新标准初中英语第二册--Module 10 Life history(在线收听


[00:00.00]Module 10 Life history

[00:03.35]Unit 1We listened to the radio

[00:07.27]Vocabulary and listening4 Listen and check (√)  the dates.

[00:50.08]5 Listen and read.Betty:When were you      born, Grandpa?

[00:57.08]Grandfather:I was bornin November 1935.Betty:Did you ride abike to school when youwere a boy?

[01:05.11]Grandfather:Yes, I did.Betty:Did you watch      television?

[01:09.65]Grandfather:No, wedidn't. We didn't havea TV. We listened to theradio.

[01:15.97]Betty:Did your parentshave a telephone?Grandfather:Yes,they did

[01:20.74]Betty:Did you play      computer games?

[01:23.35]Grandfather:No,we didn'tThere weren't computersthen. We had games likechess.

[01:31.00]Betty:Did you watch      movies?Grandfather:Yes, I did.

[01:34.83]Betty:What did you do in      the summer?

[01:37.06]Grandfather:In July andAugust, my brother and Ivisited my aunt near thesea.

[01:43.17]Betty:Did she have a     house on the beach?Grandfather:Yes, she did

[01:47.47]Betty:And did you travel      by car?Grandfather:No,we didn'tWe didn't have a car. Wetravelled by train.

[01:55.34]6 Listen again and check (√) the things Betty's grandfather had.

[02:59.71]Pronunciation7 Listen and repeat.

[03:05.39]1 Did you ride a bike?2 Did you watch  television?

[03:14.89]3 Did your mother play  the piano?4 Did you go away in  the summer?

[03:26.09]Unit 2He decided to be anactor.

[03:30.47]Reading and vocabulary1 Read the passage and  answer the questions.

[03:38.11]1 Who was William  Shakespeare?2 When was he born?3 Where was he born?

[03:49.78]The life of WilliamShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare wasa writer of plays andpoems.

[03:56.83]Some of his most famousplays are Hamlet andRomeo and Juliet. He wasborn in 1564 in England.

[04:05.81]At school he likedwatching plays. Hedecided to be an actorwhen he finished schoolat the age of fourteen.

[04:14.20]He married in 1582 andhad three children.

[04:18.56]At twenty-eight he movedto London and joined atheatre company.

[04:23.46]He became a successfulactor and started writ-ing plays.

[04:27.79]Queen Elizabeth Ienjoyed Shakespeare'splays.

[04:32.10]In 1599 the companyopened the Globe Theatreon the River Thames inLondon.

[04:38.92]You can go to the GlobeTheatre today.

[04:41.97]William Shakespeare diedat the age of fifty-two.He was rich and success-ful.

[04:48.15]You still see his playsin English and in manyother languages. He isone of the most famouswriters in the world.

[04:55.73]Words and expressionsModule 10



[05:20.70]October/╛k't╓ub╓/n.10月November/n╓u'vemb╓/n.11月December/di'semb╓/n.12月go away 走开;离开


[05:43.28]at the age of 在……岁时marry/'m╗ri/v.结婚move/mu:v/v.搬(家);移动join/d╜╛in/v.参加;加入



[06:04.63]WorkbookModule 10 Life history

[06:10.11]Listening6 Listen and number the  words in the order you  hear them.

[06:53.27]7 Listen again and  answer the questions.

[07:34.31]Reading andpronunciation8 Read the passage and  correct the sentences.

[07:42.19]Betty:Look. I've got abook about Shakespeare'slife. Shakespeare wasborn and died on thesame day.

[07:51.63]He was born on 23 April,1564 and he died on 23April, 1616.

[08:02.66]Daming:So he died at theage of 52. Did he finishschool at the age of 12?

[08:09.67]Betty:No, he didn't. Hefinished school at theage of 14.

[08:15.28]Daming:Did he marry when       he was young?Betty:Yes, he did. Hemarried a woman calledAnne at the age of 18.

[08:23.70]Daming:Were there any       children?

[08:25.63]Betty:Yes, there werethree children. And thisis interesting aboutvocabulary, too.

[08:32.23]There are 29,066different words inShakespeare's plays.

[08:38.29]And Hamlet was thelongest and most popularof all his plays.

[08:43.90]9 Listen and repeatthe sentences andcorrections in Activity8. Make sure you stressthe correct information.
