
   [00:09.70]I'd like to welcome Tyler Prince, 让我们欢迎泰勒·普林斯

  [00:12.06]president of Beta Omega Rho fraternity. Beta Omega Rho兄弟会的会长
  [00:19.10]Hey, everyone. 大家好
  [00:26.30]I've asked Tyler to come today to talk about a very special project. 我今天请泰勒来讨论一个非常特别的计划
  [00:29.86]So, the plan is... 嗯,计划是…
  [00:30.02]We have a golden opportunity right on Greek Row. 在联谊会建筑建设方面,我们有个黄金机会
  [00:35.14](girl) The Vortex? Where all those freaks live? “涡流居”么?那个怪胎聚集地?
  [00:38.42]That's the golden opportunity? No. -  那就是所谓的“黄金机会”? -  当然不是
  [00:45.46]This is. 这个才是
  [00:48.54]The Witchburn-Prince Greek Life Oenter will soon break ground. 威奇伯恩-普林斯联谊中心即将拔地而起
  [00:52.70]Tyler's parents and my parents have already donated the funds. 泰勒和我的父母设立了一项基金
  [00:56.82]We just need to deal with the current... tenants. 我们只要搞定那些…那些房客
  [00:57.60]I've been assured by the administration that this is a priority for the university for this year. 经校董们认可,今年我们有优先权
  [01:07.42]OK. So text me. 好吧,发短信给我
  [01:10.78]This is silly. When are you gonna stop all this and come back to me? 说这话有点儿傻,但什么时候 你才能不做这些事,回到我身边呢?
  [01:15.38]You dumped me. 你先甩的我
  [01:18.38]It was middle school, what did I know? 那是在中学啊,我什么都不明白呢
  [01:18.54]I thought I was gonna marry a Backstreet Boy. 那时我幻想着能和后街男孩结婚
  [01:21.86]You still could. 你现在也能啊
  [01:22.22]I gotta go pick up the keg. Yeah, well, I gotta go, too. -  我走了,去取啤酒桶 -  那,好吧,我也要走了
  [01:33.50]I wish we had the same size feet. Oh, it's OK. -  我真希望我俩的脚一样大 -  哦,没事
  [01:34.98]Isn't the whole point of this sisterhood thing that they like you forwho you are? 能成为好姐妹不就是因为她们 喜欢你这个人么?(外表并不重要)
  [01:39.54]Um... sure. 喔…没错
  [01:42.50](# "Shake Your Hips"by DVRocks)
  [01:49.66](boy) Ooh, nice. 喔,真靓
  [01:54.46]Welcome to SAU. 欢迎来到SAU
  [01:54.86]Hello. 你好啊
  [01:56.70](sniggers) Hello. 你好
  [02:00.30]Nice. 漂亮
  [02:01.10]Three's company. 三人帮
  [02:04.86]Whoa! 哇!
  [02:07.58]Vortex freak show starring puppet boy. 涡流居的木偶男孩闪亮登场
  [02:07.90]Oh, hang on. 哦,等下
  [02:13.66]Oh, this is an official dork alert, man. 哦,这可是个货真价实的傻冒警报,伙计
  [02:15.02]We got... We got Dork Skywalker.
  [02:16.10](chuckles) 还有傻帽·天行者
  [02:19.38](chuckling) Ooh. 喔
  [02:20.90]Target acquired. 发现目标
  [02:25.58]Incoming Moose missile! 准备挨导弹吧!
  [02:33.22]Hey, you OK? 嘿,你还好吗?
  [02:36.62]I... I... I... 我…我…我…
  [02:49.10]You better keep this. You clearly need the practice! 接着,显然你还得再练练
  [02:53.22](boy) Whoa, dude! 哇,伙计!
  [02:55.70]Oome on, Dinks. 小不点儿,我们走
  [03:02.66]You do realize you just showed up the school's tight end? 知道你刚才用球砸的是校队的边锋吗?
  [03:05.42]I hope he's second string. 希望他只是个板凳队员
  [03:06.70]Tyler Prince. Beta president. 我是泰勒·普林斯,Beta兄弟会的会长
  [03:09.78]Sydney White. No tite. 希德尼·怀特,无衔
  [03:15.74]Sorry. This is Dinky. 抱歉,这位是汀琦
  [03:19.42]But we're gonna be late to ourfirst rush party, so if you'll excuse us... 我们要去参加迎新会,请原谅…
  [03:25.34]Oh, um, maybe he could help us find ourway. 哦,他也许可以为我们带路
  [03:28.46]We're going to Kappa. Mm-hm. 我们要去Kappa
  [03:31.30]All right, ladies. Let me be your Greek guide. 好吧,小姐们,我来当你们的导游
  [03:37.42]Each house has a reputation. 每所房子都有来历
  [03:38.10]There's the Gamma Phis. 这是Gamma Phis
  [03:40.62]They're, uh... perky. (all squeal) 她们…很有活力
  [03:43.10]Very perky. Lots of cheerleaders. 非常有活力,都是些拉拉队长的料
  [03:46.26]And here's Pi Beta Omega. 这儿是Pi Beta Omega
  [03:49.34]Those girls can out-party any fraternity on campus. 这些姑娘们不被任何一个兄弟会所接纳
  [03:53.42]What was the first house? The one with the Junior Tiger Guide? 第一栋房子是什么来头,挨着幼虎营那个?
  [03:56.70]Uh, that would be the Vortex. That's a weird name for a fraternity. - 哦,那一定是涡流居 - 兄弟会怎么用这种怪怪的名字
  [04:01.58]It's not a fraternity. It started off as overflow student housing. 那儿不是兄弟会,它最初是给 那些多出来的学生住的
  [04:03.06]Now it's just kinda there. 现在也差不多是
  [04:08.94]Here's our stop. Kappa Phi Nu. 我们到了,Kappa Phi Nu联谊会
  [04:19.78]Well, thank you for the tour, Tyler. Yeah, th... - 谢谢带我们参观,泰勒 - 是啊,谢…
  [04:23.74]Sydney, you know what? I'm gonna meet you inside. 希德尼,我在里面等你
  [04:24.62]Why? 为什么?
  [04:28.14](mouths words)
  [04:33.78]The illegally blondes... You? Really? 不是纯正的金发…你?真的(要入)?
  [04:37.26]Yeah. I... Is it the shoes? 是啊,是因为我的鞋不好么?
  [04:37.66](chuckles) No. I love the shoes. 不是,我喜欢这双鞋
  [04:41.42]The Kappas are just alitte... intense. Kappa只是有点儿…富于激情
  [04:46.10]Ah. Legacy. Is she all over you about rushing? 原来你是嫡系啊,她帮你入会的?
  [04:46.14]Oh, well, it was actually my mother's house. 哦,它是我母亲创办的
  [04:52.06]No. She... died nine years ago. 不,她…九年前去世了
  [04:53.58]I'm sorry. Oh, it's OK. - 对不起 - 没关系
  [04:59.66]Kappas could use a girl like you. I should know - they're our sister sorority. Kappa会需要你这样的女孩 她们是我们会的联谊伙伴
  [05:04.38]Oh! So we'll be like brother and sister! 喔,那我们就像兄妹一样了!
  [05:09.58]Not in, you know, the related, familial way, 但是,你看,这个,没有血缘关系
  [05:10.54]but, you know, more in the fraternal, sororal... 但你也要知道,比 兄弟、妹姐的情谊还要深…
  [05:13.66]Sororital? Is that a word? Sorry. I kinda tend to overtalk when I'm nervous. - 妹姐?有这词儿么? - 对不起,我一紧张就话多
  [05:19.70]It's a disease, one without a cure. So stop me any time, please. 这是病,还没法治,什么时候 不想听了就让我闭嘴,谢了
  [05:21.60]You're nervous? Oh... No. - 你紧张? - 喔…不
  [05:26.50]No, it's not you. Tyler, was it? 不,不是你,泰勒,不是吗?
  [05:27.94]No, it's because of the whole rush, you know? 不是紧张,都是迎新会闹的,你明白了?
  [05:31.66]The very term "rush" is an amper-upper. It amps up the old nerves. “迎新”是个让人激动的词,增加了紧张感
  [05:32.86]I have to go. 我得走了
  [05:44.46]OK, ladies. Listen up. 好,姐妹们,听好了
  [05:47.34]The doors are about to open. Our objective is? 门快开了,我们的目标是什么?
  [05:50.62](all) Target cute pledges. 发现优秀新人
  [05:52.90]Exacty. And what do we want to avoid? 很好,我们要避免什么?
  [05:54.58](all) Fatlosers. 大肥婆
  [05:56.98]Now, now. We all remember the code. 现在,我们都要记得暗号
  [05:58.66]When I ask you to show a girl to the "koi pond," ditch her. 当我说让某人见识一下“鲤鱼池”,大家 就孤立她
  [06:02.38]We also have two legacies coming today - Dinky Hodgekiss and Sydney White. 今天有两个嫡系要来 汀琦·哈奇肯斯和希德尼·怀特
  [06:07.02]When you meet them, find me immediately. 一发现她们就马上告诉我
  [06:10.02]OK, girls. Are we ready? 好了,姑娘们,都准备好了吗?
  [06:15.46](all chant) Here comes a Kappa, queen of the Row. 这里是Kappa,联谊会中的女皇
  [06:18.34]She's hot, she's cool, she ain't no ho. 很辣、很酷、很注目
  [06:19.54]She's got style, she's got class, 时尚又高雅
  [06:22.82]and from behind a kicking... 还有后面的…
  [06:27.02]Kappa! Kappa! Kappa! Kappa! Kappa! Kappa!
  [06:28.82]Kappa! Kappa! Kappa! Kappa! Kappa! Kappa! Kappa! Kappa!
  [06:33.86]Excuse me, Amy. Don't you remember? 等一下,艾米,你忘了吗?
  [06:36.06]You've been reassigned. Kitchen duty. 你有新任务,打扫厨房
  [06:38.02]Go on. 去吧
  [06:45.10]That's what happens when you gain 27 pounds of breakup weight over the summer. 这就是一夏天体重暴增27磅的下场
  [06:47.78](all chant) Kappa! Kappa! Kappa! Kappa! Kappa! Kappa! Kappa! Kappa!
  [06:54.86]Kappa! (giggles) Kappa! Kappa! Kappa! Kappa!Kappa!
  [06:57.94]Kappa! Kappa! Kappa! Kappa! Kappa! Kappa!
  [06:58.14]Hey. 大家好
  [07:02.22](chanting continues)
  [07:05.90]Hey! 你好
  [07:08.98]We've been dating for two years. I love him so much! 我和他拍拖两年了,爱死他了
  [07:11.74]And next week, he's gonna pin me. 下周我们就要定(Pin)下来了
  [07:16.82]Pin you to what? 把你钉到哪儿?(Pin有图钉之意)
  [07:24.94]Hi. Hi. - 嗨 - 嗨
  [07:49.02](girl) Hi there. Oh, hi. - 你好 - 你好
  [07:54.70]I'm Katy and this is Ohristy. 我是凯蒂,这位是克里斯蒂
  [07:56.38]I'm Sydney White. 我叫希德尼·怀特
  [07:57.46]You're one of ourlegacies. Rachel's gonna be so excited! 你是我们的嫡系之一,雷切尔肯定高兴坏了
  [08:06.02]Rachel, we'd like you to meet someone. 雷切尔,看看谁来了
  [08:06.90]Oh... 喔…
  [08:09.78]Hi. 你好
  [08:10.26]Girls, why don't you show this one the koi pond? 姑娘们,为什么不让她见识一下鲤鱼池呢?
  [08:13.18]Ooh! I love koi ponds. 好啊!我喜欢看鲤鱼池
  [08:15.26]Great. Off you go. - 好的 - 请自便
  [08:17.94]This is Sydney White. 她是希德尼·怀特
  [08:21.22]Three words - Leg-a-cy 三个字,是-嫡-系
  [08:23.42]Sydney, so pleased to meet you. 希德尼,见到你真高兴
  [08:27.30]I'm so excited. My mom had a great experience here. 我也很兴奋,我母亲在这有丰富的经历
  [08:28.90]Katy, have you offered our guest a drink from the refreshment table? 凯蒂,给我们的客人拿点喝的
  [08:34.74]I'm actually not that thirst... No, no. Katy. - 我不是很渴 - 不,不,凯蒂
  [08:37.46]The refreshment table? 带她去饮料桌?
  [08:42.58]We have a situation. That girl is not Kappa material. 有麻烦了,那女孩不适合Kappa
  [08:47.46](Christy) Really? I didn't see anything wrong with her. 真的么?我没觉得她有什么不对啊
  [08:49.94]Ohristy, you know you're not as perceptive as I am. 克里斯蒂,你没我有远见
  [08:52.94]She wouldn't know her Gucci from her Pucci. 从她穿的璞琪(Pucci)你看不出来她有没 有古驰(Gucci)(均为著名时尚品牌)
  [08:56.30]Not to mention, I saw her throwing herself all over Tyler before she came in the house. 更别提她还没进来之前就在外面勾引泰勒了
  [08:59.70]It was embarrassing. Trust me, we do not want a Kappa who behaves that way. 真让人为难,我可不希望Kappa里有人举止 像她那样不雅
  [09:09.14]See what I mean? 我说的没错吧?
  [09:10.42]But we have to give her a bid. She's alegacy. 但我们得给她个面子,她是个嫡系呢
  [09:16.42]Her mom gets her the bid, but she has to survive pledging all on her own. 她母亲在这混得风生水起,但她得自食其力
  [09:33.90]Oh, my gosh. I saw him outside, and he is definitely the hottest guy on campus. 喔,我的天,我在外面见过他 他绝对是学校里的大众情人
  [09:37.34]Who's the hottest guy on campus? 谁是大众情人?
  [09:41.46]Tyler Prince, the Beta president. 泰勒·普林斯,Beta的会长
  [09:43.26]Oh, you know, I know that guy. He was really nice. 哦,我认识他,确实是个帅哥
  [09:44.82]He showed me around Greek Row. 他带我游览了各个联谊会的建筑
  [09:47.10]Offlimits. He's Rachel's boyfriend. Oh. - 别碰他,他是雷切尔的男朋友 - 喔
  [09:50.58]Yeah, they're off now, but they'll be on again. 别看他们分手了,但总会破镜重圆的
  [09:53.66]It's all part of Rachel's 20-year plan. 这是雷切尔二十年计划的全部
  [09:57.54]He'll be a top litigator, she'll be a senator. 他将成为大法官,而她将成为参议员
  [09:58.66]It's so romantic. Yeah, it does sound romantic. - 太浪漫了 - 听起来的确浪漫