
   [00:02.62]Next. Next. Next. (sighs) 下一个,下一个,下一个

  [00:05.82](Rachel) OK, future sisters. 未来的姐妹们
  [00:09.58]Get yourlazy asses up. You're gonna clean the bathroom. 起来,懒虫们,去打扫厕所
  [00:12.86](all groan)
  [00:13.98]At the Beta fraternity house. (all groan louder) 是Beta兄弟会的厕所
  [00:17.66]Sydney, the Kappa Phi Nu colors? 希德尼,Kappa Phi Nu的颜色?
  [00:19.62]Green and white. Wrong. Emerald and pearl. - 绿色和白色 - 错,祖母绿和珍珠白
  [00:21.70]Sorry. I'm still learning how to speak priss. 对不起,我还在努力学习怎样说话更娘娘腔
  [00:23.60](all gasp)
  [00:40.42](both yelp/scream)
  [01:00.50]You know what? Don't change a thing. 你知道么?你不需要改变什么
  [01:03.94]You just keep walking around looking justlike that. 你就现在这样已经很好了
  [01:20.46]You again. Oh. - 又看见你了 - 喔
  [01:20.86]Morning. Hi. - 早安 - 你好
  [01:23.06]Sorry you had to do that. Some of the girls are alitte traumatized. 真抱歉让你做这些,有些女孩 精神上受刺激了
  [01:25.62](Sydney) Yeah. It's OK. I, uh... 那没什么,我…
  [01:27.74]I spend alot of time in bathrooms. 我一般都在洗手间里花很长时间
  [01:31.86]No, no. I don't mean like that, I just mean that, um... 不,我不是那个意思,我是说…
  [01:34.58]I don't go to the bathroom alot, I... 我不是经常上厕所,我…
  [01:39.66]Well, sometimes I do. Kinda depends on what I eat. 啊,有时候是,不过得看我吃过什么了
  [01:44.82]Just to be clear, I spend a normal amount of time in the bathroom. 你要明白,我上厕所的时间是和正常人一样
  [01:48.78]Sydney. It's time to get back to the house. OK. - 希德尼,你该回去了 - 好的
  [01:52.54]Don't ask. We had to take her. 别多问,她是我们的人
  [01:54.78]I think she's cool. 我觉得她很酷
  [01:56.42]And cute. 还挺可爱
  [01:59.50]Just admit they're cooler. You don't know 承认吧,他们更酷些
  [02:01.02]what the hell you're talking about. 你都不知道你在说什么蠢话
  [02:02.22]There is no way that a pirate is cooler than a ninja. 海盗会比忍者还酷?
  [02:07.06]Ninja's live like monks. Pirates get booty. End of discussion. 没什么好争论的,忍者就像僧侣,但海盗 有丰富的战利品
  [02:14.22]Hi. I need to return these and I have a couple of poli sci books on reserve. 你好,我要还这些书,还预约了一些 科技方面的书
  [02:16.50]I'm impressed. I don't get alot of pledges in here studying. 那个我有印象,新人很少在这儿学习的
  [02:21.70]Well, they probably don't have scholarships to maintain. 嗯,她们不需要靠奖学金来支付学费
  [02:26.58]You and your drunken, whoring pirates represent the lowest common denominator in society! 你和你的那些酗酒、招妓的海盗 就是社会的渣滓!
  [02:31.26](chuckles) All right. 好吧
  [02:31.54]I think we can all agree that a pirate-ninja would be the coolest thing ever. 我想我们都认为海盗型忍者才是最酷的
  [02:38.58]Hi. 你好
  [02:40.46]Oh, hi. 喔,你好
  [02:44.06]I wanted to apologize forwhat I did to you in the bathroom. 厕所那件事我要向你道歉
  [02:44.46]Hello. 你好啊
  [02:48.34]What did she do to you in the bathroom? What did she do? 她在厕所里对你做什么了?她做了什么事?
  [02:52.38]It was a stupid pledge prank and I'm really, really sorry. 那是个傻乎乎的新人恶作剧,真的非常抱歉
  [02:57.58]Hey, it wasn't exacty surprising behaviorfor a Kappa. 嘿,Kappa的成员会说出这些话真让我惊讶
  [03:04.06]Oome on, uh, let's go. 我们走,伙计们
  [03:05.22]Excuse me. 借过
  [03:10.78]If it makes you feel any better, they threw baloney at us while we sang Oeline Dion songs! 如果能让你觉得好些的话,你可以在我唱 席琳·迪翁的歌时用香肠丢我!
  [03:24.10]Girls, it's been along journey, but you're almost done. 姐妹们,漫长的旅行就要结束了
  [03:28.82]Tomorrow night is our Presents Dance where you will be introduced as official Kappa sisters. 明晚的舞会上你们将作为Kappa 正式会员被介绍给大家
  [03:36.34]It's tradition for the current sisters to pass down their Presents gowns to the new pledges. 老会员送新入会的成员小礼物是我们传统
  [03:41.90]After all, we're all size two. (all giggle) 好在我们的尺码都一样
  [03:45.86]Except you, Amy. 除了你,艾米
  [03:46.98]As president, I will draw the first name. 作为会长,我会抽出第一个名字
  [03:51.06]This lucky girl is getting one of Milan's finest. 幸运者将得到一件米兰最新款时装
  [04:00.18]Sydney White. 希德尼·怀特
  [04:04.58]Yay! 耶!
  [04:12.26]Oome, Sydney. 进来吧,希德尼
  [04:20.18]Hey, Ohristy, why don't you check your standing? I'm sure you've cracked the top 20 by now. 克里斯蒂,不查查你的名次吗?你肯定跌 出前20了
  [04:23.74]Uh, what's that? 喔,那是什么?
  [04:28.26]Just the school's "Hot or Not" ranking on MySpace. 是MySpace(交友网站)上咱们 学校的“热辣排行榜”
  [04:29.74]It's just some dumb list. Oh. That does sound dumb. - 就是个无聊的排名 - 嗯,听起来是挺无聊的
  [04:35.26]Really dumb. I betlame people justlog on all day and vote for themselves. 确实够傻,我打赌肯定有一堆动不了的瘸子天天挂 在网上投票玩
  [04:40.54]No, we don't. We're only allowed to vote once a day. 不,每个人一天只能投一次票
  [04:42.62]Right, Rachel? 对吗,雷切尔?
  [04:45.74]Hey, Rach, you're still number one. 嘿,雷切尔,你还是第一
  [04:50.02]Am I? How cute. 真的吗?太妙了
  [04:51.70]It's been that way forforever. You know how people are. 总是这样,你知道人们怎么想
  [04:55.10]They just stick with the status quo. That's why new people never make it on. 她们总是牢牢占据前几名,这就是新人上 不了榜的原因
  [04:59.66]Oh, my God. Sydney's on it - number 213. 老天,希德尼上榜了,第213名
  [05:03.34]I am? Let me see that. 真的?让我瞧瞧
  [05:04.90]But I thought you said new people never make it on the list. 但我记得你说过新人是不会上榜的
  [05:06.50]Well, like you said, it's just some dumb list. 就像你说的,这个排行榜无聊透顶
  [05:10.78]But aren't we just so lucky to have you as a pledge? 有你加入,我们还真是幸运啊
  [05:15.34]And I think you're gonnalook just gorgeous in... 我想你穿这个一定美极了…
  [05:24.38]Perfect. Totally you. Practically screams number 213. 刚好,很适合你,新晋第213名
  [05:29.86](cellphone rings)
  [05:32.14]Hey, Tyler. 嗨,泰勒
  [05:35.34]Oh, you're so bad! 哦,你可真坏!
  [05:37.42]I have to take this. 我得单独呆会儿
  [06:02.30](Rachel) Jenny Robinson. (applause) 詹尼·罗宾逊
  [06:06.46]Dinky Hodgekiss. 汀琦·哈奇肯斯
  [06:09.22]Alicia Fairchild. 艾利莎·费尔查德
  [06:13.10]Bunchie Hathaway. 邦奇·海瑟威
  [06:18.86]And finally, Sydney White. 最后出场的是希德尼·怀特
  [06:26.94]I present to you this fall's Kappa Phi Nu pledge class. 我向你们介绍的是本年度 Kappa Phi Nu的新人们
  [06:35.98]You look... incredible. 真令人难以置信…你看起来…
  [06:39.26]Thank you. Dance? - 谢谢 - 跳个舞吗?
  [06:42.54](# "When I See You Smile"by Gabriel Mann)
  [06:54.26]Who are you, Sydney White? 希德尼·怀特,你究竟是谁?
  [06:54.74]You throw a football like Matt Leinart, 你投橄榄球的样子就像马特·雷纳特 (著名橄榄球选手)
  [06:58.86]fearlessly conquerfraternity bathrooms, 勇敢地征服了兄弟会的厕所
  [07:00.14]and clean up nice, to boot. 清洁得一尘不染
  [07:02.38]Well, I'm more of a Peyton Manning. Leinart's alefty. 是吗,我觉得我更像佩顿·曼宁 (另一著名球手),雷纳特是左撇子
  [07:05.60]Marry me. (giggles) 嫁给我吧
  [07:09.58]So, uh, they go all-out for these shindigs, huh? 这个舞会一定把你的精力都榨干了,是吧?
  [07:15.34]It's a weird word - "shindig." “舞会”是个有魔力的字眼
  [07:15.54]You eat? Because there are some hors d'oeuvres over there. 你饿不饿?那边有很多小点心
  [07:19.38]You know, I tried to eat a plastic flower once. Kinda hurt. (laughs) 你知道吗,有一回我吃过塑料花 有点儿疼啊
  [07:26.26]I'm rambling again, aren't I? I'm starting to think I make you nervous. - 我又饶舌了,是不是啊? - 我想我开始让你紧张了
  [07:30.06]No. 不会的
  [07:40.26]Oongratulations. You are now a Kappa sister. 祝贺你,你是Kappa的一员了
  [07:49.14]Oongratulations. You are now a Kappa sister. 祝贺你,你是Kappa的一员了
  [07:53.22]Oongratulations. You are now a Kappa sister. 祝贺你,你是Kappa的一员了
  [07:58.10]Oongratulations. You are now a Kappa sister. 祝贺你,你是Kappa的一员了
  [07:59.26]Oongratulations. You are now a Kappa sister. 祝贺你,你是Kappa的一员了
  [08:01.46]You are now a Kappa sister. You are now a Kappa sister. 你是Kappa的一员了,你是Kappa的一员了 …一员了…
  [08:03.66]Kappa sister... (echoes) sister... sister...
  [08:07.54]Oongratulations. You are now a Kappa sister. 祝贺你,你是Kappa的一员了
  [08:19.62]Ladies and gentemen, I'm afraid we have a bit of a situation. 女士们先生们,恐怕有些小问题
  [08:22.42]Every so often, it is the unfortunate duty of the president to act as judge and jury. 无论何时何地,会长行使裁判权 都不是件容易的事
  [08:28.38]Sydney White has exhibited inappropriate Kappa behavior. 希德尼·怀特做出了不适合Kappa的行为
  [08:33.34](audience gasps)
  [08:33.86]Is this a pledge prank? It certainly is not. - 这是恶作剧吗 - 当然不是
  [08:37.74]You are guilty of the following infractions: 你违反了下列规定:
  [08:42.02]You brought an unsuitable date to the date dash, 你带了一个差劲的男伴来约会速配
  [08:44.38]cheated during a pledge quiz, 在新人测验中弄虚作假
  [08:47.90]revealed a secret pledge ritual to the entire library, 向整个图书馆透露会内的秘密仪式
  [08:49.54]and, finally, lied about your background. 最后,你还掩盖你的背景
  [08:53.54]We all know your dad is actually a plumber. 我们都知道实际上你的父亲是水管工人
  [08:58.10]As Kappa president, according to statute 25A of the sorority charter, 作为Kappa会长,根据会规第25条A款
  [09:02.90]I hereby dismiss Sydney White from the Kappa pledge class. 我在此宣布拒绝希德尼·怀特加入Kappa
  [09:11.14]I don't know what your mother got away with when she was here, 我不知道你母亲是怎么侥幸混进来的
  [09:16.62]but you will neverbe a Kappa. 但你永远不可能加入Kappa了
  [09:26.62]You know what? Thank you. 你知道什么?我得谢谢你
  [09:29.62]Because if this is what sisterhood's all about, then I don't want any part of it. 如果你们的姐妹情谊就是这些玩意儿 那我加不加入也无所谓
  [09:32.62]I want that dress back. 把我的晚礼服还回来
  [09:36.78]Take it! (all gasp) 接着!