
   [00:03.22]( Men Laughing ) Where did you get that from? 你从哪听来的?

  [00:06.34]And Anna is your definitive actress, 而安娜就是你专用的女演员
  [00:10.14]someone really filthy you can just flip over and start again. 你可以猥亵地对她为所欲为
  [00:16.54]-Right, that’s it. Sorry. -No, no. There’s really no point. -太过分了,失陪一下 -别,没什么大不了
  [00:20.34]( All Laughing )
  [00:22.46]Um, sorry-- sorry to disturb you guys. 对不起,抱歉打扰一下
  [00:25.18]But, um-- Can I help? 有什么事吗?
  [00:25.78]Well, yeah. I wish I hadn’t overheard your conversation, but I did. 我但愿没听到你们的谈话,可我听到了
  [00:30.58]the person you’re talking about is a real person. 你们谈论的是一个真实的人
  [00:30.74]And, um, I just think, you know, 我觉得,你们该明白
  [00:34.66]And I think she probably deserves a little bit more consideration... 我觉得你们该更尊重她一点...
  [00:38.50]rather than having jerks like you drooling over her. 不该这么胡说八道
  [00:41.78]Oh, sod off, mate. What are you, her dad? 滚开,你是她什么人?她爸爸吗?
  [00:43.30]( Snickering, Laughing )
  [00:51.62]-I’m sorry. -No, I love that you tried. -对不起 -别这么说,这不是你的错
  [00:51.70]Time was I’d have done the same thing. In fact-- 换了我也会这么做,实际上--
  [00:57.10]( Laughing Continues )
  [01:00.78]Hi. 嗨
  [01:04.86]-Oh, my God. -I just wanted to apologize for my friend. -我的天 -我只是想代我的朋友道歉
  [01:05.94]-He’s very sensitive. -No, look, I-I-- -他太敏感了 -不,听我说,我--
  [01:10.94]No, no, leave it. It’s, you know-- I’m sure you didn’t mean any harm. 不,不,没关系, 要知道--我相信你是无意的
  [01:13.46]I’m sure it was just friendly banter. 我相信那只是善意的调侃
  [01:14.18]I’m sure you guys have dicks the size of peanuts. Enjoy your dinner. 我肯定你们的家伙跟花生差不多大, 继续吃饭吧
  [01:16.58]The tuna’s really good. 金枪鱼味道不错
  [01:24.06]( Anna ) I shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have done that. -我不该那么做 -你有权利那样做
  [01:26.38]No, you were brilliant. I’m rash and I’m stupid. 不,你做得很好,我太鲁莽愚蠢了
  [01:28.90]What am I doing with you? 我跟你在一起干什么?
  [01:32.10]Uh, I don’t know, I’m afraid. 我恐怕不知道
  [01:36.46]I don’t either. 我也不知道
  [01:40.18]Here we are. 我们到了
  [01:44.42]Yes. 是的
  [01:45.74]-Well, look-- -Do you wanna come up? -那么-- -你想上去吗?
  [01:51.38]Well, there seem to be... lots of reasons why I shouldn’t, so-- 这似乎...有太多不方便,所以--
  [01:55.46]There are lots of reasons. 是有太多不方便
  [02:01.30]Do you wanna come up? 你想上去吗?
  [02:08.78]Give me five minutes? 五分钟后上来行吗?
  [02:26.82]-Hi. -Hi. -嗨 -嗨
  [02:33.10]To be able to do that is such a wonderful thing. 能这样吻你真是太美妙了
  [02:34.18]-You’ve got to go. -Why? -你得离开 -怎么了?
  [02:36.26]Because my boyfriend who was in America is, in fact, now in the next room. 因为我美国的男朋友现在就在隔壁房间
  [02:41.22]-Boyfriend? -Yes. -男朋友? -是的
  [02:44.06]-Baby, who is it? -Uh, it’s, uh-- -宝贝,是谁? -啊,是,唔--
  [02:49.98]-Uh-- -Uh, room service. 房间服务
  [02:52.14]Oh. How you doing? I thought you guys always wore those, uh, penguin coats. 哦,你好, 我还以为你们总是穿着企鹅似的燕尾服呢
  [02:55.90]Usually we do. 通常是的
  [02:57.58]But I was just, uh-- just changed to go home. 不过我刚换了衣准备回家
  [03:02.86]And, um, then I thought I’d take this final call. 只是顺便来问一下
  [03:07.38]Oh, great. If you don’t mind, I would like something too. 太好了,不介意的话,我正想要些东西
  [03:09.10]Could you bring me up some really, really cold water? 麻烦你送些非常非常冷的水来好吗?
  [03:10.22]I’ll see what I can do. 我找找看吧
  [03:13.70]-Still, not sparkling. -Absolutely.Ice-cold still water. -越冷越好 -没问题,保证很冰凉
  [03:18.22]Unless, of course, it’s illegal in the U.K. to serve beverages below room temperature. 当然,除非英国不允许给客房提供冷水
  [03:22.42]I wouldn’t want you going to jail just to satisfy my whim now. 我可不希望 你为了满足我一时的兴致而进监狱
  [03:23.66]-No, I’m sure it’s fine. -Thank you. -I-- -不,我确信这不会有问题 -谢谢 -我--
  [03:28.94]Hey, one more thing. Could you adios these dirty dishes and take out that trash too? 嘿,还有一件事, 麻烦你把这些脏盘子和垃圾带走好吗?
  [03:36.26]Uh-- Right. 好的
  [03:37.94]No. No. Um, don’t-- don’t-- don’t do that. 不,不,不用--用不着这么做
  [03:38.54]I don’t think it’s his job to clear. 我想打扫卫生并不是他的工作
  [03:41.90]Oh, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. What’s your name, man? 哦,对不起,对不起, 你叫什么,伙计?
  [03:48.02]Bernie. 伯尼
  [03:49.54]Thank you. I really appreciate it. 谢谢你,真是非常感谢
  [03:49.70]Oh, listen, Bernie. 听我说,伯尼
  [03:53.46]Hey, you. ( Nervous Chuckle )
  [03:59.78]So, tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Good surprise or nasty surprise? 告诉我,告诉我,我来这你感到高兴吗?
  [04:03.98]-Good surprise. -Oh, you’re such a liar. -当然高兴 -哦,你这个骗子.她讨厌惊喜
  [04:09.14]She hates surprises. Hey, what areyou gonna order? 你想要些什么?
  [04:09.74]-Huh? -From him. What are you gonna order? -什么? -告诉他你想要些什么?
  [04:12.26]Um, I haven’t decided yet. 我还没想好
  [04:13.82]Oh, well, don’t overdo it. 哦,好吧,别点太多
  [04:16.90]I don’t want people saying, "There goes that famous actor with the big, fat girlfriend." 我可不想有人说: "那个著名男演员有个肥胖女友"
  [04:21.54]-(Laughing) -(Door Closes) -I should leave. 我该走了
  [04:32.02]This is a fairly strange reality to be faced with. 遇上这种情形真是很尴尬
  [04:35.46]I’m so sorry. 我很抱歉
  [04:41.38]I don’t know... 我不知道...
  [04:44.46]what to say. 该说什么
  [04:47.54]I think, um, 我想,唔
  [04:50.10]"good-bye" is traditional. 通常是说"再见"
  [05:33.66]~ I can think of younger days ~ ~ 我想起年轻的岁月 ~
  [05:39.62]~ When living for my life ~ ~ 为自己而活的时候 ~
  [05:44.98]~ Was everything~ ~ 任何事 ~
  [05:47.30]~ A man could want to do ~ ~ 可以随心所欲 ~
  [05:52.90]~ I could never see ~ ~ 我从不考虑 ~
  [05:54.86]~ Tomorrow ~ ~ 明天 ~
  [06:00.54]~ I was never told~ ~ 我从不知道 ~
  [06:04.94]~ About the sorrow ~ ~ 什么是忧伤 ~
  [06:13.14]~ And~ ~ 而且 ~
  [06:15.26]~ How can you mend~ ~ 你怎能修复 ~
  [06:19.02]~ A broken heart ~ ~ 一颗破碎的心 ~
  [06:24.90]~ How can you stop the rain from falling down ~ ~ 你怎么能阻止雨丝淅淅而落 ~
  [06:31.70]~ Tell me how can you stop ~ ~ 告诉我你如何去阻止 ~
  [06:37.78]~ That old sun from shining ~ ~ 来自太阳的光芒 ~
  [06:42.30]~ What makes the world~ ~ 怎样让这个世界 ~
  [06:47.26]~ Go round~ ~ 不再运转 ~
  [06:49.86]-~ And~ -Come on. 别这样
  [06:53.06]-~ How can you mend~~ -Open up. 说出来
  [06:55.46]This is me. Spikey. 是我,斯派克
  [07:00.70]I’m in contact with some quite important spiritual vibrations. 我知道你受了很大的精神打击
  [07:05.86]Come on. Hit me with it. 来吧,说给我听听
  [07:13.42]-There’s this girl-- -Aha. 有个女孩--
  [07:15.82]See, I been gettin’ a female vibe. Good. 我就知道和女人有关,很好
  [07:18.66]Speak on, dear friend. 继续说,好朋友
  [07:23.06]She’s someone who... 她是那种...
  [07:24.18]can’t be mine, and, uh, 不可能属于我的人
  [07:29.54]it’s as if I’ve taken love heroin, and now I can’t ever have it again. 这就象瘾君子永远再买不到毒品一样
  [07:35.78]I’ve opened Pandora’s box and there’s trouble inside. 我打开潘多拉魔盒,但里面只有麻烦
  [07:41.54]Yeah. 没错
  [07:45.42]Tricky. 麻烦
  [07:46.66]Tricky. 麻烦
  [07:50.66]I knew a girl at school called Pandora. 我上学时就认识一个叫潘多拉的女孩
  [07:55.94]Never got to see her box, though. ( Chuckling ) 尽管从没看到过她的私处(盒子)
  [07:58.98]Right. 好了
  [08:00.66]Right. Thanks. That’s very helpful. (Spike Laughing) 好了,谢谢,这很有帮助
  [08:06.70]You didn’t know she had a boyfriend? 你不知道她有男朋友?
  [08:11.78]No. No. 不知道
  [08:12.62]Why? Did you? 怎么?你们早就知道?
  [08:17.06]( William ) Bloody hell. I don’t believe it. 该死,我真不敢相信
  [08:19.78]My whole life ruined because I don’t read Hello magazine. 我这辈子就毁在不看八卦杂志上了
  [08:23.90]Let’s face facts. This was always a no-win situation. 面对现实吧,这根本是毫无指望的
  [08:29.14]Anna’s... a goddess. 安娜是...个女神
  [08:30.14]You know what happens to mortals who get involved with the gods. 你该知道凡人爱上神会有什么结果
  [08:33.18]- Buggered, is it? - Every time. -死无葬身之地? -无一幸免
  [08:34.54]But don’t despair. I think I have the solution to your problems. 但不要绝望,我有办法解决你的问题
  [08:42.26]-Really? -Mm-hmm.Her name is Tessa, -是吗? -她叫泰莎
  [08:44.02]and she works in the contracts department. 她在公证部门工作
  [08:45.42]The hair, I admit, is unfashionably frizzy, 我承认她的发型是老式的卷发
  [08:49.38]but she’s bright as a button and kisses like a nymphomaniac on death row. 但她小巧可爱, 而且接吻时就象是死囚区的慕男狂
  [08:52.98]Apparently. ( Others Laughing) 一看就知道
  [08:54.66](Doorbell Ringing)
  [08:56.42]Now... try. 试试看
  [09:03.34]( Tessa ) I got completely lost. 我完全迷路了
  [09:05.90]It’s very difficult, isn’t it? Everything’s got the word "Kensington" in it. 很难找不是吗?每个地方都写着"肯辛顿"
  [09:06.90]Kensington Park Road. Kensington Garden. Kensington bloody Park Garden. 肯辛顿公园大道,肯辛顿花园, 该死的肯辛顿公园、花园
  [09:11.74]-Tessa, this is Bella,my wife. -Hello. -泰莎,这是贝拉,我太太 -你好
  [09:11.82]-You’re in a wheelchair. -That’s right. -你坐的是轮椅 -没错
  [09:15.02]And this is William. 这个是威廉
  [09:18.62]-Hello, William. -Hi. -你好,威廉 -嗨
  [09:18.86]-Max has told me everything about you. -Has he? -马克经常跟我提起你 -是吗?
  [09:21.90]Oh, yes. You are a naughty boy. 是的,你是个淘气的家伙
  [09:25.50]-Wine? -Oh, yes, please. -要酒吗? -哦,是的,谢谢
  [09:26.50]Come on, Willie. Let’s get sloshed. 来吧,威利,一醉方休 (威利是昵称,一般只有亲朋好友才用)
  [09:28.54]-Red or white? -Red. -红酒白酒? -红酒
  [09:34.74]Keziah. 克赛
  [09:37.46]-Some woodcock? -No, thank you.I’m a fruitarian. -要丘鹬肉吗? -不,谢谢,我是果食主义者
  [09:44.26]What is a fruitarian, exactly? 什么是果食主义者?
  [09:48.38]We believe that fruits and vegetables have feelings, 我们相信水果和蔬菜是有感觉的
  [09:52.22]so we think cooking is cruel. 煮熟它们太残忍
  [09:55.34]We only eat things that have fallen from the tree or bush, 我们只吃从树上自然掉落的东西
  [09:58.94]that are, in fact, dead already. 那说明它们已经死亡