
   [00:01.90]-Love you. -Be safe. - 我爱你 - 小心点

  [00:05.50]Have fun for the both of us. 我们都要开心
  [00:09.18]Have fun yourself. 玩的愉快
  [01:41.42]Hello? 你好?
  [01:46.90](BELL RINGS)
  [02:03.38]Anybody here? 有人吗?
  [02:12.34]Hello? 你好?
  [02:15.46]Oh. 哦
  [02:16.62]Ah, you must be Mr. Flanner. 你一定是Flanner先生
  [02:19.62]Yeah. Yeah, I am. 是的
  [02:23.06]Ah. The wind just came up. 刚起风
  [02:25.74]Ah. 啊
  [02:29.14]Let’s get you signed in. 我们来登记一下
  [02:31.42]You must have taken the 3:30 ferry. You’re early. 你一定是乘3:30 的渡船 来的真早
  [02:32.14]Yeah. Yeah, I did. 是的
  [02:36.30]Four nights, leaving Tuesday? 住四天 下周二走?
  [02:39.10]Pretty early. I’ve got a flight to catch. 是很早 我要赶个飞机
  [02:39.46]If you don’t mind signing this, please. 麻烦签个字
  [02:43.58]Yeah, you may have heard some talk about bad weather. Um... 你也许听说了坏天气...
  [02:46.66]Radio said only 50-percent chance- 广播说有50%的可能
  [02:47.86]Yeah, I heard something about that. It doesn’t matter. 是的 我听说了 没关系
  [02:49.94]People come here even in winter for the beach, you know. 人们在冬天也来海滩 你知道
  [02:52.70]It doesn’t matter. 没关系
  [02:57.78]Oh, if you don’t mind, please fill out the home address. 麻烦在这儿填上住址
  [02:59.06]-Jean always asks for home address. -I thought you were Jean. - Jean总是要住址 - 我以为你是Jean
  [03:03.54]Oh, Jean and I are old friends. Jean和我是老朋友
  [03:04.74]She had to work in Miami, so I’m standing in for her. 她要去Miami工作 所以我来替她
  [03:11.78]Look, I’m gonna leave this home address blank, if you don’t mind. 我想先不填住址了 如果你不介意
  [03:17.14]Okay. 好的
  [03:21.34]Okay. 没关系
  [03:25.90]-Sorry. -It’s all right. - 抱歉 - 没关系
  [03:31.50]It’s called the Blue Room. 这间叫蓝屋
  [03:34.06]Oh, the hot water, you may have to give it a little time... 如果需要热水 你得等一会...
  [03:37.50]...to burble up at you. ...听见水响才行
  [03:41.70]If you need any extra blankets, towels, anything, don’t hesitate to ask. 如果需要添毛毯毛巾 或别的东西 尽管说
  [03:44.58]After all, you are the only guest. 毕竟 你是唯一的客人
  [03:48.74]If you’re lucky, you’ll see bankers. 运气好的话 你会看到猎马
  [03:52.46]That’s the wild ponies that were descendents of the horses... 那是矮种野马 它们的祖先...
  [03:55.86]...that were shipwrecked here hundreds of years ago. They swam miles to shore. 几世纪前 因为海难 游到了这里
  [04:00.58]Well, uh, dinner’s at 8. 还有8点吃晚饭
  [04:04.46]Or 7, 7:30 if you’d prefer. Whatever time you’d like because- 7点或7点半 如果你喜欢 什么时间都可以 因为...
  [04:05.54]I’m the only guest. Seven-thirty’s great. 我是唯一的客人 7点半最好
  [04:08.82]Yes. 是的
  [04:11.82]-Can I get you anything else? -No, I think I’ve got everything. - 需要别的什么吗? - 不 我想足够了
  [04:16.58]ADRIENNE: Okay. 好的
  [04:55.54]Oh, Jean. 哦 Jean
  [05:07.02]MAN (ON RADIO): Tightly lock and secure doors and windows...  请关严门窗
  [05:09.70]... and bring all deck furniture, anything which may be blown away, inside.  ...把室外的家具搬到屋内
  [05:12.26]WOMAN (ON RADIO): And now for those listeners...   听众朋友...
  [05:13.86]... not familiar with the region the Outer Banks.  ...如果您不熟悉那些堤岸
  [05:18.46]MAN: They are a strip of islands which run along the Carolina coastline...  它们是Carolina沿岸的海岛
  [05:19.14]PAUL: I don’t know. I don’t care. I just want it there. I want it. 我不知道 我不管 我要你准备好
  [05:24.98]I want the equipment there when I arrive. That’s the whole point... 我到的时候 要准备好设备 这是关键...
  [05:51.22]WOMAN (ON RADIO): You’re listening to WROH...  您现在收听的是WROH...
  [05:52.82]... the music of Rodanthe, where yesterday lives today.  ...Rodanthe的音乐 从昨天到今天
  [06:09.22]Unless you’d prefer white? 您要白葡萄酒吗?
  [06:13.42]No, no, red is fine. Red is good. 不  红酒可以
  [06:20.14]-I’ll come back with your salad. -Okay. - 我给你拿沙拉 - 好的
  [06:47.70]Dinah, Dinah Washington. She’s so great. Dinah Washington 唱的真棒
  [07:07.50]Something wrong with your table? 餐桌有问题吗?
  [07:09.66]Absolutely not. 当然不是
  [07:13.14]Didn’t wanna eat alone. 我不想一个人吃
  [07:17.30]Oh. 哦
  [07:20.02]Okay. 好的
  [07:23.30]-Here’s your salad. -Thank you. - 你的沙拉 - 谢谢
  [07:25.94]Thank you. 谢谢
  [07:30.62]I’m hungry. 我真的饿了
  [07:31.14]It’s probably the air. 可能因为是气候
  [07:34.74]-What? -Makes you hungry. - 什么? - 让你觉得饿了
  [07:38.38]I’ve been coming here for years with my husband, Jack, and the kids. 我来这儿几年了 丈夫Jack 还有孩子
  [07:42.54]But just the kids, lately. 但现在 只剩我和孩子
  [07:45.54]Yeah, well, I never got home for dinner either. 我从没在家吃过晚饭
  [07:48.02]Oh, Jack made it home for dinner, all right. Jack在家做晚饭
  [07:51.14]When he, uh... 当他...
  [07:54.18]-When he was there. -Thank you. - 他在的时候 - 谢谢
  [08:00.46]We might be getting back together. 我们也许会复合
  [08:03.86]I’m sorry, I just- It’s weird not knowing if you’re married or not. 抱歉 还不知道 你结婚了没有
  [08:07.94]It’s all right. I don’t know where I live. 没关系 我都不知道自己住哪儿
  [08:17.18]Well, you didn’t come here for the beach. 你来这儿不是为了海滩
  [08:21.22]No, I came here to talk to somebody. 不 我来这儿找人
  [08:29.90]-More wine? -Yeah, sure. - 再来点吗? - 是的 当然
  [08:34.26]Oh, can I...? 哦 我来...?
  [08:36.22]-You’re not having any? -No. - 你不来点吗? - 不
  [08:39.82]Well, why not? 好吧 为什么不?
  [08:44.58]So if you’re not Jean, who are you? 你不是Jean 你是谁?
  [08:46.18](LAUGHS) 抱歉 我叫Adrienne Willis
  [08:48.66]I’m sorry, I’m Adrienne Willis.
  [08:51.78]-Adrienne. -Adrienne Taylor. - Adrienne - Adrienne Taylor
  [08:54.86]I was Adrienne Taylor, and... 以前叫Adrienne Taylor ...
  [08:57.82]Adrienne. Adrienne
  [09:00.42](CLEARS THRO AT)
  [09:02.66]Well, uh, do you have kids? 你有小孩吗?
  [09:06.78]Yeah. Yeah, I have a son. 是的 有个儿子
  [09:11.22]He’s a doctor. 他是医生
  [09:13.02]-Really? -Yeah. - 真的? - 是的
  [09:14.10]Well, you must have done something right. 你一定教子有方
  [09:16.38]Yeah, well, not me, my wife. 不是我 是我妻子
  [09:19.78]Ex-wife. 前妻
  [09:22.78]I can’t take any credit. 不是我的功劳
  [09:47.62]Oh, that’s great. Thank you. 太好了 谢谢
  [09:49.42]-What is that? -That glow? - 那是什么? - 那个火光吗?
  [09:53.22]-Yeah. -It’s called Teach’s Light. - 是的 - 那是Teach之火
  [09:54.50]Captain Teach, the pirate, swore he’d put his enemies to an everlasting fire. 海岛船长Teach 发誓要把敌人投入烈焰
  [10:00.14]That glow’s supposed to be their bodies burning. 那火光就是燃烧的躯体