
   [00:03.14]...so we might as well have some fun." ...那么我们也能找些乐子"

  [00:04.90](CROWD CHUCKLING)
  [00:09.30]No, don’t clean. 不,不要打扫
  [00:10.98]No, I have to do something. I can’t talk anymore. 不,我得做些事情 我没办法再说话了
  [00:13.18]- Wanna stay with us while your sister’s here? - No. - 趁你妹妹在的时候想和我们一起住吗? - 不了
  [00:17.10]I think... 我想...
  [00:20.02]You know, I think I should be home. 你知道,我想我该回家了
  [00:24.86]I think I need to be... 我想我需要...
  [00:28.26]...home. - Well... - 回家 - 好吧...
  [00:29.14]...this is your home too, you know. ...这里也是你的家,你知道
  [00:33.62]But that’s good. Get back on your feet. 但那也不错,你要振作起来
  [00:36.70]That’s a good thing. 那是好事啊
  [01:57.70](PHONE BEEPS) 嗨,我是恩尼斯基伦轿车公司的Gerry
  [01:59.34](RECORDING) Hey, it’s Gerry at Enniskerry Limo.
  [02:01.38]Leave a message. 请留言
  [02:05.30](DIALS PHONE)
  [02:09.66](PHONE BEEPS) 嗨,我是恩尼斯基伦轿车公司的Gerry 请留言
  [02:11.34]Hey, it’s Gerry at Enniskerry Limo. Leave a message.
  [02:22.66]Hey, it’s Gerry at Enniskerry Limo. Leave a message. 嗨,我是恩尼斯基伦轿车公司的Gerry 请留言
  [02:31.14]Hey, it’s Gerry at Enniskerry Limo. Leave a message. 嗨,我是恩尼斯基伦轿车公司的Gerry 请留言
  [02:39.18](PHONE RINGS)
  [02:41.98](ANSWERING MACHINE BEEPS) Holly?我是妈妈,你还好吗?
  [02:44.34]PATRICIA (O VER ANSWERING MACHINE): Holly? It’s Mom. Are you all right?
  [02:47.06]Are you showering? Don’t make me worry. 你在洗澡吗?不要让我担心
  [02:48.26]SHARON: I’m worried you’re not calling me back. 你不回电话让我很担心
  [02:50.30]I know it’s hard, honey, but don’t lock yourself in. It’s been over a week. 我知道这很难受,亲爱的, 但是别把自己锁在家里,已经一周了
  [02:53.78]- I’m here, okay? DENISE: Hey, it’s Denise. - 我一直在这里,好吗? - 嗨,我是Denise
  [02:54.98]Listen, I buzzed your apartment. Nobody’s heard from you. 听着,我按了你的门铃 但是没有你的消息
  [02:59.34]Where are you? All right, call somebody. I love you. 你在哪里?行了,给个人打电话吧 我爱你
  [03:01.74](O VER TV) I’ll make him pay for it. I will. 我会让他为此付出代价的,我会的
  [03:05.22]Whatever you might do, I can do more... 无论你能做什么,我能做更多...
  [03:06.42]... because I know how to fight better than you. ... 因为我比你更善战
  [03:09.82]Why can’t I be Bette Davis? 我为什么不是Bette Davis?
  [03:12.98]GERRY’S VOICE: All right? I mean, the job... 好吗?我是说,这工作...
  [03:14.58]... makes you cranky at home every bloody day anyway. 每天让你回家都变得暴躁
  [03:17.42]You wanna have a baby? Let’s do it. 你想要个孩子?我们干吧
  [03:21.46]HOLLY: See? I hate when you do that. GERRY: Hah. Do what? - 看?我讨厌你这么做的时候 - 哈,做什么?
  [03:21.90]HOLLY: "Let’s have a baby." La-la-la! “让我们来生孩子吧”
  [03:25.30]In a five-floor walkup we can barely move in. 住在五楼上的出粗屋里
  [03:25.90]You can’t act like everything’s just gonna work out by itself, Gerry. 你不能总是指望一切都顺其自然,Gerry
  [03:30.50]Why do I have to be the responsible grownup who worries? 我为什么要做一个有责任心的成年人呢?
  [03:34.46](O VER TV) If you’re killed, I’ll be free. 如果你被杀了,我就会自由了
  [03:36.06]If I’m killed, it really doesn’t matter. 如果我被杀了,真的不要紧
  [03:37.94]If we both die, good riddance! 如果我们都死了,大家都解脱了
  [03:38.54]JOHN ELDREDGE: Go ahead, crash it. Crash it! 冲啊,撞吧,撞吧
  [03:46.86](TV CLICKS OFF) Gerry,关灯
  [03:49.18]Gerry, get the light.
  [03:51.02]It’s your turn. 轮到你了
  [04:13.34](GUITAR PLAYING)
  [04:18.90]GERRY (SINGING): I just want to see you ∮我只想见到你∮
  [04:23.78]When you’re all alone ∮在你寂寞时∮
  [04:25.54]I just want to catch you if I can ∮我只想尽力抓住你∮
  [04:32.42]I just want to be there When the morning light explodes ∮我只想在这儿,在晨光熹微时∮
  [04:39.18]On your face it radiates I can’t escape ∮映照在你脸上的光,让我无法躲闪∮
  [04:44.74]I love you till the end ∮我爱你到老∮
  [04:50.30]- Do all Irishmen sing? - Heh. - 爱尔兰男人都会唱歌吗? - 是的
  [04:51.26]I’ll love you till the end ∮我爱你到老∮
  [04:54.14]Ah. Only the really well-hung ones. 我只会唱情歌
  [04:59.94]I can’t fall asleep alone. 我一个人睡不着
  [05:00.74]I’m right here, baby. 我在这儿呢,宝贝
  [05:03.14]I had a terrible dream. 我做了个噩梦
  [05:07.62]Don’t tell me. 别告诉我
  [05:12.06]Gerry, I don’t wanna go back to work. Gerry,我不想继续上班了
  [05:15.22]- What should I do? - Quit. - 我该怎么办? - 辞职
  [05:20.54]Stay here with me. 陪我待在这儿
  [05:22.02](MO ANS)
  [05:29.58]I don’t have a plan, Gerry. 我都没个计划,Gerry
  [05:30.62]That’s okay, luv, your plans never work out anyway. 无所谓的,反正你计划也没用
  [05:37.02]That’s true. 的确
  [05:55.10]HOLLY (SINGING ALONG): And all because of the man ∮都是因为这个男人∮
  [06:00.46]That got away ∮他走了∮
  [06:04.66]No more his eager call ∮不再有他的电话∮
  [06:12.02]The writing’s on the wall ∮墙上的字迹∮
  [06:17.86]The dreams you dreamed Have all ∮你所做的梦∮
  [06:24.94]Gone astray ∮都烟消云散∮
  [06:31.30]The man that won you Has run off and undone you ∮赢得你芳心的男人走了∮
  [06:36.86]That great beginning Has seen a final inning ∮好戏刚开始就已结束∮
  [06:45.82]Don’t know what happened ∮不知道怎么回事∮
  [06:47.42]It’s all a crazy game ∮只是一场疯狂的游戏∮
  [06:56.22]No more that all-time thrill ∮不再有战栗∮
  [07:02.90]For you’ve been ∮对你来说∮
  [07:05.62]Through the mill ∮在磨坊里∮
  [07:07.78]And never a new love ∮不再有新欢∮
  [07:13.02]Will be the same ∮一如从前∮
  [07:20.70]Good riddance, goodbye... ∮好的解脱,再见了...∮
  [07:27.06](TV CLICKS OFF)
  [07:31.60]CIARA: Whoo!
  [07:37.42]ALL: Happy birthday! 生日快乐!
  [07:40.78]You’re 30!
  [07:41.18](BOTH BLOW PARTY HORN) 你30岁啦!
  [07:42.38]Hey, Holly... 嗨,Holly...
  [07:44.02]...these were falling out of your mailbox. ...这些信都从邮箱里掉出来了
  [07:48.74]What is that smell? 什么味道?
  [07:51.22]I wasn’t expecting company. Mom, don’t clean. 我没想到会有人来陪我 妈,别打扫了
  [07:51.50]- I’m not. I’ll just organize the garbage. - We did try to call first. - 我没打扫,只是整理垃圾 - 我们先前打过电话了
  [07:56.86]- Are you drunk? - No. - 你喝酒了? - 没有啊。
  [08:01.38]- Do you wanna be? - Ciara. - 你想喝吗? - Ciara
  [08:02.66]What happened to your head? 你的头怎么了?
  [08:04.94]Pimple. 粉刺
  [08:06.62]- You’re not showering? - You always squeeze it too hard. - 你没洗澡吗? - 你总是用力挤它
  [08:08.58]- What is that smell? - It’s me, all right? - 什么味道? - 是我,行了吧?
  [08:10.82]Hey, hey, hey. Don’t be like that. 嘿,嘿,嘿,别这样了
  [08:13.70]- Like what? - Like the only Ionely widow in Gotham City. - 什么样? - 纽约唯一的寡妇。
  [08:17.86]I’m just... exhausted. 我只是...精疲力竭了
  [08:21.66]Yeah, well, what are you doing, two shows a night? 呃,对了,你在干嘛?一晚开两场演唱会啊?
  [08:24.90]You know, if you want us to leave, that’s fine... 如果你想叫我们走,可以啊...
  [08:25.22](STIFLED CHUCKLE)
  [08:27.50]...but you do know that at some point, this all has to stop. 但是你得适可而止
  [08:33.58]All right. 好
  [08:37.74]Just give me a second, okay? I’ll get cleaned up. 给我几分钟,好吗? 我去梳洗一下
  [08:40.74]- Okay, troops, let’s sweep the area. - Yes. - 好了,孩子们,来把这地方收拾一下 - 好的
  [08:46.98]I haven’t called the office. Are they mad? 我还没给公司打电话呢,他们会发飙吗?
  [08:50.18]Nah. There’s no rush. 没事,不急
  [08:53.66]Even Larry said, "Take all the time you need. The job is there when you’re ready." Larry都说了,你尽量休息,准备好了再上班
  [08:58.18]- He’s an asshole. - He’s still an asshole. - 他混蛋 - 他一直都是个混蛋
  [08:58.70]That was nice of him. 他太好了
  [09:03.38]Do you think it’ll be all right if I stop my life right here? 你觉得我的生活就此结束是不是很好?
  [09:05.74]Become the Miss Havisham of the Lower East Side. 变成下东区(纽约的一个区)的Havisham小姐
  [09:11.60]- Sit in my wedding dress. - Which you never had. - 穿着我的婚纱 - 你没有过
  [09:12.14]Never leave my apartment till I’m old. 这辈子不再出门
  [09:15.70]- With an old piece of wedding cake. - Which you never had. - 拿着结婚蛋糕 - 你没有过
  [09:17.86]You gotta be rich to be insane, Hol. Holly,你得先发财,再发疯
  [09:20.58]Losing your mind is not a luxury for the middle class.
  [09:21.90](DOORBELL BUZZES) 失去理智可不是中产阶级该有的奢侈
  [09:23.94]CIARA: I’ll get it. - That’s so not fair. - 我去拿 - 这不公平
  [09:28.46]No, it’s not. 是不公平
  [09:31.34]Holly? Something’s been delivered for you. Holly?有你的包裹
  [09:41.54]What is this? 这是什么?
  [09:47.22]- I don’t understand. Did you do this? - No. - 我也不知道,你弄的? - 不是
  [09:50.38]JOHN: Wait a minute. 等一下