
   [00:06.54]’Course. 当然

  [00:15.10]Thanks. I’ve got to, um-- 谢谢,我得--
  [00:18.26]Any time. 随时来
  [00:29.62](Man ) Ladies and gentlemen, can we have you on your first marks?
  [00:30.86]On yourfirst marks!
  [00:46.02]Uh, I-I do hate to disturb you whilst you’re cooking the books, 我讨厌在你工作的时候打扰你
  [00:47.58]but, uh, there’s a delivery for you. 但是有人送东西给你
  [00:51.14]Martin, really. Can’t you just do it yourself? 马丁,你就不能代我签收一下吗?
  [00:54.46]N-- But you see, this is not for the shop. This is for you. 可这不是店里的事,是你个人的
  [01:00.02]Right. Okay. Tell me. If I employ a wet rag, 好吧,告诉我,如果我雇用一块湿抹布
  [01:03.30]would I have to pay it as much as I pay you? 我是不是该付给它和你一样多的报酬?
  [01:08.42]Hi. 嗨
  [01:11.46]-Hello. -You disappeared. -你好 -你不辞而别了
  [01:18.66]I had to leave. I didn’t want to disturb. 我只是不想再打扰你
  [01:22.82]-How have you been? -Fine, fine. -近来还好吗? -挺好,挺好
  [01:24.70]Everything much the same. When they change the law, 基本上是老样子. 一旦有所改变...
  [01:27.14]Spike and I will marry immediately. 斯派克和我就会很快结婚
  [01:30.42]Whereas you, I’ve watched in wonder. 我听说了你的消息
  [01:33.46]-Awards, glory. -Oh, no. -你获了奖 -算了吧
  [01:36.30]It’s-- It’s all nonsense, believe me. 那--那没太多意义,真的
  [01:37.74]I’d no idea how much nonsense it was, but... 我不知道没有意义到什么程度,但...
  [01:43.38]nonsense it all is. 肯定毫无意义
  [01:47.14]Well, um--
  [01:47.86]Yesterday was our last day of filming, so... I’m leaving. 昨天是我们电影杀青的日子, 所以...我走开了
  [01:54.38]But, um-- 不过--
  [01:58.94]I brought this for you from home, 我从家里给你带来了这个
  [02:02.86]so I thought I’d give it to you. 所以我来送给你
  [02:06.38]Thank you. 谢谢
  [02:08.90]Shall I-- 我能--
  [02:10.58]Oh, no, don’t open it now. I’ll be embarrassed. 不,现在别打开,我会觉得尴尬
  [02:16.30]Well, thank you. I don’t know what it’s for, but thanks anyway. 谢谢,我不知道是什么,但还是要谢谢你
  [02:19.22]Actually, I had it in my apartment, and I thought you’d-- 它以前是放在我的公寓里, 我觉得你会--
  [02:25.98]But when it came to it, I didn’t know how to call, 但想要打电话时却不知该怎么说
  [02:27.98]having behaved so badly. 表现真是差劲
  [02:31.14]Twice. 太差劲了
  [02:35.70]So it’s just been sitting in the hotel. 所以它一直被放在酒店里
  [02:39.98]Then you came and... I figured-- 然后你来了...我想--
  [02:46.58]The thing is-- 事情是--
  [02:50.74]The thing is-- 事情是--
  [02:52.98]What? What is the thing? 什么?什么事情?
  [02:56.82]Don’t even think about it. Go away immediately. 想都不要想,快出去
  [03:00.06]-Go away. -Right. -出去 -好的
  [03:01.54]Sorry. 抱歉
  [03:05.66]You were saying? 继续说好吗?
  [03:09.62]Yes. 好的
  [03:14.18]I have to go away today, but I... 我今天就要走,不过我...
  [03:16.34]wondered if I didn’t... 想知道如果我没有...
  [03:20.26]whether you might let me see you a little, 不管你是让我略作停留
  [03:25.42]or... a lot, maybe. 还是...久留,也许吧
  [03:30.94]See if you could like me again. 想看看你是否还会喜欢我
  [03:34.18]But yesterday that actor asked you who I was, and you just dismissed me out of hand. 但昨天那个男演员问你我是谁时, 你表示已经成为过去了
  [03:40.82]I heard. 我听到了
  [03:43.98]-You had a microphone. -I had headphones. 你戴着麦克风
  [03:47.02]You expect me to tell the truth about my life to the most indiscreet man in england? 你希望我告诉那个英国最轻浮的男人 有关我生活的真话吗?
  [03:52.94]Uh, excuse me. 打扰一下
  [03:53.30]It’s your mother on the phone. 你妈妈来的电话
  [03:58.14]Will you tell her I’ll ring her back? 告诉她我会打给她好吗?
  [04:00.58]I’ve actually tried that tack, but she said you’ve said that once before, 我试过但碰了钉子, 她说你之前就这么说
  [04:02.86]and it’s now been about 24 hours... 但足足过了24小时...
  [04:05.54]and the foot that was purple is now sort of blackish in color and-- 脚都站肿了,现在成了紫中带黑的颜色
  [04:09.98]Right, right. Yeah. Perfect timing, as ever. 好吧,好吧,来得可真是时候
  [04:14.78]Martin, hold the fort a second. 马丁,帮我招呼一下
  [04:16.78]Uh,yes. All right. 好的,没问题
  [04:24.58]Um, could I just say-- 我只想说--
  [04:28.70]( Chuckles ) I thought Ghost was the most wonderful film. 我觉得"人鬼情未了"是最棒的电影
  [04:34.78]-Is that right? -Oh, yes. -是吗? -哦,是的
  [04:36.26]( Chuckles )
  [04:38.42]Um, I’ve always wondered... 我一直想知道...
  [04:42.54]what Patrick Swayze’s like in-- in-- in real life. 派屈克-施瓦兹在现实生活中是什么样子
  [04:46.10]I can’t say that I know Patrick all that well. 我不敢说我有多了解派屈克
  [04:51.02]He wasn’t that friendly during filming? 他在拍片的时候不太友好吗?
  [04:51.38]Well, I’m sure he was friendly to Demi Moore, who acted with him in Ghost. 我相信他对黛米-摩尔很友善, 就是和他演对手戏的那个
  [05:00.70]Oh. Oh, right. 哦,哦,是的
  [05:03.18]Sorry. (Nervous Chuckle ) 对不起
  [05:05.74]Always been a bit of an ass. ( Chuckling ) 我总是这么糊里糊涂的
  [05:09.54]Um, anyway-- Um-- 总之--
  [05:12.22]Well, it was lovely to meet you. 很高兴见到你
  [05:13.50]I’m a huge, huge fan of yours. 我是你最最忠实的影迷
  [05:14.50]And Demi’s, ofcourse. 当然也是黛米的
  [05:22.86]That’s fine. 没关系
  [05:23.02]Sorry about that. 不好意思
  [05:26.54]There’s always a pause when the jury goes out to consider their verdict. 陪审团考虑他们的裁决时 总是要暂时休庭的
  [05:32.58]Anna, look, um-- 安娜,听我说--
  [05:36.02]I’m a fairly levelheaded bloke, 我是个过于理智的傻瓜
  [05:38.86]not often in and out of love. 没有太多感情经历
  [05:41.98]But, uh-- 但是--
  [05:49.58]Can I just say no to your... 我能对你的提议...
  [05:51.62]kind request and, uh, leave it at that? 说不,就当没听到过吗?
  [05:58.74]Yes. 当然
  [06:02.78]Fine. Of course. I-- 好的,当然,我--
  [06:04.62]Of course. 当然
  [06:10.06]I’ll just be going, then. It was nice to see you. 那么我走了,很高兴能见到你
  [06:13.10]The thing is, 问题在于
  [06:15.62]with you I’m in real... danger. 和你在一起我真的...很冒险
  [06:17.34]It seems like a... perfect situation, 这本该是个理想的局面
  [06:20.74]apart from that foul temper of yours, but... 除了你火爆的脾气之外,但...
  [06:25.30]my relatively inexperienced heart would, I fear, not... 我的心理承受能力,恐怕,会...
  [06:28.10]recover, uh, if I was... 受不了, 如果我...
  [06:31.98]once again cast aside, as I would absolutely expect to be. 再一次给扔在一边, 我能想象到会有什么后果
  [06:36.98]There are just too many pictures of you, too many films. 这里有你太多的照片,太多的电影
  [06:42.10]You’d go and I’d be, uh, 你一走,我肯定会...
  [06:42.62]well, buggered, basically. 完蛋,差不多吧
  [06:49.14]That really is a real no, isn’t it? 这是真正否定的答复不是吗?
  [06:49.66]I live in Notting Hill. You live in... Beverly Hills. 我住在诺丁山,而你住在...比华利山
  [06:56.10]Everyone in the world knows who you are. 世上所有人都知道你是谁
  [06:57.78]My mother has trouble remembering my name. 而我的名字我妈妈都记不住
  [07:00.22]Fine. 好的
  [07:05.82]Fine. Good decision. Good decision. 没关系,你的决定是对的
  [07:12.70]The fame thing isn’t really real, you know. 名气这东西并不太真实,你知道的
  [07:19.86]And don’t forget I’m-- 而且别忘了我是--
  [07:22.06]I’m also just a girl... 我也只是个女人...
  [07:27.90]standing in front of a boy... 站在一个男人面前...
  [07:32.18]asking him to love her. 要求他爱她
  [07:44.74]Good-bye. 再见
  [08:06.58]So what do you think? Good move? 你们怎么看?做得对吗?
  [08:10.78]I mean, when all’s said and done, she’s nothing special. 我是说,仔细想想,她也没什么特别
  [08:11.22]( Honey ) Yeah, good move. 是的,做得对
  [08:14.38]I saw her taking her trousers down, and I definitely glimpsed some cellulite down there. 我看过她脱裤子, 而且我很肯定瞥见了她的身体
  [08:17.54]Good decision, yeah. 做得对,是的
  [08:23.46]All actresses are as mad as snakes. 所有的女演员都象蛇一样易怒
  [08:24.06]-Tones, what do you reckon? -Never met her, never want to. -东尼,你怎么想? -永远别再见她
  [08:27.10]-Brilliant. Max? -Absolutely. Never trust a vegetarian. -很好,马克? -决不要相信素食主义者
  [08:29.70]Great. Thanks. Brilliant. 很好,谢谢,很好
  [08:36.18]( Panting ) I was called and I came. What’s up? 我接到电话就来了,怎么回事?
  [08:37.14]William’s just turned down Anna Scott. 威廉刚刚拒绝了安娜-斯科特
  [08:39.74]You daft prick. 你这个蠢货
  [08:44.50]No, no. No, no, it’s actually quite sensible. 不,不,不,实际上这相当明智
  [08:49.98]That painting isn’t the original, is it? 那幅画是不是真迹?
  [08:52.70]Um, you know, I think it might be, yeah. 我觉得应该是的
  [08:58.82]But she said she wanted to go out with you. 但她说她希望和你约会
  [09:04.78]-Yeah. -Well, that’s nice. -是的 -那很不错
  [09:07.94]What? 怎么?
  [09:11.10]Well, you know, 你该知道
  [09:13.30]anyone saying they wanna go out with you is pretty great, isn’t it? 有人说想和你约会总是件好事不是吗?
  [09:21.70]It was... 这...
  [09:26.30]sort of... sweet, actually. 确实...很不错
  [09:29.26]Um, I mean, I know she’s an actress and all that... 我是说,我知道她是个女演员而且...
  [09:31.78]so she can... deliver a line, but, um, 不乏追求者,但...
  [09:36.70]she said she might be as famous as can be, 她说过也许她是很出名
  [09:37.70]but also that she was... 但同时她也...
  [09:42.98]just a girl... 只是个女人...
  [09:44.02]standing in front of a boy... 站在一个男人面前...
  [09:49.18]asking him... to love her. 要求他...爱她