
   [01:50.20]Can’t wait till I get my own spread... 我等不及要建立自己的牧场

  [01:51.36]Oh, shit. 该死
  [01:52.20]and I won’t have to put up with Joe Aguirre’s crap no more. 也不用再听老板废话了
  [01:57.20]I’m savin’ for a place myself. 我存钱想买个自己的地方
  [01:58.88]Alma and me, we’re gonna get married when I come down off this mountain. 艾玛和我,等我下山就结婚
  [02:05.96]Shit, that stay with the sheep, no fire bullshit. 那个跟羊睡,不准生火的规矩
  [02:09.12]Aguirre got no right makin’ us do somethin’ against the rules. 老板无权逼我们违反规定
  [03:02.48]No more beans. 不要再吃豆子了!
  [03:07.40]Yup 走啊!
  [03:38.20]Damn. Shit! 妈的!该死!
  [03:45.24]Something wrong? 有问题吗?
  [03:46.84]I don’t know.  好了
  [03:47.24]Yeah, so what.... Why didn’t we get the powdered milk and the spuds? 有,为什么没奶粉跟蕃茄?
  [03:51.12]That’s all we got. 我们只有这些
  [03:53.68]Well.... Here’s next week’s. 这是下礼拜要的东西
  [04:00.64]Thought you didn’t eat soup. 我以为你不喝汤
  [04:01.44]Yeah, well, I’m sick of beans. 我受够豆子了
  [04:05.92]Too early in the summer to be sick of beans. 现在厌烦豆子太早了点
  [04:10.60]Come on. 走啊!
  [04:33.56]Come on. Come on. 走!走啊!
  [04:48.80]Hold on. Whoa, whoa! 回来,你们这些畜牲
  [04:53.96]Shit. 靠
  [04:54.20]Whoa. Come back here! 继续走
  [05:35.68]Whoa there, whoa. All right. Fuck it. 过来,你们这些畜牲
  [05:39.88](Ennis) Okay, you bastard. 你个混蛋
  [05:44.44]Where the hell you been? 你跑去哪了?
  [05:45.72]Been up with the sheep all day, I get down here hungry as hell... 整天跟羊混,下来这里
  [05:47.28]and all I find is beans. 饿的半死,却只能找到豆子
  [05:54.88]What in the hell happened, Ennis? 怎么回事?
  [05:58.36]I come on a bear is what happened. 碰上一头熊,就这样
  [05:59.52]Goddamn horse spooked and the mules took off... 该死的马抓狂
  [06:03.20]and scattered food everywhere. 骡子跑了,食物散落地上
  [06:04.68]Beans is about all we got left. 我们也只剩豆子了
  [06:08.80]Got whiskey or somethin’? 有酒吗?
  [06:14.64]Dumb-ass mule. 蠢骡子
  [06:21.40]I can’t believe that. God damn. 我真不敢相信,该死
  [06:26.60]Let me see. 我看看
  [06:32.76]Shit. 妈的
  [06:36.84]Well, we gotta do somethin’ about this food situation. 我们得解决食物的问题
  [06:40.08]Maybe I’ll shoot one of the sheep. 我干脆杀一只羊好了
  [06:41.88]Yeah, what if Aguirre finds out, huh? 要是老板发现怎办?
  [06:45.44]What’s the matter with you? There are a thousand of ’em. 你是怎么了?羊有上千只耶
  [06:45.88]We’re supposed to guard the sheep, not eat ’em. 我们应该要守护羊,不是吃羊
  [06:52.80]I’ll stick with beans. 我还是吃豆子吧
  [06:56.52]Well, I won’t. 我才不要
  [07:09.20](whooping) Yeah! 好耶!
  [07:11.32]Gettin’ tired of your dumb-ass missin’. 受不了你老是打不中
  [07:16.48](laughing) Let’s get a move on. Don’t want the Game and Fish to catch us with no elk. 快动手 猎杀麋鹿可不能被逮到
  [07:43.68]Come on. Shit. 好,走吧
  [07:53.56]Yeah, I’m commutin’ four hours a day. 我每天通勤四小时
  [07:57.52]I come in for breakfast, I go back to the sheep. 早上来吃早餐,再回羊群那里
  [07:59.80]Evenin’, get ’em bedded down. 晚上整顿好它们
  [08:02.48]Come in for supper, go back to the sheep. 再来吃晚餐,再回羊群那里
  [08:05.96]Spend hAlf the night checkin’ for damn coyotes. 大半夜都在察看草原狼的踪迹
  [08:09.44]Aguirre got no right to make me do this. 老板没权利逼我做这些
  [08:14.12]You wanna switch? I wouldn’t mind sleepin’ out there. 要换班吗? 我不介意陪羊群睡
  [08:18.52]That ain’t the point. The point is, we both ought to be in this camp. 不 重点是我们都该睡在这营地
  [08:22.96]Goddamn pup tent smells like cat piss or worse. 那个小帐篷又臭的跟猫尿一样
  [08:26.84]I wouldn’t mind bein’ out there. 我不介意待在那里
  [08:31.64]Well, I’m happy to switch with you... 我很高兴跟你换班
  [08:32.44]but I warn you, I can’t cook worth a damn. 不过我警告你,我不大会烹饪
  [08:36.60]I am pretty good with a can opener, though. 不过我很会开罐头
  [08:41.36]You can’t be no worse than me, then. 那你不会比我糟,好了
  [08:43.32]Here you go. 给
  [08:56.96]You won’t get much sleep, I’ll tell you that. 我告诉你 你可没多少时间可睡
  [08:57.44]Yup.  是啊
  [08:59.08]Come on. 走吧
  [09:20.24]Shot a coyote up there.It’s a big son of a bitch.  杀了一只草原狼,有够大只
  [09:23.40]He had balls on him the size of apples. 它的蛋蛋有苹果那么大
  [09:26.52]He looked like he could eat himself a camel. 看来它吞得下一头骆驼
  [09:32.04]You want some of this hot water? 你要热水吗?
  [09:37.92]It’s all yours. 都给你吧