
   [00:06.56]Come here. 过来

  [00:18.04]Ennis. 艾尼斯
  [00:22.96](male announcer) Let ’er rip and snort, boys! 放手一搏!这个可快了!
  [00:26.16]Jack Twist, hangin’ on for dear life! 杰克特斯,生死一瞬间
  [00:29.16]And down he goes! Watch out there, fella! 他掉下来了 小心点,他来了
  [00:30.24]He’s comin’ for you.  小丑上场
  [00:34.32]Send in the clowns! 特斯先生表现不俗
  [00:35.56]Okay, a fine ride by Mr. Twist. Shit! 该死!
  [00:37.96]Four seconds for him. 他撑了四秒
  [00:41.36]Give ’em a hand, folks, our very own rodeo clowns! 大家捧个场,我们的牛仔小丑
  [00:49.64]Give us a beer, Doug. 一杯啤酒就好
  [01:03.92]I’d like to buy Jimbo here a beer. 我请金宝喝杯啤酒
  [01:08.88]Best damn rodeo clown I’ve ever worked with. 他是我见过最棒的牛仔小丑
  [01:11.96]No thanks, cowboy. If I was to let every rodeo hand I pulled a bull off of... 谢了,要是我让我救过的人
  [01:16.16]buy me liquor, I’d have been a Alcoholic long ago. 都请我喝酒 我早就酒精中毒了
  [01:25.28]Pullin’ bulls off of you buckaroos is just my job. 引开牛只是我的工作
  [01:30.56]So save your money for your next entry fee, cowboy. 你省下钱报名下一回竞技吧
  [01:47.64]You ever try cAlf ropin’? 你试过套小牛吗?
  [01:55.52]Do I look like I can afford a fuckin’ ropin’ horse? 我看起来有那么行吗?
  [02:14.28]{male announcer chattering) No. Come on, let’s don’t. Jenny’ll get scared. 不,不要,珍妮会吓到
  [02:23.72]Look at this crowd! 看看这群人
  [02:27.92]Bound to be a lot of pussy on the hoof in a crowd like this. 这种人潮之中一定有很多辣妹
  [02:30.20](biker #2) All swelled up with patriotic feeling... 全都饥渴的等着猛男来泡
  [02:33.92]and ready to be humped like a frog. So, where do you figure the most pussy is at? 你想最辣的妹都在哪?
  [02:37.68](baby crying) Las Vegas or California? 拉斯维加斯还是加州?
  [02:38.56]Hell, I don’t know... 我不知道
  [02:40.96]but if you make it between Montana and Wyoming, I’d take Wyoming-- 但蒙大拿跟怀俄明 我选怀俄明
  [02:43.72]Hey! You might want to keep it down, I got two little girls here. 请小声一点 我两个小女儿在这
  [02:46.92]Fuck you. Asshole. 去你的,混蛋
  [02:48.92]Probably quit givin’ it to his wife after his kids was born. 可能生小孩以后 就不上他老婆了
  [02:53.76](laughing) You know what that’s like. Yeah. 都是那样的啦
  [02:57.96]Ennis, let’s move. Let’s just move, okay? 艾尼斯,我们走远一点 我不想惹麻烦
  [03:04.72]Now, I don’t want any trouble from you. You need to shut your slop-bucket mouths, you hear me? 你们嘴巴放干净点,听见没?
  [03:08.80]You ought to listen to your old lady, then. 你该听你老婆的话
  [03:09.48]Is that right?  是吗?
  [03:11.16]Yeah. Move somewhere else. 对,到别的地方去
  [03:15.64]What about it? You wanna lose about hAlf your fuckin’ teeth, huh? 怎样,你想被打断牙齿吗?
  [03:17.40]Not tonight, bud. I’d sure rather not. 今晚不想,我不想
  [03:30.32]Here she comes, ladies and gentlemen! Oh, boy, look at her fly! 她来了 各位,看她飞快的样子
  [03:36.80]This is Lureen Newsome from right here in ChiIdress, Texas! 这是来自德州的萝琳纽森
  [03:41.16]She’s turnin’ on two! 她转向第二个桶子
  [03:45.96]She’s around three! 第三个
  [03:47.28]Come on, folks! Help her home! 快点,快点
  [03:50.16]Come on! Come on! 快,大家快帮她加油
  [03:50.64]And the time is 16 and 9! 十六秒半
  [04:00.48]Here’s Cheyenne Hodson from Cody, Wyoming! 接着是怀俄明来的夏安族人
  [04:03.40]Come on, girl! 来把,女孩们
  [04:07.64]She’s headed around two! 加油,她朝向第二个桶子
  [04:11.92]Is there anybody here from Wyoming?  来自怀俄明!表现真赞!
  [04:14.36]How about it, folks? 这个怎么样
  [04:18.48]Come on, Cheyenne! 加油,夏安族
  [04:19.96]And her time is 17 and 2! 她的时间是十七秒二
  [04:27.72]Here comes Scotty Griffiths, out of Lubbock, Texas. 接着是德州来的史考帝
  [04:29.68]Come on, Scotty! 加油,史考帝…糟糕!
  [04:30.04]Damn it! Let’s give Scotty Griffiths a big hand, folks. 大家给史考帝热烈的掌声
  [04:35.44]Boy, I tell you, folks, what a heck of a way to make a living! 这种日子还真凄惨啊
  [04:35.48]Better luck next time, cowboy. 祝下次好运,牛仔
  [04:38.44]Next up is an up-and-comer! 接下来是杰克特斯
  [04:40.44]Jack Twist from all the way up in Lightning Flat, Wyoming. 来自怀俄明州
  [04:45.88]He’s onboard Sleepy today!  他骑上了睡美人
  [04:50.28]Let’s hope he’s not! 希望他不会出事
  [04:50.88]Okay! There they go, folks! 好,他出来了
  [04:53.92]And look at Sleepy go, boy! 看看睡美人,老天
  [04:57.64]He’s broke free today, folks! 它今天被人制住了
  [04:59.24]Come on, spin and spin and spin! 快啊,转圈、快转圈
  [05:01.16]Oh, boy! Good ride, cowboy! Well, let’s see what the judges say! 骑的好,牛仔 看裁判们怎么说
  [05:07.84]I tell you, folks, that sure looked like the winnin’ ride to me! 我敢说这是今天的赢家
  [05:30.56]You know that girl? 你认得那个女的?
  [05:31.60]I sure do. Lureen Newsome. 当然,萝琳纽森
  [05:35.48]Her dad sells farm equipment. I mean, big farm equipment. 她爸卖农场设备,很贵的那种
  [05:36.28]$100,000 tractors, shit like that. 价值十万元的曳引机之类的
  [05:54.60]What are you waitin’ for, cowboy? A matin’ call? 你在等什么,求偶讯号吗?
  [06:01.80]@ No one’s gonna love you like me @
  [06:07.76]@ No one else, can’t you see? @
  [06:12.32]@ No one’s gonna love you like me @
  [06:18.76]@ No one, no one @
  [06:28.64]@ No one else, can’t you see? @
  [06:35.16]@ No one’s gonna love you like me @
  [06:38.76]@ No one, no one @
  [06:45.04]@ I know sometimes you felt @
  [06:50.28]@ So lonely @
  [06:57.08]@ I know @
  [06:59.24]@ You felt so sad and blue @@
  [07:34.52]Oh, wait, hold on. 等一等
  [07:35.76]You don’t think I’m too fast, do you? 你不会认为我太猴急了吧?
  [07:40.84]Maybe we should put the brakes on? 也许我们该踩煞车?
  [07:41.36]Fast or slow, I just like the direction you’re goin’. 不论快慢 我喜欢你要去的方向
  [07:55.96]You are in a hurry.  你还真性急
  [07:58.04]He expects me home with the car by midnight. 他会半夜等我开车回家
  [07:58.44]My daddy’s the hurry. 我爸很性急
  [08:14.96]Come here, come here. 过来、过来
  [08:16.52]Is Alma here? 艾玛在吗?
  [08:16.84]Hey, Ennis. 你好,艾尼斯
  [08:17.52]Yeah, she’s in the condiments aisle. 在,她在调味料区
  [08:17.56]Hi, Monroe.  你好,蒙洛
  [08:20.80]The what?  什么?
  [08:21.28]Ketchup. 蕃茄酱那里
  [08:23.08]Thanks. 谢了
  [08:25.36](man) Your boy gonna play again this year? 借过
  [08:25.40]Hey, honey. Honey, what are y’all doing here? 老公?你们跑来干嘛?
  [08:25.96](Alma Jr.) Excuse us! Yeah, excuse me. 是啊,借过
  [08:29.32]Big hurry. 事出紧急
  [08:30.44]My boss called and, well, he wants me to go up to the ranch. 我老板要我去牧场一趟
  [08:35.60]Mama. I guess all the heifers must’ve decided to cAlve at the same time. 母牛们突然决定要一起生小牛
  [08:39.32]Ennis, well... I got a million things I gotta do here before I can leave. 我还有很多事要做,不能离开
  [08:39.80]I figured I could drop the girls off with you. 我把女儿都带来给你
  [08:44.96]I don’t get off for another three hours. 我还有三小时才下班
  [08:45.88]Mama, I need crayons. 妈妈,我要蜡笔
  [08:48.76]Ennis, please, you promised you’d take them tonight. 拜托,你答应今晚带她们的
  [08:49.32]Not now, Alma. 现在不行
  [08:53.72]Alma, I can’t afford not to be there when the heifers cAlve. 母牛生产,我不能不去
  [08:55.68]Right, it’d be my job if I lose any of ’em. 要是出差错,我的工作就完了
  [08:57.80]What about my job? 那我的工作呢?
  [09:01.56]Okay, all right, I’ll call my sister. I’ll see if she can take ’em. All right. All right. 好,我问我妹能不能照顾她们
  [09:06.04]You be a good girl for your mama, all right? 好,你们要乖乖听妈的话喔
  [09:10.72]I’ll be hAlf the night. Bring home some ground steaks if you think of it. 我晚上会带点牛排回家
  [09:12.28](baby shrieking) Come here.  过来
  [09:14.76]Oh, Alma, please! 艾玛,天哪
  [09:20.56]Oh, boy. 老天
  [09:22.44]Okay. Monroe, I’m so sorry. 蒙洛,真对不起
  [09:24.32]It’s okay. It’s okay, Alma. 没关系,艾玛
  [09:24.52]I’ll clean this up just as soon as I call my sister... to come get the girls. 我会清干净 叫我妹来带走孩子
  [09:29.80]Really, Alma, it’s okay. I’ll get it. 真的,没关系,我来就好
  [09:31.48]Alma, come with me.  艾玛,跟我来
  [09:33.00]Watch your feet. 小心脚步
  [09:35.88]Alma. 艾玛
  [09:38.36]It’s just like my hand. 跟我一样
  [09:38.44](Jack) Honey, got a surprise for you. 女儿,有个惊喜送给你
  [09:42.64](Lureen) Hey. 嗨
  [09:44.68]I got two whole boxes of formula for you. 我带了两大箱牛奶送你
  [09:49.80]You did? 1 20 cans.  120罐
  [09:50.60]1 20? 120罐?
  [09:51.84]L.D., where did you put ’em? 老爸,东西放在哪里?
  [09:53.72]Oh, hell, back seat of the car, where I left ’em. 我就放车子后座
  [09:59.04]Rodeo can get ’em. 牛仔小子可以去搬
  [11:03.12]L.D., I can Already see who little Bobby looks like. 老爸 我看得出小巴比长的像谁
  [11:06.48]Good job, little girl. 好女儿
  [11:07.72]He’s the spittin’ image of his grandpa. 他长的真像他爷爷
  [11:12.36]Isn’t he just the spittin’ image of his grandpa? 他长的真像他爷爷,不是吗?
  [11:18.00](Lureen) Look at those eyes. 看看那对眼睛
  [11:47.68]Hey. 嗨
  [11:51.32](Ennis) Hey, honey. 老婆
  [11:56.48]Hey, Ennis, you know somebody, name of Jack? 艾尼斯 你认识一个叫杰克的?
  [12:02.80]Maybe. Why? 也许吧,怎么了?
  [12:06.84]’Cause you got a postcard. It come generAl delivery. 你有张明信片
  [12:19.04]Is he somebody you cowboyed with, or what? 他是你同事,还是什么的?
  [12:24.88]No, Jack, he rodeos, mostly. 不,杰克,他是玩牛仔竞技的
  [12:28.48]We was fishin’ buddies. 我们以前是钓鱼的伙伴
  [13:10.32](Alma) You can color that one, too. 你也可以帮那个着色
  [13:13.24](Alma Jr.) I’ll color the beach. 我来给海滩着色
  [13:19.56]Maybe we could get a baby-sitter.  也许我们可以请个保姆
  [13:23.44]Huh? 什么?
  [13:26.76]Take your friend to the Knife and Fork? 带你朋友上馆子?
  [13:29.12]No, Jack ain’t the restaurant type. 杰克不爱上馆子 我们只会出去