
   [00:09.54]I’m somebody, somebody 我要成名,成名

  [00:10.50]And nobody’s gonna hold me down 没有人能阻止我
  [00:13.78]No, nobody, nobody, nobody’s gonna hold me down 没有人能阻止我
  [00:19.54]I’m somebody 我要成名
  [00:22.54]It all started on the streets of Detroit, 所有事在底特律的街头开始
  [00:24.62]where three girls named Deena, Lorrell and Michelle 那里有三位女孩 名字叫蒂娜、罗慧和米歇尔
  [00:30.30]dreamed about one day becoming singing stars. 梦想着有一天成为歌星
  [00:31.82]Since their triumphant Las Vegas debut, 自从她们首次于拉斯韦加斯 登台成功后
  [00:36.50]they’ve had No. 1 albums for each of the last six years. 她们连续六年都有登上冠军的专辑
  [00:39.46]And they’re showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon. 而且她们还要再创佳绩
  [00:44.94]But for Deena Jones, none of these exciting events compare 但对蒂娜·琼斯来说 最令她兴奋的事是
  [00:46.30]to the day she became Mrs. Curtis Taylor, Jr. 她成庶君特·泰勒的太太
  [00:51.06]With his wife at his side, Mr. Taylor has built his music empire 得到太太支持,泰勒先生打造了 他的音乐王国
  [00:54.78]into the most successful Afro-American business in the United States, 成为美国最成功的非裔黑人企业
  [01:01.10]producing such sensations as The Family Funk, 捧红了很多家传户晓的偶像 像家家胆小鬼
  [01:03.58]Jimmy Early, 吉米·岳利
  [01:06.02]and the phenomenal Campbell Connection. 当然还少不了独特的 金宝联线
  [01:10.66]Deena Jones has conquered the worlds of music and television. 蒂娜·琼斯更成了 音乐及电视的女王
  [01:15.22]And soon, she hopes to take on her biggest challenge yet, 不久将来,她更会挑战自己
  [01:17.50]the epic, untold story of Cleopatra’s early years 拍摄史诗式,鲜为人知的 埃及妖后前半生传
  [01:20.98]all set to the music of today. 以现代音乐重传演绎传奇
  [01:26.58]No, nobody, nobody, nobody’s gonna hold me down 没有人能阻止我
  [01:30.86]I’m somebody 我是名人
  [01:35.30]Thank you. 谢谢
  [01:48.22]- How’s my beautiful wife? - Curtis. - 我美丽的太太,怎么样? - 君特
  [01:50.42]- I’m not sure how to tell you this. - Tell me what? Just say it. - 我不知应该怎样跟你说 - 说什么,尽管说出来
  [01:52.70]I know how much time you’ve invested in this movie. 我知道你放了很多时间 在这部电影上
  [01:58.38]But I can’t play that part. 但我不能演那个角色
  [02:01.66]I promised you I was gonna make you a movie star, right? 我曾保证会把你塑造成 一个电影巨星,对吗?
  [02:04.34]Cleopatra is gonna get us there. 埃及妖后能让你达到那位置
  [02:04.86]I mean, this is the queen of a nation, not some hooker, junkie, maid. 我的意思是,她是一国之后 不是什么妓女,瘾君子或女仆
  [02:07.90]I know. I know. It’s a very important story. 我知道,我知道 这是很重要的故事
  [02:11.38]Think about all the beautiful black women that ain’t even born yet. 试想想,所有还未出世的 黑人美女
  [02:11.50]And it’s more than you. 就像你那样重要
  [02:13.98]When they grow up they’re gonna say, "I can play any part I want to. 她们长大时会说 "我能够演所有我喜欢的角色"
  [02:17.58]"Look at Deena Jones. She did it." "看看蒂娜·琼斯,她做到了"
  [02:19.98]But it’s ridiculous. Come on. 但这很荒谬
  [02:21.14]She’s 16 years old for most of the movie. 在整出电影里,她都是十六岁
  [02:25.14]Well, baby, you’ll always be 16 to me. 宝贝,对我来说 你永远也是十六岁
  [02:27.42]Maybe that’s the problem. 那就是问题所在
  [02:31.10]Maybe you just don’t see me for who I am. 也许你从来看不清楚 我是谁
  [02:37.66]When I first saw you 我第一眼看你
  [02:42.70]I said, "Oh, my" 我便惊叹︰"噢"
  [02:45.90]I said, "Oh, my, that’s a dream 我惊叹︰"噢,你是我的梦想"
  [02:51.14]"That’s my dream" "你是我的梦想"
  [02:54.54]I needed a dream 我需要一个梦想
  [02:58.94]When it all seemed to go bad 生活越见困难
  [03:03.30]Then I found you 但我遇到了你
  [03:05.18]And I have had the most beautiful dreams 你成为了我最甜美的梦想
  [03:12.74]Any mars ever had 让人梦寐以求
  [03:14.60]When I first saw you 我第一眼看你
  [03:20.58]I said, "Oh, my 我便惊叹︰"噢"
  [03:25.18]"Oh, my, that’s my dream 我惊叹︰"噢,你是我的梦想"
  [03:28.82]"That’s my dream" "你是我的梦想"
  [03:31.82]I needed a dream to make me strong 这个梦想令我一直坚强
  [03:38.18]You were the only reason I had to go on 你令我有勇气一路坚持
  [03:48.90]You are my dream 你就是我的梦想
  [03:52.50]All the things I never knew 你开启了我人生的想象
  [03:57.78]You are my dream 你就是我的梦想
  [04:00.46]Who could believe they could ever come true? 谁会想到 这个梦想竟会实现?
  [04:02.62]And who would believe 谁会想到
  [04:05.94]the world would believe in my dreams, too? 全世界也把你视为梦想
  [04:18.22]When I first saw you 我第一眼看你
  [04:20.70]I said, "Oh, my 我便惊叹︰"噢"
  [04:26.58]"Oh, my "噢"
  [04:30.74]"That’s my dream" "你是我的梦想"
  [04:56.34]- What would make you happy, Deena? - You know. - 蒂娜,我能够做什么令你快乐? - 你知道的
  [04:59.38]We got plenty of time for that. 我们还有很多时间
  [05:01.18]Please, Curtis. Let me have your child. 君特,拜托让我有你的孩子
  [05:13.10]- Magic, read your book. - I’m done. - 玛吉,看你的书 - 都看完了
  [05:15.38]Then read it again! 那就再看一次!
  [05:18.10]Did you look for work this week, Miss White? 这星期你有没有找工作,韦小姐?
  [05:21.94]Mister, you can keep asking me that question. 先生,你可以重复问我这条问题
  [05:24.94]But the answer’s always gonna be the same. 但答案都是一样的
  [05:27.30]The only thing I know how to do is sing. 我能做的事是唱歌
  [05:28.34]And since there ain’t nobody letting me do that no more, 自从那次 再没有任何人让我唱歌
  [05:31.70]no, I did not look for a job. 所以,我没有找工作
  [05:34.90]Have you considered asking the girl’s father for help? 你没有想过 找那女孩的爸爸帮忙?
  [05:39.46]Magic don’t have a father. 玛吉没有爸爸
  [05:50.46]Listen. 听
  [05:52.94]I know you have questions 我知道你心中充满疑问
  [05:57.86]Same ones as me 正如我一样
  [06:00.62]How long has it been? How long will it be? 已经多久? 还要多久?
  [06:05.70]When will come the morning to drive the night away? 晨曦几时来 黑夜何时退?
  [06:11.78]Tell me, when will come the morning of a brighter day? 光明的日子几时来?
  [06:21.10]Patience, little sister 耐心,姊妹们
  [06:25.78]Patience, little brother 耐心,兄弟们
  [06:30.62]Patience, patience, yeah 耐心等待,耐心等待
  [06:36.74]Take each other by the hand 让我们手牵手
  [06:39.58]Yeah, yeah
  [06:43.26]Patience, little sisters 耐心,姊妹们
  [06:47.94]Patience... 耐心…-
  [06:50.54]- It’s from your brother. - Send it back. - 这是你哥哥送来的 - 那送回去吧
  [06:54.38]- There’s cash in here. - You spend it. - 内里是钱 - 那你用吧
  [06:57.38]Effie White, you are a mule. 艾菲韦特,你固执得很
  [06:59.26]Come on, baby, it’s time to go to bed. 来吧,宝贝,是时候睡了
  [07:03.38]Just as stubborn as your mother. 就像你母亲一样固执
  [07:06.26]Go home, old man. 回家吧,老头子
  [07:08.50]Magic, come on, baby. 玛吉,来,宝贝
  [07:10.22]And a mountain to climb 还要攀过高山
  [07:18.46]Patience, patience 耐心,耐心
  [07:22.02]It’s gonna take some time 还要一些日子
  [07:25.94]Yeah, yeah
  [07:28.58]We must walk in peace 我们要和平地前行
  [07:31.46]We got to walk in peace - 我们要和平地前行
  [07:34.34]It’s the only 这是我们
  [07:34.54]Only way, yes 惟一的路
  [07:39.26]If we want to see that morning, yeah 要能看到
  [07:45.62]Of a brighter day 光明的日子
  [07:50.94]Patience 耐心
  [07:51.86]Come on! 来吧!
  [07:53.42]Little sister 姊妹们
  [07:55.74]Patience 耐心
  [07:59.74]Little brother 兄弟们
  [08:03.70]Patience, patience, yeah 耐心,耐心
  [08:07.14]I’m gonna find a way 我们会有方法
  [08:09.66]Nice to see you, Effie. 很高兴见到你,艾菲
  [08:13.34]Patience 耐心
  [08:17.34]Little sister 姊妹们
  [08:20.70]Little brother 兄弟们
  [08:21.30]Patience 耐心
  [08:25.06]- Teddy, get yourself back to the party. - I’m waiting for Deena. - 泰迪,回来舞会里吧 - 我在等蒂娜
  [08:46.70]It’s good. It’s real good. 好,很好的一首歌
  [08:51.30]We wanted to surprise you, Curtis. 我们想给你惊喜,君特
  [08:53.70]This is exactly what I need right now, Curtis. 这正是我现在需要的,君特
  [08:53.78]That’s why we went ahead and recorded it first. 这是为什么我们先行录音
  [08:55.86]It’s what you’ve been always talking about to me, a new sound! 也是你经常对我说的 创新!
  [08:58.58]Still, it’s a message song. 无论怎创新,说教意味仍太浓
  [09:04.90]It tells the truth. People are angry out there. 它唱出事实 外面的人们都有愤怒
  [09:07.18]I’m angry. 我也愤怒
  [09:09.78]My brother’s over in Vietnam fighting in a pointless war, 我哥哥身处越南 正在为那无意义的战争奋战
  [09:11.46]and I’m angry about it. 我也对此生气
  [09:12.78]That’s right, Curtis. 这就对了,君特
  [09:15.38]Isn’t music supposed to express what people are feeling? 音乐不是用来反映人们的感受吗?
  [09:19.02]Music is supposed to sell. 音乐是用来卖钱的
  [09:24.14]Look, don’t worry about it, Jimmy. We’ll find you some new material. 吉米,不用担心 我们会替你找些新元素
  [09:25.62]Deena, I want you to meet this guy out here. 蒂娜,我想你见见出面那个人
  [09:28.58]And about the shirt, you should lose it. It’s messing up your image. 至于那件外套,你应该除下 它把你的形象弄糟了
  [09:38.14]I’m so sorry, Jimmy. 很对不起,吉米
  [09:43.18]Deena. 蒂娜
  [09:59.58]Honey, you don’t need to be doing that stuff right now. 甜心,你现在不需要再吸食那东西吧