
   [00:05.46]I would like to bestow upon you... 我愿意给你们.  .

  [00:08.22]the honor of the... 吉诺威亚
  [00:11.94]Genovian Order of the... 最高的
  [00:12.58]uh...Genovian Order of the Rose. 最高的玫瑰奖
  [00:18.06]Oh--oh! Ooh!
  [00:19.06]-Ooh! -Ooh!
  [00:22.22]Oh. 你们能跪下吗?
  [00:24.54]Would you please kneel?
  [00:30.18]Um...does anybody have a saber? 谁有小刀?
  [00:33.18]Oh! I’ve got an umbrella! 哦,  我有一把伞 !
  [00:33.70]I have an emergency brake. 我要锋利一点的
  [00:37.46]This will do fine, thank you. 这个就好了,  谢谢
  [00:38.34]With the power vested in me... 用我所有的权利.  .
  [00:42.14]by the royal crown of Genovia... 为吉诺威亚的人们
  [00:43.82]I dub thee-- 我授予你们.  .
  [00:44.78]Artie Washington, San Francisco, ma’am. 华盛顿    ,  旧金山,  太太
  [00:49.58]CLARISSE: Arthur Washington. 亚瑟华盛顿
  [00:50.90]And I dub thee-- 我授予你.  .
  [00:52.30]Bruce Macintosh of San Leandro. 山林德的布鲁斯
  [00:53.86]Bruce Macintosh... 布鲁斯
  [00:57.34]masters of the Order of the Rose. 玫瑰奖
  [00:58.74]And all of you bear witness... 你们大家都亲眼看见
  [00:59.54]to this auspicious moment in history. 历史上这幸运的一刻
  [01:03.10]OFFICER: Wait till I go home and tell Bernice. 等我回家告诉宾尼斯
  [01:03.62]Please rise. 请起来
  [01:05.38]Now, Mia, I know you don’t want to go... 米亚,  我知道你不想去.  .
  [01:09.58]all the way downtown, but-- 市区,  但是.  .
  [01:10.26]That really won’t be necessary. 没有那个必要了
  [01:14.46]No one got hurt, did they? 你们没有谁受伤了,  是吗?
  [01:14.90]Chivalry ain’t dead, you know, so-- 奇瓦利没有死,  你知道,  所以.  .
  [01:15.94]-We’re insured. -OK. 我们交了保险        好吧
  [01:19.50]Noble Arthur, how very kind. 诺贝尔.  亚瑟,  真好
  [01:22.38]OFFICER: Do you need a lift home? 要送你回家吗?
  [01:23.98]Oh, that would be very helpful, thank you. 太好了,  谢谢
  [01:25.94]Come along, Mia.
  [01:27.74]CLARISSE: Good-bye, trolley people! 走吧,  米亚            再见 !
  [01:29.06]MIA: Please take the car to Doctor Motors? 要送这辆车去修理吗?
  [01:29.62]-Good-bye! -So long! 再见 !
  [01:31.94]Good-bye. 再见
  [01:33.14]Good-bye! 再见 !
  [01:33.54]You were awesome! 你们太可敬了 !
  [01:37.22]You are the coolest queen ever! 你是到面前为止最好的女王 !
  [01:40.18]All in a day’s work. 这只是 日 常工作
  [01:41.74]Would you like to slide in first? 你想先拍个照吗?
  [01:42.46]Wave good-bye! That’s a queen! 再见 !     她是女王 !
  [01:46.66]Good-bye. 再见
  [01:48.50]TOURIS TS: Good-bye! 再见 !
  [01:50.02]MAN: Hey, Bruce! 嘿,  布鲁斯 !
  [01:50.06]Thank you. 谢谢你们
  [01:52.22]How about gettin’ on your royal carriage... 坐坐你的皇室车.  .
  [01:52.50]and gettin’ us out of here? 带我们离开这里怎么样?
  [02:04.34]TOUR DRIVER: Here she is. 她来了
  [02:04.74]This is the possible new Princess of Genovia here. 这可能是吉诺威亚的新公主
  [02:08.30]Anyone? 有谁知道吗?
  [02:11.30]That was a question on ’’Jeopardy. ’’ 有个有关“杰柏”的问题
  [02:11.70]TOUR DRIVER: This is the girl that won the genetic lottery. 这个是那个中 了六合彩的女孩
  [02:15.06]TOUR KID: Look! Here’s the princess! 看,  公主来了 !
  [02:17.18]HARBULA: OK, back up. Let’s go. 回来了,  我们走
  [02:17.86]The princess is late for school. 公主上学要迟到了
  [02:21.54]TOUR KID: Could you sign my backpack? 你能给我签个名吗?
  [02:22.54]May I have your autograph, please? 你能给我签个名吗?
  [02:23.46]TOUR KID: Hi, Princess. 你好,  公主
  [02:23.74]Hi. What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?
  [02:25.58]Lilly. 利莉
  [02:27.22]Lilly? That’s my best friend’s name. 利莉?我最好的朋友叫利莉
  [02:31.18]I would definitely say that. 我可以肯定的说是的
  [02:31.38]Would you consider you and the princess best friends? 你认为你和公主是最好的朋友吗?
  [02:34.38]We do everything together. 我们做什么事都在一起
  [02:37.26]We shop together, get our hair done together. 我们一起购物,  一起理发
  [02:38.86]We even finish each other’s sentences. 我们甚至连对方要说的 下一句话都说了
  [02:40.50]It’s very cool. 很好
  [02:40.82]Charlotte. 查尔多
  [02:42.14]MIA: And what’s your name? 你叫什么名字?
  [02:42.22]Charlotte? You two must be twins, huh? 查尔多?你们一定是双胞胎,  是吗?
  [02:45.70]CHARLO TTE: Yes. 是的
  [02:47.78]MIA: I don’t have any sisters... 我没有姐妹
  [02:48.86]CHARLO TTE: That’s a funny name! 那个名字很好听 !
  [02:49.46]but I do have a cat-- Fat Louie. 我有一只猫.  .  .          肥露
  [02:52.26]Will you take a picture with me, Princess? 公主,  你能和我合个影吗?
  [02:55.02]HARBULA: The princess is late for algebra. 公主上课要迟到了
  [02:56.82]MIA: Thank you so much. 谢谢
  [02:59.22]The pack is back. Are you ready? 包裹在后面,  你准备好了吗?
  [03:03.38](Stops playing)
  [03:03.78]Do they see you when they look at me?
  [03:10.38]Do they see my many personalities?
  [03:13.60]Can you help me?
  [03:14.74]Oh, no
  [03:15.82]Does anybody hear me?
  [03:20.10]Can they even see me?
  [03:21.26]This is not reality
  [03:25.66]Mia. 米亚
  [03:26.86]Why can’t I just reach up and simply...
  [03:31.82]Step into my office. 来我办公室
  [03:33.50]Why can’t I flap my arms and fly and fly and fly?
  [03:35.90]Tell me why...
  [03:39.94]So, um...
  [03:43.06]I hope what Lana said on TV... 我希望拉娜在电视上说的.  .
  [03:43.86]didn’t freak you out too much. 没有使你感到不安
  [03:45.60]Because I broke up with her because of it... 我和她分手是因为这个.  .
  [03:46.06]-No. -OK, good. 没有        很好
  [03:49.18]and I hate phony publicity seekers. 我讨厌假冒的公共探险者
  [03:50.98]Anyway... 再说.  .
  [03:53.46]Saturday night’s the big beach party. 星期六晚上的大型沙滩舞会
  [03:57.34]I think it’d be cool if we went together. 我想如果我们一起去的话会 很好的
  [04:00.94]See you on the waves? 到时见好吗?
  [04:03.82]OK. OK. 好的
  [04:04.54]Bye. (Laughs) 再见
  [04:09.46]P.A.: Attention. 注意
  [04:12.46]Remember to watch Grove High School’s TV cable show... 记得看电视.  .
  [04:15.34]Saturday nights with your host Lilly Moscovitz. 星期六晚上和你的主人利莉 莫斯科威兹
  [04:17.34]MIA: Michael. 麦克尔
  [04:18.90]Princess. 公主
  [04:21.22]You will never guess what Josh Bryant just asked me. 你永远猜不出乔斯.  莱安 刚才问我什么
  [04:24.90]No. He asked me... 不,  他问我.  .
  [04:25.02]’’Can I borrow a comb?’’ “我能借一把梳子吗?”
  [04:26.60]to go to the Baker Beach Party with him. 一起和他去参加沙滩舞会
  [04:29.26]That’s this Saturday, right? 星期六,  是吗?
  [04:31.54]Yeah. So I was thinking... 是的,  我一直在想.  .
  [04:35.34]I could come by the garage next week... 我下个星期可以去汽修厂
  [04:36.14]and listen to your band play then. All right? 再听听你们乐队唱歌,  好吗?
  [04:37.54]Oh, yeah. That’s--Yeah. 好的
  [04:38.62]-Are you OK? -Yeah, I’m fine. 你没事吧?是的,  我没事
  [04:41.58]All right. Well, I have to go... 好了,  我要走了.  .
  [04:44.58]but thank you so much. Bye! 太谢谢你了,  再见 !
  [04:45.54]Bye. 再见
  [04:47.06]Too many feelings
  [04:51.06]Emotions running away with me
  [04:54.60]There’s a feeling inside me
  [05:00.18]HELEN: Is Joseph driving you? 是乔斯福开车送你吗?
  [05:00.70]MIA: No. Joseph was nice enough... 不,  乔斯福太好了.  .
  [05:00.98]to take the night off. 整晚都不见 他
  [05:03.34]I’ll take the school bus with the other kids. 我要和其他的孩子一起 乘学校的公共汽车
  [05:03.74]I look like an asparagus. 我看起来就像一根芦笋
  [05:08.66]But a very, very cute asparagus. 但是是根味道很好的芦笋
  [05:10.42]No, it’s OK. I’ll just wear my blue suit. 好了,  我穿我的蓝色衣服就行了
  [05:14.22]Are you nervous about the beach party? 你对沙滩舞会感到紧张吗?
  [05:15.98]No. Actually, I’m kind of excited. 不,  有点兴奋
  [05:16.86]I think I might get my first real kiss. 我想我可以要我的初吻
  [05:19.38]-Oh! Who from? -Josh Bryant. 谁?    乔斯.  布兰特
  [05:23.82]That Backstreet Boy clone you’ve had a crush on forever? 那个后街男孩?
  [05:26.62]He is not a Backstreet Boy clone. 他不是后街男孩
  [05:27.74]He’s a sailor. 他是个水手
  [05:30.62]I thought he was never nice to you. 我想他从未对你好过
  [05:31.98]Oh. Well... 嗯.  .
  [05:32.60]I don’t know. He is now. 我不知道
  [05:36.78]I just hope that if he kisses me... 我只是希望如果他吻我.  .
  [05:42.46]um...my foot pops. 我的脚会跳起来
  [05:43.54]Yeah. You know, in old films... 是的,  你知道,  在旧 电影中.  .
  [05:44.10]Pops? 跳起来?
  [05:47.78]whenever a girl gets seriously kissed... 无论何时女孩得到了 一个真正的吻.  .
  [05:48.70]her foot would just kind of...pop. 他的脚会跳起来
  [06:08.78]Ha ha ha! Pop! 跳 !
  [06:11.94]Ha ha ha! 我现在要更衣了
  [06:13.02]I hope you get your first real foot-popping’ kiss. 我希望你能得到你的 第一个跳脚吻
  [06:13.34]I’m gonna go change now.
  [06:22.66]We are Mark and Brian... 我们是马克和布雷.  .
  [06:24.70]and welcome to the Baker Beach Bash. 欢迎你们来到 巴希海滩
  [06:27.06]MARK: Now, with one week left of school... 还剩一个星期在学校了.  .
  [06:27.58]you’re gonna be out for the summer... 你们就要开始你们的暑假了.  .
  [06:30.22]and we know what’s on your mind. 我们知道你们是怎么想的
  [06:32.26]How are you gonna find that summer love? 你要怎样找你的暑假情人?
  [06:33.22]And if you do, how do you know if it’s true? 如果你找到了的话 你怎么知道是真的?
  [06:34.82]Here to tell us all about it, please welcome... 告诉我们        欢迎.  .
  [06:39.42]Lana and the Lanettes! 拉娜和兰提丝 !
  [06:39.46]MARK AND BRIAN: Lana, Anna, and Fontana!
  [06:43.78]Stupid cupid, you’re a real mean guy
  [06:47.02]I’d like to clip your wings so you can’t fly
  [06:50.42]I’m in love and it’s a crying shame
  [06:54.38]And I know that you’re the one to blame
  [06:58.46]ANNA AND FONTANA: Stupid cupid
  [07:00.10]Hey, hey, set me free
  [07:01.46]Stupid cupid, stop picking on me
  [07:05.62]You mixed me up but good
  [07:07.34]Right from the very start
  [07:12.58]Hey, go play Robin Hood
  [07:13.60]With somebody else’s heart
  [07:20.54]You got me jumping like a crazy clown...
  [07:23.30]JOSH: Uhh!
  [07:24.70]MIA: That was so-- 太.  .
  [07:26.50]-Awesome, huh? -Amazing! 可怕了,  是吗?        太惊奇了 !
  [07:29.38]Ha ha! I’m glad you had fun. 你觉得很有趣我太高兴了
  [07:29.58]I thought you’d get scared, honestly... 老实说,  我觉得你很可怕.  .
  [07:31.86]’cause most of the girls I take on the boat... 因为我在船上带的 大多数女孩.  .
  [07:34.06]they freak out. 他们都感到很害怕
  [07:35.74]Oh, no. I wasn’t scared. 不,  我不怕
  [07:37.86]Stupid cupid, stop picking on me
  [07:38.94]Stupid cupid
  [07:45.60]And now it’s time for your favorite talk show host... 接下来是你们最喜欢的节 目 了
  [07:51.94]direct from Grove High School... 格莱伍高中 的.  .
  [07:54.46]the lovely Lilly. “可爱的利莉”
  [07:59.02]LILLY: It’s Saturday night... 星期六晚上.  .
  [08:01.18]and welcome to my cable show, ’’Shut Up and Listen. ’’ 欢迎收看我的表演“ 别说话,  听着”
  [08:04.38]Later on in my show... 在我的表演后期.  .
  [08:06.18]I will be joined by our very own Princess Mia... 我将要加入到我们的 米亚公主.  .
  [08:07.18]to discuss her positive opinion... 发表她相反的观点.  .
  [08:11.42]of the ’’Save the Sea Otter’’ movement. 有关“拯救海癞”的行动
  [08:15.42]Until she arrives... 她来了之后
  [08:16.62]I’ve asked Grove’s magic master... 我请到格莱伍的魔术师.  .
  [08:17.78]Jeremiah Hart... 杰里米.  .
  [08:21.06]to entertain us with some sleight of hand. 和我们作表演
  [08:22.98]Hello, folks. 大家好
  [08:25.54]Hold me, baby, ’cause you love me
  [08:29.94]With every single touch
  [08:32.58]It’s more than just a crush
  [08:34.66]Baby, you know
  [08:36.66]Reach me
  [08:38.98]Only you can see me
  [08:42.14]And what I crave so much
  [08:44.34]It’s more than just a crush
  [08:49.42]It’s more than just a crush
  [08:50.22]Every time we touch
  [08:52.98]GIRL: Awesome! 阿维孙 !
  [08:57.30]Hey, Princess! Give us a smile! 公主,  笑一个 !
  [08:59.94]How did they find me here? 你们怎么知道我在这里?
  [09:01.14]What? 什么?
  [09:02.90]PHO TOGRAPHER: Hey, wave, everybody! 大家好!
  [09:03.22]How did they find me here?! 他们怎么知道我在这里? !
  [09:06.02]You’re on TV! 你们现在上电视了 !
  [09:07.78]Wait, Princess, don’t be shy! 等等,  公主,  别害羞 !
  [09:11.58]Come back! 回来 !
  [09:12.26]BRIAN: Hey, chopper boy, look over here! 嘿,  看这里 !
  [09:14.18]Royal deejays! 一流的DJ !
  [09:20.54]Oh, no! I am so sorry about all this. 不 !     对不起
  [09:20.82]Josh! 乔斯 !
  [09:25.38]No, it’s fine. 不,  没事的
  [09:27.86]They can’t get us in here. 在里面他们拍不到我们的
  [09:28.86]We were having such a good time... 我们玩得这么开心.  .
  [09:30.78]and then they came and ruined it. 被他们给破坏了
  [09:32.54]I know, I know. Look, they can’t see us... 我知道,  他们看不见我们.  .
  [09:34.22]we can’t see them. 我们看不见 他们
  [09:37.06]We’re all alone in this little shack. 只有我们在这里面
  [09:39.42]Actually, you know what? 只有我们在这里面
  [09:40.50]这里很虾逸.  .
  [09:41.50]It’s kind of cozy in here... 你知道什么?
  [09:45.10]and there’s no one I’d rather be here with than you. 我和你在一起感到最开心了
  [09:48.66]Really? 真的?
  [09:52.22]Yeah. 是的
  [09:59.78]-Josh? -Mm-hmm?