美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2012-08-16(在线收听

 1. Police say at least one law enforcement officer and one civilian have been killed in a shooting near Texas A&M university's campus. They also say the gunman died after the shooting. 

2. It's his first solo campaign outing since being named as Mitt Romney's runnning mate. Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan greeted voters of the Iowa State Fair. Meantime, President Barack Obama was also in Iowa starting a three-day campaign bus tour.
3. Iran has raised the death toll from Saturday's twin earthquakes to more than 300. At least 3000 were injured. Scores of aftershock have hit the mountainous area since that. 
4. And NASA sicentists in Pasadena, California got a phone call today from the president. He called to congratuate them on last week's landing of the Curiosity rover on Mars. He also asked them to let him know if the craft happens to see any Martians.