Chinese defense minister meets with Latin American guests(在线收听

 BEIJING, Nov. 20 (Xinhua) -- Defense Minister Liang Guanglie met with delegates to the 1st China-Latin America high-level defense forum on Tuesday.

Liang hailed the increasingly close relations between China and Latin American countries in recent years, noting that the two sides have enjoyed frequent high-level visits, deepening political mutual trust, strengthening communication and cooperation, as well as effective coordination on major international affairs.
He said the forum shows that China attaches great importance to developing military relations with Latin American countries.
The forum has provided a platform for the two sides to communicate at the senior official level and will increase friendship and trust between the military leaders of both sides so as to develop future China-Latin American military relations, Liang said.
On behalf of the delegates, Pedro Siqueira, Uruguayan commander in chief of the army, said the forum has given Latin American countries more knowledge about China and it has also helped enhance communication between the militaries of both sides.
He expressed the hope that the Chinese military will pay more visits to Latin American countries in order to increase mutual understanding.