China, New Zealand vow to strengthen cooperation(在线收听

 PHNOM PENH, Nov. 19 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met with his New Zealand counterpart John Key here on Monday and both sides pledged to boost cooperation between the two countries and push forward bilateral ties.

Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and New Zealand 40 years ago, the two countries have witnessed smooth development in their relations, said Wen, who arrived in Phnom Penh on Sunday afternoon to attend a series of meetings of East Asian leaders and pay an official visit to Cambodia.
The two sides have agreed to develop a mutually beneficial, win-win comprehensive relationship of cooperation and signed a free trade agreement (FTA), which injected a strong momentum into their relations, he added.
China, attaching importance to New Zealand's influence in the Asia-Pacific, is willing to enhance coordination with the country, so as to further mutual political and strategic trust and to push their relations and regional cooperation for more achievements, Wen said.
He said a continued, rapid growth of the Chinese economy will bring more opportunities for China-New Zealand trade and economic cooperation.
China is ready to expand its imports from New Zealand and welcomes the country's continuous expansion in the Chinese market, said the Chinese premier.
Wen called on the two governments to create a better environment for expansion of mutual investment, support their enterprises' cooperation in accordance with market rules and on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, and expand cooperation in such fields as food, environmental protection, new energy and green economy.
Key, who is also here to attend the meetings of East Asian leaders, said New Zealand-China relations have developed in an all-around way for the past four decades, adding that the signing of the FTA has effectively pushed forward the two countries' trade and economic cooperation.
New Zealand is ready to further consolidate high-level reciprocal visits, broaden cooperation, and ensure the equitable treatment for Chinese enterprises' investment in the country, he added.
Key also voiced his willingness to build closer communications and coordination between the two sides in international and regional affairs, in a bid to strive for greater progress in their relations.