
   [00:09.52]Oh! 噢!

  [00:12.24]Eatlead, sucker. 吃我一枪,你这家伙
  [00:14.40]Gurkin, damn, he just kicked your ass. Nice. 靠,古尔金,你的屁股被他踢爆了
  [00:18.32]I have to say, I'm impressed. None of these freaks have come close to winning Gurkin of Honor. 伙计,我得说,这些家伙没人赢过 古尔金勋章
  [00:23.36]We Betas play video games, too. You do? - 我们在Beta会也玩电子游戏 - 是吗?
  [00:24.96]Yeah. What did you think we do? Just have sex with girls all the time. - 是的,要不我们做什么? - 可以成天和女孩胡搞
  [00:30.92]I hate to break it to you, Spanky, but we're really just regular guys. 不好意思打断你,斯班奇,我们是有纪律的 我们也是普通人
  [00:35.88]Aw. He's like a kid who just found out there's no Santa Olaus. 喔,他就像个发现圣诞老人不存在的小孩
  [00:38.64]What? 什么?
  [00:41.96]I mean, hypothetically, you know, if there weren't a Santa Olaus, 我的意思是,假设没有圣诞老人
  [00:44.92]which, of course, there is. 当然了,其实圣诞老人是存在的
  [00:49.80]You guys should come hang out sometime. Bring Gurkin of Honor. 你们这些家伙应该出去玩玩,带着 古尔金勋章
  [00:54.48]You know, actually, we're having a party tomorrow night. You guys wanna come? 我们明晚有个派对,一起来吗?
  [01:00.76](# "Breakin'Dishes"by Rihanna)
  [01:16.76]You made it. Uh, the bar's over there 你们来啦,吧台在那边
  [01:19.64]and the DJ's taking requests. 可以跟DJ点歌
  [01:22.60]Do you think he has the Dr. Who theme song? 有神秘博士的曲子吗?
  [01:26.56]I'm thinking not. That's OK. - 好像没有 - 那没关系
  [01:27.84]I brought my own. 我带来了
  [01:30.56]As for you, the dance floor is this way. 舞池在这边
  [01:44.96]...25, 26, ...25,26
  [01:45.28]27, 28, 27,28
  [01:47.96]29, 30, 29,30
  [01:49.72]31, 32... 31,32…
  [01:55.32]All right, all right, who's next? Anybody think they can beat that? 下一个是谁?有人想打破记录吗?
  [02:00.56]Yes, I do. 我想试试
  [02:01.68](laughs) He thinks... 他想试…
  [02:04.32]The dork thinks he can beat it. All right, good luck, buddy. 这呆子想打破记录,好吧,祝好运,宝贝儿
  [02:08.52]Whatever you say, man. Oome on. 小伙子,无论你说什么,来吧
  [02:12.28]No, no. No, no. 别,别,我自己来
  [02:22.64](crowd gasps)
  [02:32.80]Start counting. 开始计数
  [02:33.16]One, two, 1,2
  [02:36.08]three, four, 3,4
  [02:38.92]five, six, seven, eight... 5,6,7,8…
  [02:42.44]I hope the guys are OK. I haven't heard any girlish screams, so I'm thinking we're good. 没听到尖叫,那些家伙还算守规矩 我想我们还是不错的
  [02:49.08]Sure looks like it. 149, - 看起来确实是 - 149
  [02:50.56]150, 151, 150,151
  [02:53.24]152, 153, 152,153
  [02:57.16]154, 155... 154,155
  [03:04.32]That was badass! 真他妈不可思议!
  [03:07.76]That was awesome. 太惊人了
  [03:08.36]Lenny. 兰尼
  [03:10.56]Hey. 你好
  [03:13.32]Oh, wow, I love your new hairstyle. 喔,我喜欢你的新发型
  [03:18.12]I... I, um... Yeah. Uh... 我…我…喔…
  [03:20.20]Dinky, Rachel needs you right away. 汀琦,雷切尔叫你过去
  [03:22.80]Oh, but I just... It's an emergency. - 喔,但我… - 是紧急情况
  [03:29.44]Oh, no, OK. Bye. Bye. - 没关系,再见 - 再见
  [03:35.72]How come you haven't come out to party before? 以前怎么没在派对上见过你们?
  [03:36.48]You guys are so cool. 这些家伙真酷
  [03:38.36]Really? 真的?
  [03:40.40]Oh, yeah. We've been watching you. Where have you studs been hiding? 喔,我们注意你们很久了,你们住在哪?
  [03:43.36]The building at the end of the road. It's called the Vortex 'cause it sucks in losers. 道路尽头的涡流居,“失败者的避难所”
  [03:48.52]That's sexy. 真迷人
  [03:50.32]Well, boys, there's seven of us and seven of you. 小伙子们,我们正好是七女配七男
  [03:55.56]What's that sound like to you? 听起来怎么样?
  [03:58.08]14? Sounds like a party to me. 十四个人?可以开派对了
  [04:00.52]You know, there's a hot tub out back. 后面有个热水浴缸
  [04:06.44]Through that door there's a study thatleads right to it. 过了那门就是了
  [04:09.32]You can leave your clothes there. But we... we don't have any swimming trunks. - 你可以在那换衣服 - 但是…我们没带泳衣啊
  [04:14.48]Neither do we. (# "Oh, Boy"by Boomish) 我们也没带
  [04:18.92]We'll meet you back there. 说定了,那边见
  [04:31.88]Oh, boy. 嘿,小伙子们
  [04:42.72](Spanky) Girls? Where are you? 姑娘们,你们在哪?
  [04:45.32]Where's the hot tub? Marco! - 热水浴缸在哪? - 马可!
  [04:51.16](gasping) 他们光着身子!
  [04:53.36](woman) They're naked!
  [04:55.80]Oh! Oh, no. - 喔 - 哦,不
  [05:04.36]It must be cold out there. 外面一定很冷
  [05:09.16]Oh, no. Thanks for putting on a show, guys. - 哦,不 - 谢谢你们的猛男秀
  [05:12.56]This is low, even for you, Rachel. 对你来说这也太低级了,雷切尔
  [05:12.92]Aw, Sydney, so nice of you to care about them. 喔,希德尼,有你这么关心他们真好
  [05:17.28]Since you're the mastermind behind their adorable litte student council campaign, 继续策划你那可怜的竞选活动吧
  [05:20.16]let me be the first to break the news. 我会上新闻头条的
  [05:22.84]Terrence is disqualified from running for president. 泰伦斯丧失了竞选的资格
  [05:26.24]What are you talking about? 你说什么?
  [05:28.12]Terrence Lubinecki is not a student at Southern Atantic. 泰伦斯·鲁宾纳奇不是南亚特兰大 的学生
  [05:32.48]He graduated six years ago. 他六年前就毕业了
  [05:35.80]I had to stay. There was just so much more learning to do. 我要留下,还有很多可学的知识
  [05:41.96]Terrence, maybe you should put on some clothes. OK. 泰伦斯,穿上点衣服,拜托
  [05:45.12]Rachel, why don't you get the hell outta here? Ooh, I love it when you get rough. - 雷切尔,从这里离开 - 喔,你这么强硬,我很喜欢
  [05:50.60]And, Ty, thanks for playing your part so well. That's the other good news. 泰勒,你的角色扮演得很成功,这是 另一个好消息
  [05:54.28]The Witchburn-Prince Greek Life Oenter is now a reality. 威奇伯恩—普林斯联谊中心现在成为现实了
  [05:58.64]Witchburn-Prince? What the hell? You didn't tell her? - 威奇伯恩—普林斯?那是什么鬼东西? - 你没告诉她吗?
  [05:59.44]I thought you guys were so close. It's alitte joint project of ours 我还以为你俩走得挺近呢 这是我们的一个合并计划
  [06:03.44]and the only thing standing in ourway was the Vortex. 唯一的障碍就是涡流居
  [06:08.12]So, like you suggested, Tyler, 如你所说,泰勒
  [06:10.68]I went ahead and had it condemned. 我要更进一步,彻底铲除涡流居
  [06:12.84]Now you can eat with the homeless every night. 你们等着无家可归吧
  [06:17.44]You had something to do with this? 你参与这件事了吗?
  [06:18.00]No. I mean, I said the place was a dump, but I didn't... 不,虽然我觉得那地方像个垃圾场,但是…
  [06:23.48]Witchburn-Prince, huh? So you wanted to tear down the Vortex. 威奇伯恩—普林斯,哈?所以你想拆掉 涡流居
  [06:29.88]Yeah, I did, but... I don't wanna hear it. - 是的,我是那么想,但是… - 我不想听
  [06:30.24]Sydney! No. - 希德尼! - 别碰我
  [06:33.16]Don't grovel, Tyler. 不要那么没骨气,泰勒
  [06:35.72]You're above it. 你掌控着全局
  [06:41.12]强制拆除 限24小时内搬出
  [06:47.64]Things are looking grim, brothers. 残酷的事实,兄弟们
  [06:50.32]I am so sorry about this, you guys. 很抱歉
  [06:54.68]We were fine until you came along and made us your guinea pigs. 你没来之前我们过得好好的
  [06:54.72]You should've justleft us alone. 你应该让我们自己呆着
  [07:00.60]You guys... It's so important for us to stand up to the Greeks 我们要团结起来,对抗联谊组织
  [07:03.28]and show them that they can't trample all over us. 让他们知道我们是打不倒的
  [07:06.36]Well, it's also important for us to have a place to live. 容身之处对我们来说也是很重要的
  [07:26.32](phone rings)
  [07:28.28]Hello? Dad? - 你好 - 老爸?
  [07:32.08](laughs) Got you. You've reached Royal Plumbing at the White House. No, not that one. 逮到你了,这里是白宫的皇家管道公司 不,其实并不是那个
  [07:35.16]This is Paul and Sydney's. Leave a message. (beep) 这是希德尼家,请留言
  [07:39.72]Hi, Dad. I was just calling 老爸,我就是…有点儿想你了
  [07:44.00]to say... I miss you.
  [07:46.32]And that's it. Um... 就这样,嗯…
  [07:50.96]Everything's great here. Really great. 一切都很好,太好了
  [07:55.64]I love you. 我爱你
  [08:45.76]It was that message last night. I could tell something wasn't right. I could hear it in your voice. 你昨晚的留言我听你的语气有些不对劲
  [08:50.80]So I got in the van and I drove all through the night. 所以我就开了一夜车到这来了
  [08:53.08]I was alitte surprised to find you weren't at the Kappa house, though. 没看到你在Kappa的宿舍里让我有点吃惊
  [08:57.20]I wanted to tell you so many times but... 很多次我想告诉你,但是…
  [09:00.16]I kept thinking about Mom and I feltlike I'd failed her. 我一直觉得辜负了妈妈的期望
  [09:04.92]And you always sounded so proud of me on the phone. 在电话里听起来你是那么的为我自豪
  [09:09.28]Sweetheart, following in your mother's footsteps is not about reliving herlife. 宝贝,追随你母亲的脚步可不是让你再重 复一遍她的生活经历
  [09:14.20]It's about being the same kind of person she was. 而是要成为像她一样的人
  [09:21.36]Your mom was much more than just a Kappa. 你母亲可不仅仅是一个Kappa
  [09:24.80]She was a woman who always fought forwhat she believed in, and so are you. 她是一个为了理想而奋斗的人,你也一样
  [09:30.56]Nothing could make me prouder than that. 没什么比这更让我自豪了
  [09:33.68]Not even when I installed that waterfiltration system in under an hour? 甚至比我在一小时内装好滤水系统更让你 自豪?
  [09:38.44]That was pretty great. 那也挺不错的
  [09:53.84](knock at door)
  [09:57.92](grunts) 我记得挂了“请勿打扰”
  [09:59.20]But it says, "Do not disturb."
  [10:00.88](knocking continues)