
   [00:01.10]Though if we’re going for this obsessive writing down all the message thing, 不过如果我们努力去回忆的话

  [00:05.06]some American girl called Anna called a few days ago. 几天前有个叫安娜的美国姑娘来过电话
  [00:12.62]-What did she say? -Well, it was genuinely bizarre. -她说了什么? -真是奇怪
  [00:14.26]She said, "Hi. It’s Anna." The she said, "Call me at The Ritz"... 她说,"嗨,我是安娜",接着说, "打电话到里兹大饭店找我"...
  [00:21.26]and then gave herself a completely different name. 然后却报了一个完全不同的名字
  [00:25.10]-Which was? -Absolutely no idea. -是什么? -早就忘了
  [00:28.06]Remembering one name’s hard enough. 要记住一个名字很困难
  [00:29.94]No, I-- I know that. She-- She said that. 不,我明白,是她说的
  [00:32.90]Um, I know she’s using another name. 我知道她用了别的名字
  [00:35.86]The problem is she left the message with my flatmate... 问题是她留言给我的室友...
  [00:37.46]which was a very serious mistake. 是个严重的错误
  [00:38.50]Um, I don’t know. Imagine, if you will, the stupidest person you’ve ever met. 想象一下你曾遇见过的最蠢的人吧
  [00:45.38]-Are you doing that? -Yes, sir, I have him in my mind. -想象得到吗? -是的,我大致有个印象了
  [00:48.42]And now double it. And that is the, um-- what can I say-- 那就再加一倍,我只能这么形容他了--
  [00:52.34]the git that I am living with. 和我同住的那个饭桶
  [00:53.46]And he can’t remember-- Try Flintstone. -他无法记住-- -试试弗琳斯东
  [00:58.18]Sorry. What? I think she said her name was Flintstone. -抱歉.什么? -我想她说她叫弗琳斯东
  [01:05.38]I don’t-- I don’t suppose, um, Flintstone rings any bells, does it? 我不敢肯定,弗琳斯东留过话给前台吗?
  [01:14.38]Hello. Hi. 你好.嗨
  [01:16.42]-Hi there. -Hello? 你好,你好吗?
  [01:19.50]Hi. Hi. 嗨,嗨
  [01:21.18]-Sorry. It’s William... Thacker. -Yes? 打扰了,我是威廉...扎克
  [01:25.60]Uh-huh. You played it pretty cool there, waiting for three days to call. 你可真会耍酷,等了三天才回电
  [01:25.62]Um, we-- I work in a bookshop. 我们--我在书店工作
  [01:29.86]Oh, no, I promise you I’ve never played anything cool in my entire life. 哦,不,我发誓我这辈子还从没耍过什么酷
  [01:34.70]My flatmate, who’ll I’ll stab to death later, never gave me the message. 是我的室友一直没告诉我,回头我要杀了他
  [01:37.98]I don’t know. Perhaps, um, 我不知道,也许,唔
  [01:40.66]I could drop round for tea later or something. 我能来你那喝茶什么的
  [01:45.54]-Things are pretty busy here. I might be free around 4:00. -Right. Right. Great. -我现在很忙,大概4:00会有空 -好的,好的,好极了
  [01:50.02]-Bye. -Yea-- Bye. -再见 -再见
  [01:54.78](Phone Clicks, Dial Tone )
  [01:58.26]Classic. 太棒了
  [02:06.54]Classic. 太棒了
  [02:31.42]~ (Piano )
  [02:33.94]~ ( Continues )
  [02:42.54]-Which floor? -Three, please. -几楼? -三楼,谢谢
  [02:52.22]( Elevator Dings )
  [03:14.10]Uh, are you sure this is-- -你肯定?... -是这--
  [03:16.66]Oh, yeah. Yeah. Sure. 是的,是的,没错
  [03:31.30]-Hi. Hi. I’m Karen. -Hi. -嗨,我是凯伦 -嗨
  [03:32.98]I’m sorry. Things are running a little bit late. 抱歉,实在太忙了点
  [03:33.98]Here’s the, uh, thing. Do you wanna come this way? Cheers. 拿着这些,请跟我来
  [03:37.46]( Karen ) Through here. 从这过去
  [03:41.94]( Reporters Chattering )
  [03:46.10]So what did you think of the film? 你们对本片有何看法?
  [03:46.70]Yeah, I thought it was fantastic. I thought it was, uh, 我觉得真是妙不可言
  [03:48.70]Close Encounters meets Jean de Florette. 让人联想到"恋恋山城"
  [03:55.34]I agree. 我同意
  [03:57.02]I’m sorry. I didn’t get down what magazines you’re from. 对不起,我没记下你是哪家杂志社的
  [03:59.54]-Time Out. -Great. -"中场休息" -很好
  [04:03.42]And you’re from? 你呢?
  [04:07.94]Uh, Horse & Hound. 唔,"马和猎犬"
  [04:15.58]The name’s William Thacker. I think, actually, she might be expecting me. 名字是威廉-扎克. 我想,实际上,她也许在等我
  [04:18.82]Oh, okay. Take a seat and I’ll go check. 请稍等,我去看看
  [04:25.26]I see you’ve, uh-- I see you’ve brought her some flowers. 我看到--我看到你给她带了花
  [04:29.58]( Laughing ) No. 不
  [04:32.10]These are for my, um, grandmother. 是给我,唔,祖母的
  [04:36.18]She’s in a hospital just down the road. 她住在附近的医院
  [04:38.06]Thought I’d kill two birds with one stone, you know. 我正好顺路去看看她
  [04:39.82]Sure, right. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. 是的,不错,是的
  [04:43.74]Which hospital’s that? 是哪家医院?
  [04:47.94]It’s a rather distressing disease. 那会让我感到难过
  [04:48.38]Do you mind me not saying? 我可以不说吗?
  [04:50.78]Name of the hospital kind of gives it away. Absolutely. Sure. -提到医院总是让人不快 -说得不错
  [04:52.54]Cheers. Ooh, yes. -振作点 -好的
  [04:57.22]Right, uh, Mr. Thacker. If you’ll come this way. 好了,扎克先生,请跟我来
  [04:59.38]Right. 好的
  [04:59.70]You’ve got five minutes. 你有五分钟
  [05:11.42]-Hi. -Hello. -嗨 -你好
  [05:14.94]Uh, I brought these, but clearly-- 我带了这个,但显然--
  [05:18.46]No, they’re great. They’re great. 不,它们很漂亮,非常漂亮
  [05:22.90]Ah, listen, I’m sorry about not ringing back. 很抱歉没能及时回电话
  [05:26.58]The whole "two-names concept" was totally too much for my flatmate’s pea-sized intellect. 两个名字对我那室友可怜的智商来说 实在太复杂了
  [05:28.58]No, it’s a stupid privacy thing. I always pick a... cartoon character. 不,这是愚蠢的保密措施, 我常用...卡通人物的名字
  [05:34.94](Door Closes )
  [05:35.22]Last time I was Mrs. Bambi. 上次用的是"斑比"
  [05:39.82]-Everything all right? -Yes, thank you. -一切都好吧? -是的,谢谢
  [05:40.50]And you’re from, uh, Horse & Hound. 你是"马和猎犬"杂志社的
  [05:45.50]Yeah. Good. -对 -很好
  [05:56.18]So, uh-- 那么--
  [06:01.26]Uh, I’ll just... fire away then, shall I? 我可以...开始提问了吗?
  [06:06.38]Right. 好吧
  [06:12.50]The film’s great, and, um, 这部片子非常棒
  [06:16.58]I just was wondering whether... 我想知道你是否...
  [06:19.38]you ever thought of having, um, 曾考虑过,呃
  [06:20.78]more, uh, horses in it. 加些马进去
  [06:24.54]( Clears Throat )
  [06:27.30]Uh, well, we would have liked to, 我们希望这样做
  [06:31.62]but it was, um, difficult, obviously, being set in space. 不过对太空题材来说显然有些困难
  [06:37.38]Space, right, yeah. Yeah, obviously very difficult. 太空,说得没错,是的,显然很困难
  [06:42.50]I’m so sorry. I arrived outside. 真不好意思,我来了这里
  [06:44.18]They thrust this thing into my hand-- 但毫无思想准备--
  [06:45.98]No, it’s my fault. I thought this would all be over by now. 不,是我的错,我本以为早该结束了的
  [06:49.54]I just wanted to sort of apologize for the kissing thing. 我只是想为那个吻的事道歉
  [06:51.66]I seriously don’t know what came over me. 我真的不知道自己怎么了
  [06:53.38]And I just wanted to make sure that you were fine about it. 我只想确定那没有影响到你
  [06:59.94]-Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely fine. -( Door Closes ) 是的,是的,绝对没有
  [07:03.18]Do remember that Miss Scott is also keen to talk about her next project... 别忘了斯科特小姐 同样渴望着的下一部片子...
  [07:07.46]which is, um, shooting later in the summer. 就是夏天将要开拍的那部
  [07:12.90]Ah, yes, excellent. Excellent. 是的,非常棒,非常棒
  [07:20.18]Any horses in that one? 那里面有马吗?
  [07:25.46]Or hounds for that matter. Our readers are equally intrigued by both species. 或是猎犬,我们的读者对此很感兴趣
  [07:28.58]It takes place on a submarine. 场景是在一艘潜艇上
  [07:30.58]Oh. Well, bad luck. 哦,真不幸
  [07:37.30]But, um, 不过
  [07:38.66]if there were horses in it, 如果有马的话
  [07:41.74]would you be riding them... 你会骑它们...
  [07:42.98]or would you be getting, a-- a stunt-horse-double-man-thing? 还是找个特技演员作替身呢?
  [07:52.02]( Chuckles ) I-I’m a complete moron. I apologize. I-- 我是个十足的笨蛋,不好意思,我--
  [07:54.42]This is very weird. It’s the sort of thing that happens in dreams, 太不可思议了,这种事只会出现在梦里
  [07:59.06]not in real life. 而不是现实当中
  [08:03.30]I mean, good dreams. It’s a-- 我是说美梦,这是个--
  [08:04.18]It’s a dream, in fact, uh, to see you again. 能再见到你实际上就象个梦
  [08:08.90]What happens next in the dream? 接下去还会梦到什么?
  [08:13.98]I suppose in the, uh, dream-- 我猜在这个,呃,梦--
  [08:20.18]dream scenario-- I just, uh, 梦境中--我会...
  [08:22.14]change my personality... 改变我的行为方式...
  [08:24.86]because you can do that in dreams and, um, 因为在梦里你可以这么做
  [08:28.54]walk over and, uh, kiss the girl. 走过去并吻这个女孩
  [08:33.70]But, uh-- 不过--
  [08:42.38]Time’s up, I’m afraid. Did you get what you wanted? 时间到了,你达到目的了吗?
  [08:45.86]-Um, nearly, nearly. -Well, maybe just one last question. -还差一点,差一点 -好吧,最后一个问题
  [08:53.34]-Sure. ( Clears Throat ) -Right, right. -当然 -好的,好的
  [08:57.74](Door Closes )
  [08:59.42]Are you... busy tonight? 你--今晚忙吗?
  [09:03.74]-Yes. -Right. Right. -是的 -好的,好的
  [09:07.58]-Come in. -Well, it was nice to meet you. -请进 -好了,很高兴认识你
  [09:14.02]Surreal... but nice. 超现实...但很不错
  [09:14.06]Yes, and you. 我也是
  [09:17.62]Thank you. You are Horse & Hounds’ favorite actress. 谢谢,你是"马和猎犬"最喜欢的女演员
  [09:21.78]You and Black Beauty... 和"黑美人"...
  [09:25.50]tied. 不相上下
  [09:31.54]How was she? 她怎么样?
  [09:33.22]Oh, um, fabulous. 好得难以置信
  [09:37.90]Excellent. Wait a minute. She took your grandmother’s flowers. 好极了.等等,她拿了你祖母的花
  [09:41.94]Uh, yeah, yeah. That’s right. 是的,是的,没错
  [09:43.90]-Bitch. (Karen ) -Oh, Mr. Thacker. -很便宜的 -哦,扎克先生
  [09:46.06]Mr. Thacker, if you’d like to come with me, 扎克先生,如果你不介意的话
  [09:49.70]-we can just rush you through the others. -The others? -我们能临时安排你另一个采访 -另一个?
  [09:54.14]Mr. Thacker is from Horse & Hound. 扎克先生是"马和猎犬"杂志社的
  [09:56.60]-How’s it going? -Very well,thank you. -你好吗? -很好,谢谢