
   [00:01.46]Oh, yeah! When your girlfriend humiliated me. 喔,对了!你马子羞辱了我…

  [00:06.22]Good times. Trust me, Rachel's not my girlfriend. - 真是难忘 - 相信我,雷切尔不是我女朋友
  [00:06.50]And not everyone in Greek Row is like her. 不是每个联谊会的人都像她那样
  [00:10.10]Give me a chance to prove that to you. (girl) Run for student council! - 给我个证明的机会 - 学生会竞选
  [00:14.98]You know, I'm actually kinda busy... juggling seven guys at the moment. 你看,我有点忙…要同时应付7个人
  [00:17.66]So... Whoa. - 所以… - 哇
  [00:19.90]I gotta go. 我得走了
  [00:24.02]Hey, can I have a sign-up sheet? Yeah. - 我能领份申请表么? - 给你
  [00:27.26]Actually, can I have seven? 那个,给我7张好吗?
  [00:37.22]Oh! 噢!
  [00:38.90]We won't have to deal with the public once the Vortex is torn down and my Greek Oenter's built. 在涡流居被摧毁、联谊会中心建成之前, 我们不必与公众打交道
  [00:39.14]Don't worry, ladies. 别在意,姑娘们
  [00:44.30](cellphone beeps) Oh. 喔
  [00:46.58]Is it four o'clock already? 已经四点了吗
  [00:51.14]Loser, loser, 失败者,失败者
  [00:52.62]Kappa, Kappa, Kappa,Kappa
  [00:54.62]Kappa, lose... Kappa,失败…
  [00:58.78]What?! 什么!?
  [01:01.46]This isn't happening. 这不可能
  [01:04.18]Wow. I guess herlitte striptease act got some attention. 喔,想必是她那段脱衣舞吸引了不少眼球
  [01:12.50]Use your soothing words. 用用你的宽心词吧
  [01:13.34](Christy) Rachel? Rachel. 雷切尔?雷切尔
  [01:16.06]Prada, Gucci, 普拉多(Prada),古驰(Gucci)
  [01:19.90]Ohanel... 香奈尔(Chanel)…(均为著名时尚品牌)
  [01:21.46]Sydney, Sydney, Sydney! Ugh! 希德尼,希德尼, 希德尼!啊!
  [01:23.82]Whoa! 哇!
  [01:32.22](Lenny) Hey. Hey, guys. - 嗨! - 大家好
  [01:38.58]There you go. 给
  [01:40.74]I've found a way for you to get the Vortex repaired. 我找到修整涡流居的方法了
  [01:44.34]We're signing you up to run for student council, all seven of you. 你们去竞选学生会,全去
  [01:51.70](all laugh)
  [01:52.66]Very funny, Sydney. Next you'll tell us Admiral Adama's a Oylon. 玩笑开得不错,希德尼,下次阿达玛舰长 就要被你说成是塞隆人了 (两者均为太空堡垒卡拉狄加的人物,是敌对的双方)
  [02:03.42]I have no idea what you just said. But I'm serious. 我不清楚你在说什么,但我是认真的
  [02:05.90]You'll all run on a ticket and you'll take over the entire student council. 你们7个都要努力拉票,最后控制整个学生会
  [02:08.90]No non-Greek has won a student-council office since 1992. 自从1992年以来,非联谊会成员就没进过 学生会
  [02:13.66]And look where that's gotten us. 看看我们住在什么鬼地方吧
  [02:17.74]Ow. Yes, George, ow. - 噢! - 是的,乔治,“噢!”
  [02:19.70]We've taken enough of their abuse. 我们受够他们的虐待了
  [02:22.10]I'll be your campaign manager and I'll be with you every step of the way. 我就是你们的竞选经理人,我将同你们一起前进
  [02:24.66]I am in. 我加入
  [02:28.74]Good. Who else is with me? Oome on, guys. 好的,还有谁?来吧,伙计们
  [02:30.82]Do you really wanna spend the rest of college locked up in this crap hole, disenfranchised and powerless? 你们希望在这鬼地方,无所事事地度过剩 下的大学时光吗?
  [02:38.10]No! George, no. 不,乔治,不
  [02:38.38]OK. 我希望
  [02:41.10]You don't wanna be powerless. No. - 你不想无所事事的 - 不想
  [02:41.98]Please don't give up. 不要放弃
  [02:48.46]Did the Avengers give up when the Black Knight sprayed New York with that foam? 当黑骑士们把纽约喷满泡沫时,复仇者们放 弃了吗?(漫画人物加情节)
  [02:51.82]No. No. - 没有 - 没有
  [02:55.10]With the help of a criminal glue specialist, they freed everyone. 在犯罪整合专家(漫画人物)的协助下 他们拯救了大家
  [02:58.90]I'm your criminal glue specialist! Yeah! - 我就是你们的犯罪整合专家! - 耶!
  [03:03.14]Oh, yeah. Yeah.
  [03:04.82]Who's running for president? Not it. - 谁竞选学生会主席? - 不是我
  [03:06.60](speaks African language) (sighs)
  [03:06.94]Not it. Not it. - 不是我 - 别找我
  [03:15.66]Oh. I neverwin at that game. 喔,那游戏我从没赢过
  [03:21.34]Terrence it is. Let's get started! 那就泰伦斯了,我们开始干吧!
  [03:23.42](# "Revolution"by The Veronicas)
  [03:37.94]So? 怎么样了?
  [03:54.02]Mm. Nice. 嗯,不赖
  [04:23.40]Loop in, and then you've got a bow. 向里一弯,就成蝴蝶结了
  [04:28.10]I did it! Oh, you did it, yes! - 我做到了! - 祝贺你!