremerhaven tonight...
  [05:07.10]...where you will accept your commission.
  [05:10.47]I’m afraid that’s going to be quite impossible.
  [05:16.51]You see, we...
  [05:18.77]...all of us, the entire family, will be...
  [05:22.71]...singing in the festival tonight.
  [05:25.05]As a matter of fact, we’re going now.
  [05:28.12]We couldn’t possibly let them down now.
  [05:31.22]- I just hope we’re not too late. - Yes.
  [05:34.42]You ask me to believe that you, Captain von Trapp...
  [05:37.56]...are singing in a concert?
  [05:39.43]Believe me, it will be a performance beyond anything even I’ve dreamt of.
  [05:43.90]Like you, Herr Zeller, I, too, am a man of hidden talents.
  [05:50.87]Here, program.
  [05:58.38]It says only the names of the children.
  [06:00.92]It says the von Trapp Family Singers...
  [06:04.45]...and I am the head of the von Trapp family, am I not?
  [06:09.79]And these travel clothes that you’re all wearing?
  [06:14.43]Our costumes, naturally.
  [06:16.23]This night air is not good for the children’s voices.
  [06:25.84]Well, a slight delay in my orders will not be serious.
  [06:32.98]...you will sing.
  [06:35.55]You will all sing.
  [06:37.92]But only because that’s what I want.
  [06:41.32]It will demonstrate that nothing in Austria has changed.
  [06:45.56]And when you have finished singing...
  [06:48.06]...you, Captain von Trapp, will be taken to Bremerhaven.
  [06:52.50]Now, if you will all get into your car...
  [06:55.47]...we will escort the von Trapp Family Singers to the festival.
  [07:00.14]No escort will be necessary.
  [07:02.61]Necessary? A pleasure, captain.
  [07:05.98]After all, we would not want you to get lost in the crowds.
  [07:11.09]Would we?
  [07:31.61]- Sew, a needle pulling thread - A needle pulling thread
  [07:34.01]- La, a note to follow sew - A note to follow sew
  [07:37.11]- Tea, a drink with jam and bread - A drink with jam and bread
  [07:41.15]- A drink with jam and bread - A drink with jam and bread
  [07:44.15]- Jam and bread - With jam and bread
  [07:45.86]Tea with jam and bread
  [07:47.52]Tea with jam and bread Jam and bread
  [07:50.06]Jam and bread Tea with jam, jam and bread
  [07:53.33]Jam and bread Tea with jam, jam and bread
  [08:02.57]- With jam - A, B, C
  [08:06.14]- With jam - Do-re-mi
  [08:09.58]Tea with jam and bread
  [08:13.42]With jam and bread
  [08:15.02]With jam With jam
  [08:16.75]And bread
  [08:47.52]My fellow Austrians...
  [08:52.02]...I shall not be seeing you again, perhaps for a very long time.
  [08:57.96]I would like to sing for you now...
  [09:01.23]...a love song.
  [09:04.77]I know you share this love.
  [09:08.27]I pray that you will never let it die.
  [09:31.93]Every morning you greet me
  [09:38.03]Small and white
  [09:41.37]Clean and bright
  [09:44.74]You look happy to meet me
  [09:50.61]Blossom of snow
  [09:52.68]May you bloom and grow
  [09:56.75]Bloom and grow forever